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Life philosophies/Memorable quotes? (56)

1 Name: Tajadoru : 2012-03-30 14:49 ID:zps1zFdq [Del]

Hey guys, out of curiousity,what are you're life philosophies, or meaningful quotes that you personally like? Mine is from TWEWY:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go."

2 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-03-30 15:34 ID:wDoB3wom [Del]

My own quotes:

"Sinning is Winning"

"Your a Teenage Boy. You aren't supposed to think about the consequences."

and this one I got from someone who goes to my school: "You'll never get to were you need to go if you just stand still."

3 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-03-30 16:14 ID:oeZL7R8D [Del]

"In a world were you can be anything, be youself."

"Know when to hold, when to fold, when to walk away and, when to run."

"Always, ALWAYS, put others before yourself."

4 Name: PierogiGuy : 2012-03-30 19:24 ID:9eBJRrkm [Del]

"Pressure builds Diamonds"
"Life is not fair"
"If you're gonna be a failure, at least be one at something you enjoy." Sylvester Stallone
"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." Mark Twain

5 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-03-30 21:20 ID:f3tRgicf [Del]

My philosophy: don't ever let someone push you around, if they try to take advantage of you you are better than them and deserve better.
Stand up for the weak, they are the ones who deserve your help.
Don't compromise your beliefs for anyone.
Shoot for the stars, for it is better to shoot for the stars and land in the trees than shoot for the trees and land in the mud.

6 Name: SUZAKI : 2012-03-30 21:35 ID:7+dFFuH+ [Del]

Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth. But the world isn't perfect, and the law is incomplete. Equivalent Exchange doesn't encompass everything that goes on here. But I still choose to believe in its principle: that all things do come at a price. That there's an ebb, and a flow, a cycle. That the pain we went through did have a reward and that anyone who's determined and perseveres will get something of value in return, even if it's not what they expected. I don't think of Equivalent Exchange as a law of the world anymore. I think of it as a promise between my brother and me - a promise that someday, we'll see each other again. — Alphonse Elric

7 Name: RYO-GA : 2012-03-30 21:35 ID:7+dFFuH+ [Del]

hito wa nanika no gisei nashi ni, nani mo eru koto wa dekinai.
nanika wo eru tame ni wa, doutou no daika ga hitsuyou ni naru.
sore ga, renkinjutsu ni okeru "toukakoukan" no gensoku da.
sono koro, bokura wa sore ga sekai no shinjitsu da to shinjiteita.

Humankind can not get anything without first giving something in return.
To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.
That is Alchemy's first law of equlivant exchange.
In those days, we really believed that to be the world’s one and only truth.

8 Name: Mr.tophat : 2012-03-30 23:57 ID:nQi0ofBC [Del]

My philosophy is shit happens and don't be an ass

9 Name: Mr.tophat : 2012-03-30 23:57 ID:nQi0ofBC [Del]

My philosophy is shit happens and don't be an ass

10 Name: Death9095 : 2012-03-31 00:16 ID:iveOK1MZ [Del]

>>7 Me too. I actually live by that and Karma

11 Name: Feral : 2012-03-31 00:20 ID:NCK4ER2C [Del]

My philosophy, huh? Hmmmmm... alright:

Fuck it. Fuck it all. Life is too long to be bothered to give a damn. Just kick back and enjoy the ride while you can, no sense worrying about what may be.

12 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2012-03-31 02:15 ID:4fGpXQYB [Del]

OH MY HEAVENS GLORY. whai be thou typing so mucheth, I cawnt Am i....oh, imma get arthritis wen i get ripe. I just know it.

But that's not my philo-so-fee. In fact I really cant decide on one. How about: I'm enjoying God's blessings, and doing my best to improve my relationship with Him and everyone around me. too spiritual?

Fine, you silly athiests: I'm enjoying God's blessins, and doing my best to improve my relationship with Him and everyone around me.

Oh wait....

13 Name: redmi$t : 2012-03-31 02:39 ID:m6cPxeR9 [Del]

lifes a garden dig it~ Joe Dirt

14 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-31 13:05 ID:RuQNBcnB [Del]

Kick logic out and do the impossible!

15 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-03-31 13:12 ID:ejhvI+b+ [Del]


16 Name: kurokon : 2012-03-31 17:15 ID:8g3IWuv4 [Del]

every good thing in life has to be earned with hard work, if recieved for doing nothing then it is a trick, you'll lose the reward and something that is yours

17 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-03-31 17:28 ID:f3tRgicf [Del]

>>11, I love you Feral.

18 Name: Leroy : 2012-03-31 21:58 ID:GuJm6Zpq [Del]

I stand be TWEWY all the way because it made me feel accepted in a place I call "the world"...

