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high school tips? (35)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-27 18:53 ID:apmVUVAy [Del]

hello people im going to go to high school next year...
can you people help me out by giving me some tips like who to hangout with and other stuff like that...
thanks ^_^

2 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-27 19:03 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

Hang out with your friends. Don't treat cliques like they're a big deal. Don't fail your classes. Find out which classes it's okay to sleep in, and then sleep in them.

Those are pretty much the most important things to know for high school.

3 Name: Hibari : 2012-03-27 19:08 ID:5Az/KZ0U [Del]

Haveing a good relationship with your teachers never hurt and dont be afraid to ask for help when needed.

4 Name: Feral : 2012-03-27 20:29 ID:NCK4ER2C [Del]

>>2 (The sleeping thing) This! A survival skill you'd do well to learn early.

Don't take shit too seriously. High school is only as difficult as you make it. As long as you just make sure you're work is done on time and you pay attention in class, you can practically skip on studying and just coast your way to graduation.

I took my time with High School, figured it wasn't any big deal. Made sure everything was in order each week, payed attention in class, shot for the average score as my minimum, and still graduated in the top 10% of my class.

Bottom line: have fun with it.

5 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-03-27 20:29 ID:Eq8wvB4R [Del]

1) Hang out with who you want out with.
2) Fuck all the haters. (not literally, of course)
3) Stay in school.
4) Don't do drugs.
5) At least try to PASS your classes.
6) Make friends with your teachers. (I'll give you my story sometime)
7) Don't let it get to your head. You're still a kid, after all.

And hundreds of other little things. Just use your 'noggin and you'll be fine ^_^

6 Name: Kon-Chan : 2012-03-27 20:47 ID:pmljKKBu [Del]

If you ever spend so much time on homework that you're losing sleep, then you're doing something wrong. Pay attention in class...seriously, BE ATTENTIVE. Sitting in front of the class actually helps (prevents you from sleeping, haha.)

Meet many people and hang out with them as much as possible. Experiment freshman and sophomore year. By the end of sophomore year you'll have a good idea of who you want to become good friends with. Stick with them, through thick and thin. Don't cause drama. If you have opinions, state them calmly and reasonably and ALWAYS have a good explanation for what you say. Don't take things too seriously too, you're just a high schooler.

BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR TEACHERS. Don't be a suck-up, but be friendly and smile and all that jazz. This will help you so much later in Junior and Senior year when you need letters of recommendation and such.

Join clubs, try out as many as possible and see which ones click. Do this fresh and sophomore year, that way, by junior year you can run for office positions and stick with your most enjoyable clubs throughout the rest of high school.

7 Name: Rockbell : 2012-03-27 22:58 ID:3mV7U5C0 [Del]

High school isn't that bad, really. It's all how you look at it. If you think "school sucks," it most definitely will. Look at each day like it will be great and it will be. (Cheesy, yes, but it works)

Try to get into some clubs for things you're interested in. It's refreshing to spend your lunchtimes and after school with people that share interests with you.

Make friends with a ton of people. Don't just stick to one or two close friends; branch out! Your friends will shift freshman year for sure, so try to get as many friends as possible.
Don't be afraid to ask your teachers for help, don't be afraid to try new things (just, no drugs, seriously), AND JUST DON'T BE AFRAID.

Failures are natural, but don't get used to them. If you fail, use that as a motivation to try better. Do your homework, MAKE UP CRAP YOU MISS WHEN YOU'RE ABSENT, and always pay attention in class. Especially the ones you don't like.
I'm almost out of high school, and I definitely remember how scary freshman year seemed when I was in your spot. But it's like getting into the pool on a hot day; freezing and uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it, and then it's the greatest thing ever.

8 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-03-27 23:23 ID:J82At3Gf [Del]

Get good grades because High school is such a small portion of your life and you have to be there so might as well accomplish something while your there.
Don't be two faced
Don't be a follower
Don't let others put you down
Always wear something comfortable to school cause wearing something uncomfortable sucks
(if your a girl) don't flaunt you DON'T want that kind of attention.
Always be nice to people unless they're being mean to your friends then you (of course) stand up for your friends.
Don't do drugs or drink before 21, its stupid, its pontless, you'll almost always get caught, and you look like idiot doing it
stay smart
don't try to be 'popular'
be yourself

9 Name: Nixx !.bf3kM4S3A : 2012-03-28 03:48 ID:WAS2xm7U [Del]

Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.

