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A Big Decision - Opinions? (24)

1 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-07 11:54 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

Sorry to bother you guys with yet another thread :O I need some opinions on this: I'm thinking of repeating the year in HS :V For anyone else, this may not even be an option, but I think it would help me.

Basically, I have been sick a lot. There aren't any free clinics here, and my family doesn't have enough money to take me to the doctor's. Everything has just been piling on top, and I have missed many days of school. Missing days and some irresponsibility on my part have caused some of my grades to drop, and I'm at the limit of unexcused absences. You have to retake the year if you go past that limit. I can't afford summer school (obviously), so I'm not sure what to do.

I'm not sure if I should suffer through the rest of the year or just continue what I'm doing. If I continue what I'm doing, that would mean probably staying back a year. It doesn't bother me that much, though. I went into school a year early, and I skipped a year in several of my classes. Staying back a year would put me in the same classes as my friends. In the classes that I didn't skip a year in, I'll just end up with my own age group anyway. My guidance counselor also told me they would wipe my grades from this year and not include them in my GPA. That way, I could start over. Next year shouldn't be as bad money-wise since my mom just got a job, and if I'm still ill, I might actually be able to go to the doctor. (My mom's job doesn't offer child health insurance, and my step-dad's job doesn't offer health insurance for step children. I'm the only one in the family that can't go to a doctor at the moment :V)

If I don't stay back, my grades right now would make me have to repeat certain classes anyway. Because I want to go to VoTech (which I'll get into whether I stay back or not) Junior and Senior years (I'm currently a Sophomore), I won't have time to make up those classes. I'll have to take a 9th period both years. I already have class in place of a lunch on my schedule, and I like it that way, but I don't want to not have an option regarding it.

My main problem is because about 3/4 of the scholarships I was looking into don't accept students who were in HS for more than four years, and staying back a year is like a slap in the face to my pride. Since my mom is working and may be getting paid well soon, I don't think I'm going to qualify for grants by senior year, but I still won't have enough money to pay for school, especially since my mom refuses to help me set up a college funding plan. She thinks we're going to magically have all the money we need by then or something... w/e. I would love to get a job, myself, but getting a job under 18 is difficult here. There are only one or two resturaunts that accept 16+ applicants, and I'm not even sixteen yet. There are jobs at Six Flags, but because it's one of the only options for kids around here, and it has a low applicant/acceptant rate, there's a slim chance I'll get in.

So, would staying back be worth it?

Good Points
+will be in classes with my friends and/or those my age
+fix my GPA and bring it back to the lovely 3.8 it was last year
+won't have to stress about fitting classes in

Bad Points
+lack of scholarships / funding possibilities
+general pride-related butthurt

2 Name: Aneliuke : 2012-04-07 12:24 ID:uEOUrUxv [Del]

I think you should repeat the year. Studying is very importante, it may effect your life in the future. And it's better for your health too (sorry about my english)

3 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-07 12:44 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

If you pass your super fancy end of the year tests, then no.
If you fail miserably, then yes.
so... try your bestest sama and dont just give up. Unless you already passed the mark where you missed x amount of days so you cant go on even if you wanted to

4 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-07 13:03 ID:J82At3Gf [Del]

>>3 Agreed, as long as you do good on your end of the year test you'll be fine right? and doing good on your semester finals would boost up your grades too. Colleges are really expensive and sense your kinda in the same boat as me, I would prefer to get as many scholarships as you can.

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-07 13:49 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

>>3 Is it.. possible to fail a final? :|

A final is the easiest grade of the year, in my opinion. By then, you've learned everything, whether you were absent or not. Problem is... that's not going to boost my grade much, even if I ace them. I don't care about taking finals over; they're easy. But they're not going to change any of the factors I put in the first post :/ End of the year tests don't change much here.

Plus, they don't affect much. Passing/failing final exams don't change a thing. They just give your final grade a bit of a raise or drop.

6 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-07 13:54 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

>>5 Oh, whoops. I just remembered something.
Only Fashion, and Art have finals this year :V Everything else is compromised of midterms, the half of which I have done and gotten between 80-100 on. The endterms are the only part of it we still have to do, and they affect your grade even less.

7 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-07 14:43 ID:f3tRgicf [Del]

Go ahead and redo the year. Unless you can magically bring everything up before then. If you go on to next year without being ready you're just going to be stressed and fail.

I hope whatever route you choose is the best for you.

