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my life.. (5)

1 Name: herpes : 2012-04-15 23:36 ID:9y1KpmtL [Del]

At school:
Usually at lunch and snack time youll find me in a huge table with all my friends, we're not popular, we don't fit in, we're deifferent. We're like twenty or something. I love my friends, it took me a lot of time to find a group i people i actually like an dont want to lose. We're all smart but some of us get good grades and some of us get bad. Im always the one makong the jokes. In a classroom i talk depending on the class but i always pay attention cuz i really dislike studying. I also take afterschool clases at an art school in there im sort of alone well not completely i just choose to be alone, i preffer being alone. Inthe afternoons I dont go to art school i stay till six waiting to get picked up, we usually sit in a corner away from the rest of the people because we like our space (and need it) and highly dislike the rest of our classmates. By time people start leaving and were always don to my five closest friends, people think we're an orgy group because were always away and hugging, poking, touching and shitand also cuz were all bi except two but were not . Only one of us isnt a virgin. But lige at school is ok.
At home:
We love each other, like every family we fight and specially now, but hey im a teenage going through depression so we should fight. Yes thats why i wrote this I want help. My family is perfect, we go out, buyba lot stuff, go to different restauramts were close. At school my life is also perfect but why do i get this feeling of crap and just wanna get rid of my life? Help?

2 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-16 00:34 ID:2tyfjbJ6 [Del]

(sorry but I'm about to sound mean) yoir just going through teen angst I mean from what your saying you have good life. Good friends nice faamily. Your just.going through this stage of melo drama. It passes and you'll get over it. right now your just being a drama queen.

3 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-16 07:07 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

>>2This.You need nothing else but this comment.

4 Name: Jez : 2012-04-16 18:44 ID:EiLnV19E [Del]

I also agree with 2, but i have more to add.
Truthfully i was going through exactly the same thing, so much in fact that i ended up bursting in tears after school when i was near my friends.
I think it's fantastic you have such close friends, so i think you should talk to them about it. That's exactly what i put off doing, but in the end i just couldn't hold it in anymore.
From a personal experience, please trust me and tell them how you are feeling.

Good luck.

5 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-04-16 22:19 ID:Eq8wvB4R [Del]

Been there.

You get over it after about a year and a half.

Trust me, it's nothing unusual. But I'm not gunna call you out on "teen angst" or anything because that term is mildly offensive. This is, however, something that most people go through. Just ride it out like a BOSS and you'll be fine.