Words I could have used in high school. Some of those guys were real dicks.

Just kidding, be nice to people and don't be afraid to put the smack down on someone if they start getting all uppity on you (i.e. bullies, snobs, etc).

10 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-03-28 12:41 ID:QkU/PNPw [Del]

I agree with Palmtop Kitten. Dont TRY REALLY HARD to be popular. I have a friend who just started going to public school (He was in a private school) And now hes totally different. He worries to much about his popularity and looks. It drives me insane to see him acting like a total douche.

11 Name: Enix Phoenix : 2012-03-28 15:14 ID:DkGj2Yp+ [Del]

Be yourself and have fun

12 Name: shadowhide : 2012-03-28 19:51 ID:kDfUaQJp [Del]

I would say act mature not like a little brat and don't mess with higher classmen

13 Name: JonJon : 2012-03-28 20:15 ID:OnCgi/pM [Del]

Just be yourself and enjoy it as much as you can it goes by really fast! Stay away from drugs and alcohol they will and cause great damage to you and your friends and family. Have fun to ! enjoy high school as much as you can just always remember to be yourself! And last but not least as much fun high school can be College is the funnest hands down for sure ! Wish you luck in high school.

14 Name: Chiyako : 2012-03-29 03:18 ID:N6ZMiLUu [Del]

Well probably like everyone else says, hang out with your friends. And be careful around some upper classmen cause some don't want anything to do with the lower classmen. Stay away from drugs, they'll only cause problems. And if you want a good relationship with teachers I'd suggest you always be prepared for class even if it make look weird and at least pretend you're paying attention in class, you'll earn the teachers respect quicker and easier that way. And maybe use S.L.A.N.T.

15 Name: Little Black Raincloud : 2012-03-29 06:57 ID:OBmZ5Ixk [Del]

well, I'm a Junoir and my advice is simply this: hold on to your friends. high school is a MAJOR time when friends begin to grow distant.

16 Name: Cyclone : 2012-03-29 13:13 ID:Vk4/fply [Del]

Always do the homework, even if you don't know what you're doing teachers will like that you try. Don't annoy the upperclassmen, freshmen generally do just try and stay on their good side. get involved in some clubs, preferably ones relating to what you want to do in the future. Find out about the classes you want to take from people who've already taken them. Take as many advanced classes as you can handle or is offered. Find time to still be with friends. Start looking into colleges as soon as possible I made that mistake and I'm now suffering for it. Just enjoy High School to the best of your ability and no matter how hard things may get, just know that it will get better. Good luck my friend!

17 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-03-29 19:30 ID:XK0Wxbt1 [Del]

Always remember that school is for learning, not socializing. Keep your friends close but never lose track of your studies.

18 Name: Mage : 2012-03-29 21:30 ID:gsmgCZxO [Del]

As far as drama goes, I find it easiest to just ignore it. Seriously. I'm just about to graduation and have had a carefree time through school. If someone feels the need to try and mock e for anything, I just ignore it because honestly I don't care. They usually get bored fast when they don't get a reaction.

19 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-03-30 06:04 ID:oZpt/zZ4 [Del]

One thing I would recommend is volunteering your time. Be it to a community organization or an extra-curricular with community service aspects, I can assure you that you will find a hidden strength inside yourself, and a joy for the things you are accomplishing.

I say this as a former member of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). I can tell you that I learned a lot through the hours I spent devoting my time to the club and its activities. I met many amazing people within my community and earned the respect of those around me.

Another important thing: Try to figure out whether or not you want to college. Once you reach your final year, you will have the choice of applying for college, the military, a mission trip (if you're religious), or directly entering the workforce.

If you want to go to college then you need to find a college that offers courses in the field you are thinking of studying. If you are still unsure by that time but want to go to college, I recommend going to community college first and getting general education out of the way.

20 Name: Miu : 2012-04-10 21:47 ID:y8bIuE5c [Del]

as long as you don't get bad influences from others, you'll have a great HS life. [e.g., like drinking or smoking]

well, it's pretty tiring to be in high school though. =3=

21 Name: Joshin : 2012-04-11 08:29 ID:u5aU8/Bj [Del]

Try to find the right crowd.

