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please help!! (29)

1 Name: Kit : 2012-04-05 13:52 ID:OHb9MSWF [Del]

I have a friend who got caught up in a REALLY bad situation two years ago. she was in sixth grade when she started sexting A LOT of random men. she would even send videos and pictures of herself nude to them. she got caught when the police traced the images back to her laptop. But now she is in A LOT of trouble. her dad thinks that she is doing it again because one of the people who she sent pictures to a couple years back posted them online. I don't know what to do now because she is thinking of committing suicide. She is cutting herself, having sex with random kids in our school, smoking weed and drinking. She is only fourteen. i don't know what I can do to help her stop. any ideas??

2 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-05 13:54 ID:lm0Byinr [Del]

Parents, school, etc.
Dont givve two shits if you still want to be their friend, if you actually care about them youll put that aside n take action.
Also, chances are you yourself cannot do anything to stop them

3 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-05 15:24 ID:J82At3Gf [Del]

>>2 agreed, your friend right now is being stupid (don't mean to be mean) but, in all honesty shes kinda "blind" right now. She doesn't see past MS and HS, Most kids don't realize this until they're adults but, she doesn't understand that once she gets out of highschool that shes going to have to grow up. That shes going to have to get a job, get a life, and make something of herself but, thats going to be VERY hard when she doesn't do good in school.(I doubt that shes getting good grades from what your telling us, correct me if I'm wrong) Theres not much that your going to beable to do for her unfortunetly shes dug herself into a deep hole. The best thing you can do is tell her parents everything you know and they'll take care of the rest. She may hate you for it but, one day when shes an adult, hopefully, living a happy clean life, she'll thank you. If you really care about her and her safety than tell her parents or your teachers. We're all here for you ^^

4 Name: Kit : 2012-04-05 15:36 ID:OHb9MSWF [Del]

her parents already know, and they don't care, i already talked to the school, they talked to my friends, that didn't help.i am out of options now. i have to take action myself. but i don't know what to do

5 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-05 15:52 ID:J82At3Gf [Del]

Tell her how it is. There isn't much you can do for her really but, you can always try. Tell her what I told you, how shes being stupid, and how she needs to open her eyes and look past ms and hs. Also, be there for her when she falls, when shes "heart broken," and having a hard time but, at the same time be harsh with her let her know how stupid shes being and how stupid she looks. That she doesn't look cool, or mature. Being nice isn't going to do anything be very harsh and to the point with her. Don't beat around the bush.

6 Name: Zero : 2012-04-05 16:13 ID:dcyJthIo [Del]

... O_O
SHE is going to end up with one messed up life.

My advice: Take her to see a shrink, have her parents revoke her privelages, etc.

7 Name: Kit : 2012-04-05 16:15 ID:OHb9MSWF [Del]

They have already tried that a couple years ago, and that didn't work. they just gave up on her.

8 Name: Zero : 2012-04-05 16:26 ID:dcyJthIo [Del]

Well she's screwed then.

But then again... you could have an intervention...

9 Name: Mg1210 : 2012-04-05 16:26 ID:GNM0EqgB [Del]

Damn, this is tough.
Well, you're her friend, right? Talk to her. Why is she doing these things? What's driving her to do all of this? Seriously, what's the point of it all?? You're her friend, tell her to just cut it the fuck out and straighten up her act. Tell her exactly what she's doing so she can grasp the reality of it all. Don't go easy on her. After doing all of these things, does she really wonder why she's in so much trouble? And if you can't get her to budge, you shouldn't stay friends with her. You shouldn't hang out with people who are going to get you in trouble. I know you're probably worried for her, but it's her fault. You should go harsh on her, yeah, because being kind and sugar-coating it isn't going to change her mind.

10 Name: Kit : 2012-04-05 16:27 ID:OHb9MSWF [Del]


11 Name: Zero : 2012-04-05 16:31 ID:dcyJthIo [Del]


It's where her friends, family, and a shrink all pretty much surround her and try to make her snap out of her ways, make her realize that she won't have too much of a future if she keeps this up.

12 Name: Kit : 2012-04-05 16:33 ID:OHb9MSWF [Del]

i don't know if her parents will agree to it though. her mom and dad can't even be in the same room together without yelling at each other (they are divorced)

13 Name: Zero : 2012-04-05 16:36 ID:dcyJthIo [Del]

Well find someone else to help in place of one of her parents!

14 Name: Kit : 2012-04-05 16:39 ID:OHb9MSWF [Del]

her only friends were me and another guy. the started to date someone who she absolutely hates, and she told him that, and now they aren't friends. i'm the only friend left. (i am trying my best not to list off names.)

15 Name: Zero : 2012-04-05 16:46 ID:dcyJthIo [Del]

Wow... she had low self esteem then and really craves attention.