19 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-03-31 22:04 ID:rlGGIRUm [Del]

"Supreme rule of life is to adapt with compromising." - Georg Simmel

20 Name: ThisRandomKid : 2012-03-31 23:16 ID:UeV4PQrB [Del]

Maybe this philosophy is why I'm so laid-back and extremely lazy: "stop and take the time to smell the flowers and not worry so much and just relax"
but I don't remember what the quote exactly said...but something to that extent I know that for sure

21 Name: Leroy : 2012-04-01 02:23 ID:GuJm6Zpq [Del]

"I dare to be different" I made that one and I stand by it...

22 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-01 07:44 ID:f3tRgicf [Del]

But better to not know which moment maybe your last. Every morsel of your entire being alive to the infinite mystery of it all. And who's to say I won't live forever, hey?~Jack Sparrow

23 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-01 08:40 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

"Even the most perfect of voice can be ruined by the wrong song." I made that one up...

24 Name: Kitsune Lawliet : 2012-04-01 16:35 ID:eWkWFHov [Del]

don't do something permonintly stupid because your temperarily upset. ~unknown

25 Name: shadowhide : 2012-04-01 21:05 ID:kDfUaQJp [Del]

nothing is true, everything is permitted thank you assassin's creed

26 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-04-01 21:27 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

Society is that of a forest, the small ones are weak, and the tall ones are popular. However, the tallest trees are those who have enough self confidence to rise above the socialites and continue their life happily.
I made this up a day or two ago when I was discussing society and my hatred of being in social events.

27 Name: Feral : 2012-04-01 22:38 ID:NCK4ER2C [Del]

“When you can’t change the direction of the wind — adjust your sails.” ~ H. Jackson Brown

28 Name: Tajadoru : 2012-04-02 13:22 ID:zps1zFdq [Del]

Whoa didn't think that it would get this many replies! Thanks guys for sharing!

29 Name: Shadow : 2012-04-02 13:26 ID:gDXek0qT [Del]

"Everything must go one day. Everything." -my mom she said this when my hamster died.

30 Name: Tajadoru : 2012-04-02 13:33 ID:zps1zFdq [Del]

Obaachan ga itte ita: "Men must be cool. Boiling water is but vapor."

31 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 14:38 ID:f3tRgicf [Del]

Everything comes to an end, make the most of what you have while it's still around.

32 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-04-02 15:07 ID:wDoB3wom [Del]

>>1 +5 respect

33 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-02 16:07 ID:XK0Wxbt1 [Del]

"There is too much going on in the land of the living to be to holding conversations with old ghosts."

"Life is too short to worry about what's going to happen after I die."

On a good day I am kind of a quote machine.

34 Name: Tajadoru : 2012-04-02 21:17 ID:32dPXVjg [Del]

"Let the world revolve around you. It's more fun to think of it that way."

35 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 21:27 ID:f3tRgicf [Del]

Everyone is an idiot, including yourself. Don't go through life thinking otherwise or you may piss off the other idiots. And they will kill you.

36 Name: Doremo : 2012-04-02 21:43 ID:yQ60ysAR [Del]

"Defeatng a sandwich only makes it tastier" - Virginia

37 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-04-03 11:35 ID:UVSsEHEZ [Del]

"Hatred is limited, love is infinite. You can try to hate someone as long as you want, but in the end, you can't hate them forever. However, a soul's ability to love never runs out, just changes it's shape from time to time. No matter how many times it's form changes, it'll never run out." - Me

"Do you like this school? I have to say that I love it very, very much. But soon, everything changes, well at least it does eventually. Fun things, happy things, they'll all... They'll all eventually change someday, you know? But can you still... love this place?"
"Just go find more. All you have to do is find other fun and happy things. It's not so hard."
-Nagisa Furukawa and Tomoya Okazaki, Clannad

"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!" - Zero's Last Words, Mega Man Zero 4

^ A much more meaningful quote when you take that as a philosophy on life as well. Don't hesitate, and if a problem appears before you, defeat it.

"I was younger then, I wasn’t afraid of anything, I didn’t think about dying for a second. I thought I was invincible. Then I met some girl. I wanted to live, I started to think like that; for the first time I was afraid of death. I had never felt like that before." -Spike Spiegel, Cowboy Bebop

"Life's not gonna stop for me, so I may as well keep up and get back to my usual, epic gamer self so I can keep trying until I get somewhere." -Me

38 Post deleted by user.

39 Name: YYCSoul !EFZ/Outf1I : 2012-04-03 12:15 ID:4u5EmVL8 [Del]

"We can complain that rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." - Abraham Lincoln

The rose and the thorn could metaphorically be anything in this world. It's just to say that we must overlook look the bad and embrace the good within an entity.

