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Difficult Love Circle (2)

1 Name: Yuu-chan : 2012-03-31 18:18 ID:d/MmdENz [Del]

I started off at a new school then ended up getting the same classes as this guy.So we started hanging out but it turned into a relationship and I sed yes others were disappointed because they thought he was a real jerk.I decided to ignore what they thought of him because I saw him in a different way but I was new so I didn't know much of what he was really like.Then on valentines day he started cussing out one of my best friends because he thought she was short.I love all of my friends and I thought if that's how he was gonna treat them then screw him.So we broke up about 2-3 months ago.Then every time I get out of 6th period I see one of my guy friends from last year he added me about three weeks ago.And I'm on spring Break right now and he decides to tell me on Facebook that he likes me.I'm having a hard time because there's my ex- who still likes me then there's the recently love confession and a guy whose liked me since 5th grade.I don't know how many more love confessions I can take three is too many for my brain.What should I do?

2 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2012-03-31 21:12 ID:4fGpXQYB [Del]

Firstly, you should learn to space your writin' an put some punctuation, cupcake. :D

SECOND: how old are you? If you're in highschool, well, it's really no time to be fooling around with people of the opposite gender. I don't just mean sex and shiyezzz, i mean spending more time with them and being distracted from your studies. Right now, your studies should be your main focus, hate to be a parent though, but it's true.

What happens in highschool stays on your record, it determines what schools you get into, how much education you'll get, and can potentially lead you to you future husband.

My opinion on dating is: if you cant see yourself marrying this guy (or gal ;3), then don't even. I really don't see a point of dating someone you're not attracted to, or are only lusting after. Love is difficult, at this age you can't really determine it, and it's hard to separate from lust. We're all pretty much hormone crazed chil'ren right now, and should just refrain from all this crap dating because:
1. It usually leads to the downfall of grades
2. It almost always leads to broken hearts and scattered, awkward relationships afterwards
3. It's just not a wise choice.

It's a good thing you broke up with your ex, no guy should disrespect a girl. You need to set up values for your potential husband. What are you looking for in a guy, and remember: VALUES, not characteristics. Do you want him to respect women, understand you, be discerning, wise, loving, romantic?

If you like your friend, tell him, but if you like him and you're afraid that dating might ruin your friend-relationship with him, then don't date him. It's better to have relationship than none. Well....unless you're confident you can date, break up, and have no tension or awkwardness between you later....

And, now is my time to go, because its getting long and my dad farted and i cant decide whether i should be turning the fan higher to circulate the air....and the fart, or let it settle...