16 Name: Mg1210 : 2012-04-05 16:49 ID:GNM0EqgB [Del]'re not going to tell her that her choices are fucking her up and she needs to stop?...
I mean that's all you have to do...Just be blunt, snap her out of it. Just YOU.

17 Name: Zero : 2012-04-05 16:52 ID:dcyJthIo [Del]

Might even have to slap her...

I'm just saying she;'s going to end up dead one day from it!

18 Name: Kit : 2012-04-05 16:53 ID:OHb9MSWF [Del]

already tried......i could always try again though!! i would do anything to help her.

19 Name: Zero : 2012-04-05 16:59 ID:dcyJthIo [Del]

Good luck.

20 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-05 20:03 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

You need to slap some damn sense into that girl god damn it.

21 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-05 20:11 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

>>3 Dude, the grades aren't nearly as important as the other actions and reprimandments themselves. You don't want your employer to find nude pictures of you. Bad grades don't make life harder. You can get straight F's, get a good score on the SAT, and go to a great college. However, you're not getting a job nor going to college if those pictures/videos exist anywhere.

22 Name: Twitch : 2012-04-05 20:11 ID:J/fZeOc1 [Del]

Don't abandon her, whatever you do. Even though she made bad decisions in the past, that doesn't mean the future is better. Try to show her there's life outside of all this, and go to a movie or just hang out. There will be a rainbow after the storm, until then, have an umbrella handy.

23 Name: Kit : 2012-04-05 20:22 ID:OHb9MSWF [Del]

thanks, you guys all really helped with this. i just hope that i can slap some sense into her before it's to late!!

24 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-05 21:56 ID:J82At3Gf [Del]

>>21 I never said grades were more important but, you go to school to learn not to have a social life. You have to be there might as well not waste your time while your there and, how are you going to get a good score on your SAT if you have all F's because if you have all F's I doubt you were paying attention at all in any of your classes. You'd have better chances of getting into a great college with great grades than with shit grades.

25 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-06 10:17 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

>>24 Not really. Grades have nothing to do with intelligence, but the SATs do. You can understand everything in a class completely and just not hand in homework. Bam, you have an F. That doesn't mean you're stupid, nor does it mean you don't understand the subject, nor does it mean that you weren't paying attention. Also, no. You can get straight A's and get a shit score on the SATs, and a lot of colleges won't want you. It's better to do good on both, of course, but you would be better off doing good on SATs and bad in class itself. I speak from first and second hand experiences here, so I'm not bullshitting you. Perhaps it's different where you live?

26 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-06 13:21 ID:J82At3Gf [Del]

>>25 Were I live apparently, from what my college counselor says, colleges are harder to get into now because one they're expensive but two, ALOT of people are going to college. Apparently more people are starting to apply to colleges than ever before. Due to this colleges are looking for the people who give 100% because you can only have oh-so many kids in a class.

27 Name: Apple !1C6JcPWEcg : 2012-04-06 13:31 ID:mx+RsN++ [Del]

Kit, you should find these websites and report them to shut it down. You got to be a tough friend if you know others are not going to give shit about her. Keep a close eye on her - don't go easy on her at all. She may hate you, but I'm sure deep down she appreciates it. People are stubborn and they try to test how far they can be "stubborn" towards someone to see who is willing to stick around. Sometimes they go too far and lose someone they really appreciate - and they lose more hope in getting better. So be tough on her to get her life straight. But never give up on her.

>>25 Mmm... my grades were golden in HS, but my SAT scores were shit (well, just average score). I got into pretty good schools regardless. However I also participated in a lot of extracurriculars, community service, and held some positions in clubs/comittees. So, grades doesn't mean everything. Schools want students that are well rounded. You could have shit hs grades, above average SAT, and lots of extracurriculars and be fine. And when you apply to a particular major at schools - they sometimes what to see experiences that you have gained regarding that field.

Only time you really need to worry is bad reputation from everyone you know, bad grades in hs, no extracurricular, no experience, and waay below average on SAT.

28 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-06 18:28 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

>>27 Being well-rounded definitely helps. I wish I was :V I'm horrible at sports, and the clubs at our school are too disorganized.

>>26 You should always get good grades just because you can, but if you get bad grades, that doesn't mean you're not trying. However, people that have good grades are often biased and refuse to accept this because they've never been in these situations. Being someone who has had years at both the top and the bottom, I know that it's not always the reason. For some students? Of course. But not all of them. Nonetheless, I'm sticking to what I said. We should probably stop derailing this thread, though :O lol

29 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-06 18:32 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

Well, I do a lot of community service. Hopefully that counts towards it lol

Anyway. [/endderail]