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unimportant (6)

1 Name: okamiren : 2012-04-01 16:56 ID:8yNdAjKy [Del]

I don't get why my family treats me like this. They always make me feel unimportant, like I don't matter as much as everyone else. My dad, even though hes in jail they treat him better than me. They push me away constantly. To them what I want in life doesn't matter. They always make me do what they want. They wanted me to go to college and when I chose one they said "you can't go to that one, you have to go to this one." and they even try to trick me into things they want me to do by lying. My grandfather always tells me "you can't do this. You'll never make it in life. You're useless!" These things really hurt me and when I tell my grandma to tell him to stop, she doesn't even try to. I don't feel like they love me. I don't know what to do anymore...

2 Name: Kanra : 2012-04-01 17:19 ID:HcfLTdz4 [Del]

Then, why be the Victim. I bet you are stronger than them, so stand up. As long as you do things your way and with will power, you won't fail.

3 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-01 19:29 ID:J82At3Gf [Del]

Then prove them wrong, become an independant person and make descisions like that on your own because they can't force you to do anything. Its all up to you what direction you choose to take in life not theirs. Its your life and you can't let people tell you what you can and can't do because you can do anything you set your mind to.

4 Name: Lacie Baskerville : 2012-04-01 19:49 ID:d/MmdENz [Del]

I go throught the same thing you are.I'm treated as unimportant too if they don't treat you right then why bother relying on them.I stop relying on my family to help me in life and I'm finding my own way because I had enough of it.Don't be a victim of their abuse stand tall,be proud of yourself even if they don't.We are who we chose to be they may not appreciate you but the Dollars will.

5 Name: Zero : 2012-04-01 20:00 ID:x33b7bOh [Del]

Some say i'm not important. I am. I'm important to my family and friends.

6 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2012-04-01 23:42 ID:4fGpXQYB [Del]

Wowza, i should really go, but this is irresistable. You're irresistable :3

Like Palmtop said, you are a completely independant person. You're an individual, different from everyone else, you're not a child anymore from what I'm assuming in your writing, and you can make your own decisions.

Just make sure that when you decide on choices, think RICE? Understand your situation. I understand you on a level, A LEVEL, not completely because my grandparents aren't like yours. But my mom is. She tells me one thing, gives me freedom, and when I go for it, she takes it back and rebukes me for making independant choices.

Unlike Lacie, but I do agree with her, don't stop relying on your family. They WILL help you in life, whether financially or relationship wise (believe it or not), or any other way. Don't cut yourself off from your family. What you need to do is communicate. I've read a lot of threads lately that have had a lot of problems because of: LACK OF COMMUNICATION.

Have you ever read The Once and Future King? Its a book about King Arthur and Lancelot and Guenever, to make things short, They all die. :w Teehee...BUT, they die in a rather unappealing, sad, and untrusting way. Their lack of communication with each other got them killed. If Lancelot just told Arthur that he loved his wife, or Arthur just told Lancelot that he knew of his affair and he didn't like it, things would've gone a lot smoother.
Sometimes it's just plain better to go through the worst part, it's short, but it's bad. Trust me, it's a lot better than a long miserable time. So? Would you rather have a long miserable time, or a short, painful moment? I'm impatient, and would rather get things over with.

Talk with your grandparents, sit down and have a heart to heart conversation. Set rules for the conversation as in:

1. No interrupting one another
2. No raised voices

And if you're that serious about it, have them sign a paper to agree on the rules. It's ultra annoying when people say one thing and then later go back on their word, this should prevent them from doing that. Ask them why they always put you down. Don't hold anything against them while they speak, listen to them with an open mind and heart.

I got to go, but remember to be wise with your decisions. You're independant and strong, make wise decisions. When you talk to your gramppies, be slow to speak and and have patience, dont be quick to anger or be offended, but be quick to listen....