40 Name: Tajadoru : 2012-04-04 00:06 ID:32dPXVjg [Del]

Well, there's also the good old fashion

41 Post deleted by user.

42 Name: custom !vP93IZ2rns : 2012-04-04 19:28 ID:YiYnja1D [Del]

three can keep a secret if two are dead. ~ Benjamin Franklin

43 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-06 13:20 ID:f3tRgicf [Del]

"We are members of a vast cosmic orchestra, in which each living instrument is essential to the complimentary and harmonious playing of the whole." - J. Allen Boone

44 Name: Moon !FpLgRzi2MI : 2012-04-06 16:41 ID:x7KM8XqE [Del]

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr Suess

45 Name: Sola : 2012-04-06 20:34 ID:XtExoZ0P [Del]

How the shape looks like doesn't matter...
What matters is the soul! :D

46 Name: BabyDoll : 2012-04-07 02:22 ID:4HlpDZqE [Del]

Live like you'll die tomorrow Laugh until it hurts and Love until you get it right

47 Name: Rikuo !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-04-07 07:10 ID:W3u1kLUL [Del]

Life is short so just enjoy it

48 Name: shogun : 2012-04-07 11:12 ID:poFL/6BC [Del]

live your life to the full without regreting about what you do just leave on your dream . me

49 Name: Angel89 : 2012-04-07 21:35 ID:Z2gBu8hJ [Del]

Don't worry
About a thing
Cause every little thing
Is gonna be alright
-Bob Marley

50 Name: Kisa-- : 2012-04-07 21:50 ID:FVyAmNL7 [Del]

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” Robert Frost

51 Name: Lerma : 2012-04-08 23:16 ID:fFLvqwOw [Del]

"In his illness he had dreamed that the whole world was doomed to fall victim to some terrible, as yet unknown and unseen pestilence spreading to Europe from the depths of Asia. Everyone was to perish, except for certain, very few chosen ones. Some new trichinae had appeared, microscopic creatures that lodged themselves in men's bodies. But these creatures were spirits, endowed with reason and will. Those who received them into themselves immediately became possessed and mad. But never, never had people considered themselves so intelligent and unshakeable in the truth as did these infected ones. Never had they thought their judgements, their scientific conclusions, their moral convictions and beliefs more unshakeable. Entire settlements, entire cities and nations would be infected and go mad. Everyone became anxious, and no one understood anyone else; each thought the truth was contained in himself alone, and suffered looking at others, beat his breast, wept, and wrung his hands. They did not know whom or how to judge, could not agree on what to regard as evil, what as good. They did not know whom to accuse, whom to vindicate. People killed each other in some sort of meaningless spite. They gathered into whole armies against each other, but, already on the march, the armies would suddenly begin destroying themselves, the ranks would break up, the soldiers would fall upon one another, stabbing and cutting, biting and eating one another. In the cities the bells rang all day long: everyone was being summoned, but no one knew who was summoning them or why, and everyone felt anxious. The most ordinary trades ceased, because everyone offered his own ideas, his own corrections, and no one could agree. Agriculture ceased Here and there people would band together, agree among themselves to do something, swear never to part--but immediately begin something completely different from what they themselves had just suggested, begin accusing one another, fighting, stabbing. Fires broke out; famine broke out. Everyone and everything was perishing. The pestilence grew and spread further and further. Only a few people in the whole world could be saved; they were pure and chosen, destined to begin a new generation of people and a new life, to renew and purify the earth; but no one had seen these people anywhere, no one had heard their words or voices." - Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment

52 Name: artistjosh !IfpfHkm./6 : 2012-04-09 00:13 ID:uCWMzsTZ [Del]

There are no impossibilities, just improbabilities.

53 Name: Nixx !.bf3kM4S3A : 2012-04-09 00:48 ID:WAS2xm7U [Del]


"Sinning is winning"?

wtf does that even mean.

54 Name: Nixx !.bf3kM4S3A : 2012-04-09 00:52 ID:WAS2xm7U [Del]

Sorry for double post.

"It is a sad truth to know that many people work very, very hard to become something they never wanted to be in the first place." ~me

55 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-04-26 14:46 ID:mHYbA4Up [Del]

+Bump+ To get the literal shit off the board.

56 Name: ultispy : 2012-04-26 15:25 ID:lYoSKwA4 [Del]

"I'm just killing time while I wait for life to shower me with meaning and happiness."
Calvin and Hobbes. There's tons of memorable quotes from those comics.