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change in pacing (13)

1 Name: Tatsuo !hylilKS3pw : 2012-04-07 01:50 ID:fCYJ9x/B [Del]

Idk if this should be in the personal board or not but hey...has anyone honestly tried to change themselves due to an anime,manga,light novel etc.? I've thought about doing this to change the pacing of my life and I think I am. Any thoughts?

2 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-07 02:04 ID:J82At3Gf [Del]

actually yes, after watching Fruits Basket i decided to be more grateful for what I have but this probably should go on the random board

3 Name: Sola : 2012-04-07 17:39 ID:ZPvQigs2 [Del]

yea i have too :D most anime has good qualities that most people should have :D like tomoyas kindness to other in clannad :D or naruto's ninja ways XD

4 Name: Sun : 2012-04-07 17:54 ID:x7KM8XqE [Del]

After I watched Kimi no Todoke I started doing 1 good deed everyday and tried being nice to everyone.

5 Name: Konata : 2012-04-07 18:52 ID:IaXYodYj [Del]

Yeah. I grew up watching anime and I'm always influenced by characters in anime because of this xD I'm exactly like a mix between Near from Death Note and Konata from Lucky Star :P

6 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-04-07 18:58 ID:Eq8wvB4R [Del]

I think this is something that everyone does.

Whether or not you want to be, you're affected by the things you allow yourself to be exposed to. If you expose yourself to a lot of anime that have messages about something, then you're likely to lean a bit towards that side of things due to the influence of the shows.

I myself do it consciously. I've picked out on particular thing -out of everything I've been involved with in my life- that seems to be a common, positive influence. Focusing on that really helps take the edge off of the daily grind.

7 Name: YYCSoul !EFZ/Outf1I : 2012-04-07 21:48 ID:4u5EmVL8 [Del]

This applies to me too!

After watching Time of Eve and DRRR, I`ve started paying more attention to people around me and the psychological environment we live in. It changed my way on how I look at everything and my way of thought. `We all think we live in an illusion that`s called reality but just one person could cause a rip in that illusion.` This way of thought has affected everything from how I dress, social interactions with friends and even where I prefer to live!

Getting influenced from animes is well worth it but the question is how you`re going to implement it into your life.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-08 13:07 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

I'm not sure if this counts, but anime/manga, Jpop, Kpop, et cetera really helped me learn to respect other cultures and their languages. When I was younger, I wouldn't have even bothered to think about the Asian culture. But now that I have learned quite a bit about it, I've come to enjoy their languages, and I'm more open to cultural differences from area to area. My interest in learning Japanese has brought me to be interested in learning many other languages. I want to be able to communicate with people from all over, even if it takes a lot of effort.

I still find some things that they do in other countries strange, but that's to be expected. I just think getting really into something from elsewhere is a great way to get past any cultural boundaries you had as a child. So many kids my age who haven't gotten a chance to learn about other cultures are filled with rude discriminations and a general dislike for anywhere that isn't here. Once they get older and meet more people and learn more things, I'm sure many will have more respect for other cultures, but they're not there quite yet.

I'm sure that individual animes have changed my output on life, as well. I just don't remember what changed what, mainly because I never thought about it before.

10 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-04-08 16:56 ID:Zt9RFk7e [Del]

TOTALLY!! Well... After I watched Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (Kai), I became very envious of them for having such awesome and understandable friends, but above all I've learned a lot from watching and reading anime/manga! :D

11 Name: Tatsuo !hylilKS3pw : 2012-04-09 01:01 ID:v/qOqdS1 [Del]

Haha I like the replies I have gotten on this post so I'll share a little about how I have changed due to anime and other influences.

Anime really made me think. To be honest from the time I sat watching Pokemon I've been thinking about why our worlds are so different from the ones in anime.
Now that I have watched more I have also changed my communication skills. You see before when I didn't watch anime I used to be really REALLY anti-social; however, now that I have I have become more open with myself and in turn more open to other people. I have gained many new and eccentric friends because of this :D

Another thing (to relate back to the thoughts dealio) is that I now question every thing I do, and what it's worth to the world. Ever since I've gotten into anime this year I've been looking for something more exciting then every day life (kinda of like Haruhi I guess lol). When the day my life becomes truly spectacular I just hope I'm ready for it.

However one thing that really annoys me is when I am made fun of by my friends when they call me an anime freak or loser or something else. I don't like how just because I really like anime makes me some kind of different person. Isn't it the same as people who watch sports? Its entertainment isn't it?

12 Name: Nixx !.bf3kM4S3A : 2012-04-09 01:04 ID:WAS2xm7U [Del]


To be honest, I'm terrified of what you could have learned from that show D:

13 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-04-09 11:24 ID:0zmRYLWv [Del]

>>12 What? I learned a lot of valuable lessons from that show! Well, the second season that is..