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Identity (8)

1 Name: IDoExist : 2012-04-04 19:36 ID:sqAypjcV [Del]

Yo, this is more of a confession, Idk if any of the dollars can really comment, or say anything. If any one does coo, if not, oh well. So, I'm a young adult, and its about that time where I really wana know who I am, and so far I've got zip, nada, ziltch. I keep trying to identify/define myself with things I like. So a writer, poet, passionate, creative etc... Then I heard a nice little line that our mistakes define us, and I dont make a lot of mistakes at all. I dont consider me a good person. The confession of an identity crisis, wtf...

2 Name: Zero : 2012-04-04 19:43 ID:XcAc7uMi [Del]


But do we really know who we are at all?

3 Name: IDoExist : 2012-04-04 20:01 ID:GUpH+D35 [Del]

Microwave gen. I want to know who I am, now. Most people dont understand me, and sometimes I dont even understand me. I just wana know why I'm so different.

4 Name: Raie~ : 2012-04-04 22:51 ID:dIt0Y+zu [Del]

You are who you perceive yourself as. Hobbies define you but not in such a way as to take over your identity.
There is no need to define yourself, just live life to the fullest and live how you want to live.

Avoiding the popo and all though :) haha

5 Name: IDoExist : 2012-04-05 01:07 ID:sqAypjcV [Del]

Lol your something else. I'll try to. Kinda not my style tho, I'm one to watch life instead of living it. Then I write about it, with my twisted vision of course. I'm the one who overthinks everything, to the point where I just dont do something. I'm a thinker, its what do, ya know.

6 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-05 17:45 ID:XK0Wxbt1 [Del]

HAHA! You're not a least, not a very proper one.

Anyways, a lot of people have a problem finding out WHO they are. Human beings instinctively follow more than they lead. You want someone, something, anything to tell you WHO you are. You are searching for something to define yourself. You are wasting your time. So many people waste their time trying to find something to define themselves as individuals. When what they should really focus on is defining themselves. The concept is similar but with drastically different results.

7 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-05 19:29 ID:4wxFS2cc [Del]

Honestly, I went through the same thing. How did I get out of it? I stopped thinking so hard. Stop trying to put some deeper meaning into yourself. Instead of trying to figure out who you are, you should focus on what you want to be. Get goals. Get dreams. Work towards them. Become what you want to be. Once you're there, don't think about what you are, but become something else. Make it a neverending cycle of self-discovery.

Then, you get old, die, and wonder why you bothered trying to figure out what you were when you should just accept you are whatever.

8 Name: Neku : 2012-04-05 21:18 ID:xy6tZlDp [Del]

i have been there. i decided that i want to become a video game designer. not all lot of people look at that as a career, but it's something i loved to do and i been wanting to do that for awhile. cheer up, not everyone can understand you, but you can do it.