8 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-07 15:53 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

As long as I'm not absent anymore and get an A in everything this marking period, I won't have to retake any classes, and I will be able to continue on. I'm not sure if I should suffer sick through class and stress myself over every test and piece of homework, though. That's why I like the idea of staying back. Continuing on is possible, it will just take a lot of work to be able to get all the credits I need.

9 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-07 20:40 ID:olZLVVp2 [Del]

I say you retake the year. It seems to be the most beneficial and it will be much better for you. At least in my opinion.

10 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-08 12:59 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]


11 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-08 22:20 ID:XK0Wxbt1 [Del]

Retaking the year would probably be your best option. You know the pros and cons to doing so and that's already a step ahead of most people. I won't bother talking about the pros because it would be a little redundant so instead I will only talk about the cons.

First off, "lack of scholarships and funding possibilities" this isn't necessarily true. There will be a lack of particular routes and options but it wouldn't be a great loss. It would just mean you have to adapt to your situation. I'm not saying it would be easy but it would definitely be possible.

Second: "Ego damaging/Pride hurting." Again it comes down to adaption and your point of view. You can view it as a loss or you can view it as a tribulation of sorts. If you have to go back, redo things, get a few other things in order, and rebuild for the better, isn't that worth some bragging rights?

12 Name: Tatsuo !hylilKS3pw : 2012-04-09 01:05 ID:v/qOqdS1 [Del]

I say redo the year it seems like the path of least resistance and more beneficial

13 Name: Kiki : 2012-04-09 23:37 ID:gsKyYdj6 [Del]

If you are truly willing to put in effort next year I think it would be good for you to have a fresh start. Being sick is one thing, but other than that it's really hard to miss school and keep up with the work. If you try your best and show up to school as much as possible I think it will help you prepare to be serious for your future. I think it's really good that you're concerned about this instead of not caring so I wish you the best (:

14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-10 09:18 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

>>13 English, please? You went into all this detail of why, but you didn't say what you were supporting.

15 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-10 20:43 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]


16 Name: Feral : 2012-04-10 22:18 ID:NCK4ER2C [Del]

Well, if you think that staying back a year is the right thing for you to do, then I say go with your gut.

If you have been sick that much, not that I'm doubting you, and you want to see yourself go farther through school, then perhaps staying back is the right thing.

And scholarships won't be too hard to come by if you do end up re-taking the year. There are so many scholarships and grants out there I'm sure you can find something.

17 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-04-11 09:59 ID:7oQEhFou [Del]

>read >>13
>see >>14


Do you speak english? :(

Kiki put forth a valid opinion; I'm not sure how you don't understand it, unless you just jumped to a condescending perspective by default.

And if you're still a few years off from graduating, it'll always be possible to get a job when you can and start saving up then. Keep that in mind as well, if you still plan on retaking the school year. Consider it this way - if you don't retake the year, does it significantly reduce your chances of getting into a good college, due to the drop in your grades? Can you still salvage it by the end of your senior year?

18 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-11 13:30 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

>>17 That post confuses the hell out of me. I don't understand it. Is she telling me to repeat the year or not? "Fresh start" could be either way >o< A fresh start next year doing better, or a fresh start re-doing this year with a cleaner record? And, geeze, sorry I don't understand.

I highly doubt I'm going to be able to bring my GPA from the depths of 2.somethings by senior year unless I get straight A's. With effort, I have the ability to do so, but even then it's not going to come up as high as I would like it to be.

Gotta be honest with you guys here. None of my current college ideas are going to require a perfect GPA. However, I want it to be as high as possible so I'm good whether or not I decide to go for a more academically oriented major.

19 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-11 21:52 ID:y8SeyCbN [Del]

>>18 shes saying that, depending on the circumstances, basically if your doing good in school and it won't effect your chances of getting into a good college then dont retake another year but if you aren't ready to move on then retake the school year.

20 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-11 21:55 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

>>19 Thank you for translating that :O

21 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-11 22:24 ID:V5CUnExK [Del]

>>20 no problem ^^

22 Name: Kiki : 2012-04-13 01:13 ID:gsKyYdj6 [Del]

>>19 Lol thanks xD

Plus: Basically if you are going to retake the year, you have to be willing to work hard so it's worth while...

23 Name: Taekwondo !YbXNjrsNo6 : 2012-04-13 02:00 ID:Zt9RFk7e [Del]

One thing: Exersise~!

24 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-13 06:20 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

>>22 What? It's worth while enough as long as I don't fail. And I'm not going to retake the year and then fail >T

>>23 Go back to your cave, troll.