22 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-04-11 09:06 ID:0zmRYLWv [Del]

>>20 I agree, highschool is pretty tiring.

I hope you find the right friends in school and don't be afraid to make new friends! :) Don't do drugs, sex, smoking, etc... And most importantly..... BE THE HERO!!!!!! 8D

23 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-05-04 18:48 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]


24 Name: Mizuki : 2012-05-05 02:08 ID:osQ4KbZg [Del]

Avoid butting into people's business. If there is drama just listen but not talk. Try not to fall in love if someone just asks you out. I mean it's just high school. Nothing serious but make it interesting.

25 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-05-05 14:29 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

Don't be a dumbass, and use common sense. Be polite, and courteous, and you'll do fine.

26 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-05-05 15:57 ID:f3tRgicf [Del]

If someone has a problem with you end it, quickly. Do your homework, don't give the teachers trouble, and keep your phone out of sight. Don't miss class if you can help it, catching up is a bitch. Don't let anyone know you're an underclassmen if you can help it, my entire Spanish class thought I was a sophomore until I told them I was a freshman, they treated me much better before they knew. Join clubs, but only ones that interest you. Try out for sports, the play, anything like that. Get your sleep. Stay out of trouble.

27 Name: Shadow : 2012-05-05 20:27 ID:yeKfxXiq [Del]

>>26 Yeah, I had an entire earth science class bully me. Find an upperclassmen to be on your side too. I met Anubis through band and she introduced me to this and made me her little sister in oir band family! Plays are also great ways to make friends and memories as well, I'm in a one-act right now.

28 Name: Kouchi Kenshin : 2012-05-05 23:37 ID:9Tk3Q6Zf [Del]

Please dont act like a hard ass. Upperclassmen find it super annoying and you will regret it later. not saying to blend in with the crowd, but thats usually what u wanna do for a little bit (i.e. a month). #1 thing is talk to as many ppl as u can, go around as many groups as u can, socializing with as many cliques and joining as many clubs and sports that u find interesting. Clubs and sports are 1 of the easiest ways to gain friends. Follow these guidelines and you will have a very enjoyable freshman year and high school life :)

29 Name: BlueBarry : 2012-05-05 23:51 ID:0fnaVPio [Del]

Try to stick to your own believes and don't become a poser. Also try to find good to honest friends ,who will stick with you and trust me that's how I'm surviving. Be careful though High school can be a scary place at first, but later on it can become fun. Like I said I'm surviving high school by sticking to my own believes and have great friends, but i think I have it lucky.

30 Name: Apple !nUVTjrRSpw : 2012-05-06 05:50 ID:cE6PXixk [Del]

Just do your work and try to do well in class. Teachers can write a good recommendation letter to help you get into a good college (if you are interested). HOWEVER, don't be a suck up or a snitch. Your peers will judge you - even pick on you.

High school... you may not know who you are yet or what you want to do, but try your best not to fall into peer pressure. As Bluebarry (>>29) says... don't be a poser. No one likes someone who isn't honest or a fake.

Do what you like - hobbies, sports, academic clubs, etc. Join clubs to find people of same interest. Be open to different people and their interests. Just because someone has really different hobbies - it doesn't make them unapproachable or weird. You may never know if what they like could be something you like.

Be friendly :)

31 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-08 02:16 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]


32 Name: Kitsune Lawliet : 2012-05-08 19:56 ID:kGHLxim1 [Del]

hangout with the people who treat you right and help you out, then keep your eyes to the floor, focus on your work and go home. i've been living my life like this and never been bullied or hurt in anyway and am perfectly happy ^-^

33 Name: tsubaki !tfUPvQmpso : 2012-05-09 00:29 ID:0tpR2eZU [Del]

Don't go.

34 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-05-09 00:31 ID:t+S0VIuw [Del]

>>33 lol'd

35 Name: Nixx !.bf3kM4S3A : 2012-05-09 01:01 ID:WAS2xm7U [Del]


Bad advice ^^^.

Good advice? Don't do drugs (or smoke either).

Seriously. Stay the fuck away from that shit. Your bank account will be hurting enough without feeding a self-damaging habit.