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I need advice - Did i just went throught verbal and cyber bullying? (4)

1 Name: Hotaru : 2012-04-02 20:10 ID:bJFcx/mC (Image: 300x300 jpg, 24 kb) [Del]

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I thought i would post it here because im sick and through with people insulting , threating, etc to me (on the internet). I just want advice, and i know you can insult me for what ever reason i did wrong but i want to know did i fight this and won or am i still in depths of a battle range to war?

I backed up this pregnant girl (who is 16),and there's this dude who insulted her. I got mad because why is he to judge her and what does her have to do with her?
So i replied "just ignore ----- he's just bing a troll and he'll be alone 444eeverrr in his life" then insulted and said i cant spell etc. I had a keyspams at the moment and so i spelled it wrong..... 2 days later i was in a bad mood ans saw what he and (maybe) buddies posted to me, and so i smart mouthed him (no cusses) and told him to go jump off a bridge. Yes, i know this would make it even more worse and all but i mad at that moment. 2-3 days later i was verbally bullied so i did what i knew what to do and that waas to say -
"Well, Thank you --------- for insulting, verbally abusing, cyber bullying, and making fun of me, and my name . Also, Thank you for not getting to know that there is such a thing call (and happens to tons of people that is) "Keyboard Spasms". If you don't know what that is then it's when your screen freezes,or when your keyboard doesn't responed fast enough when your typing, And One More Time, Thank You So Much for your insulting, verbally abusing, cyber bullying, and making fun of me, and my name and you are also oh so wonderful for doing what you typed down to me. Once agian Thank You for what you were saying to me. Have a Nice Day!"
THe dude this to me back "Well, thank you Hotaru for verbally abusing, insulting , and cyberbullying me. Making fun of my hobby or art. Once again thank you for verbally abusing me, insulting, and cyberbullying . There's such a thing called (and alot of people do it) " talking shit first". Once again thank you for what you were saying to me. Great year!"
I felt that i did insult him but i did not do any of the other things.
About half an hour before i posted this the argument ended
and a little before that they said to fight them or that they would rape me. In return i said that "I dont settle things by fighting and yeah call pussy, bitch, or whatever you what but you can not and will ever not - Break me down or have the slights chance of getting me to fight". They then insulted me and said to rape me, called me names,and (because of keyboard spasms) said i have no proper grammer or spelling.
A little after forwards i got tired with insults,verbal bullied, etc.
SO i said "If you ever touch me or rape me then ill file a rape and an assualt form to the police" (again was insulted for spelling police wrong because of key spasms)

Soon, the orginal person came back and spammed the wall. THen everything stopped with them saying that They'll abort me,Im not gonna hurt you you weird fuck, ill fuckin kill u. no matter how many tyms u call the poloce, and HAIL SATAN NIGHA or Satan.

I get it for the people who's gonna cuss, yell, or whatever at me. But right now all i want to know is that did i get through that or is it continually going on?
I also know fighting it back was probably stupid or whatver, but i was bullied for 5-6 years and i got upset at myself for not trying to fight back, so when i saw the chance to defend myself i did.
In the end i feel a shamed but i feel good because for the first time in my life i stood up to some assholes who needed to hear what i have to say, and fought them myself. For me and that pregnant girl too. But i still want to know and have advice on this and what i should have done. As well as to know IS THIS ARGUMENT DONE OR NOT??

2 Name: Twitch : 2012-04-03 08:06 ID:R6CfTqUD [Del]

This arguement isn't done, but its time for a guidance counselor/adult to step in. These guys may turn to say YOU were the bully because you told one to jump off a cliff now, so that will do nothing but hurt you. Everything will be OK though, as there is always a rainbow after the storm.

Keep livin' on a prayer...

3 Name: Hotaru : 2012-04-03 18:16 ID:bJFcx/mC [Del]

>>2 Thank you!
I told a teacher i trust and she told me i should report them the Cyber bully police. If they try one more time then i'll report them on FB and to the CB police.
Once agian Thanks a lot

4 Name: Twitch : 2012-04-04 19:35 ID:Xm5JXRKe [Del]

>>3 You're welcome :)

I was cyberbullied too by a guy, and as a result, am terrified of texting and my phone. Because I was scared to tell anyone, it went unnoticed. Hopefully it will turn out better for you <3