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It's all unraveling, right in front of my eyes... (9)

1 Name: Feral : 2012-04-13 14:20 ID:NCK4ER2C [Del]

Okay, finally time for me to start freaking out...

I'm in trouble here. I have no clue where to begin fixing these problems set in front of me, so maybe you guys can help point me in the right direction.

My mom just came home today, flopped her purse on the kitchen table, and said the words I had never hoped to hear again: "Lost my job today."

Now, normally this wouldn't get to me. She would have some severance pay coming, or unemployment for a time. But, they refused to give it to her, on what grounds, I have no idea. So, in other words, she should have had a different job, yesterday.

We've had to deal with poverty before, when my mom lost her last job. But we had unemployment checks coming in the mail. Now, shes looking at me and telling me that I have to support the family. Mortgage payments, utility bills, pet expenses, food, a sister still in school, and all on top of my own expenses, on $9/hour.

I can't do that. I just bottom line can't. I don't know what to do, where to turn, how to tackle this situation like I usually do, nothing.

Just... any encouragement or helpful advice would be more appreciated than you know, guys. Where do I start?

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-13 15:31 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

Well, shit. Ain't that a little harsh? :|

First thing's first? Start reducing expenses. Get rid of unnecessary bills. I suggest completely getting rid of your television service (unless you're at a point where you can't in your contract). If you don't need it for your job/for looking for a job, berid yourself of the internet. I'm sure you have a library near you that has free internet. Don't buy snacks or any unnecessary food. Keep enough for the family's breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Of course, if you can afford it, bring home something special every now and again.

Tell your mother that she better spend every hour of the day before buying/making dinner looking for a job or else you're not helping. See if you can get a second job in the meantime. If not, see what you have around to sell, such as baseball cards, or w/e. Ask your mom if there are any stocks in the family that she can slip a bit of money from. Ask your family members and friends if they would be charitable enough to help pay the next mortgage bill or at least help you/her find another job. Make sure your mom keeps trying to get unemployment.

Honestly, if your house/mortgage bill is just wayyy too fucking much for you to pay, I would say to leave it. Find a cheap apartment to rent out. You won't have to pay for as many of the bills you are now, and the rent itself should be cheaper than wherever you are. Of course, that's if you're not in an apartment already. Don't be afraid to downsize.

It's going to be hell for a while, but that happens. My mom just got a job (finally), so we're slowly getting out of the financial wreck we were in. I send you lots of internet-rooted love. Good luck :O

3 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-13 15:35 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

>>2 Also, save up money for grocery shopping. To save money on gas, don't go once a week/once every other week. Buy in bulk once a month. Of course, you'll have to go out and get milk/eggs every week, but there's usually a place in walking distance for that.

When you go out shopping, don't bring any younger members of the family along. Only buy what's absolutely necessary. Obviously, no fast food or going out for dinner for a while.

When you're getting things for dinner, get large things, like a pot roast. You won't eat it in one night, and you can make something different every night using the left overs. You tend to save money buying large items that can be used for a while rather than getting small items for every night.

Also, don't be afraid to take a trip to the local dollar store for your smaller needs.

4 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-13 20:27 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

Just do exactly what BarabiSama said (nice job, couldn't say it better myself, probably not even as well).
I wish you so much luck.

5 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-14 01:00 ID:AwbxYZdU [Del]

Where do you live? How old are you? What kind of work do you do? Would you be interested in working with me, if you are close/old enough?
You will make more than nine an hour. I promise you that.

6 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-14 06:41 ID:AwbxYZdU [Del]


7 Name: Feral : 2012-04-14 10:46 ID:NCK4ER2C [Del]

>>2 >>3 >>4 Thanks for the advice and helpful words, guys. Really helps. Thank you, a thousand times, thank you.

>>5 I live in Indiana, 20 years old, and I'm interested in any full-time position that pays more than where I'm at now.

8 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-14 20:10 ID:a3AYYhpF [Del]

Email me.

9 Name: Zero : 2012-04-15 15:26 ID:FaFnYkOZ [Del]

Wow man.

I agree with BarabiSama.