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1 Name: whatsupdoc : 2012-03-27 16:17 ID:EMi/cJdC [Del]

This is something I tend to ask around about in the chat whenever I'm bored, but I've been growing increasingly interested in it over time, so tell me:
What is your opinion and view on love?
How is it born and how you do you know when you've found it?
Is it possible to be in "true" love with more than one person?
Can love be bought?
Is love something completely selfish or selfless?
Does love even exist to you?
Please thoroughly explain your thoughts and feelings on the matter! I look forward to seeing a few interesting replies.

(P.S. I did check for other posts like this and only found one that closely resembled it, the "Relationships: Pros, Cons, Opinions?" thread. Personally I don't believe that this is considered a duplicate thread because, while the two threads are similar, that one focuses on relationships rather then love in general, and i feel that love and relationships, while they definitely tend to go hand-in-hand, exist independently from one-another. If you don't understand what i mean, I'll gladly explain myself to you.)

2 Name: Hanetsu : 2012-03-27 16:32 ID:LIGG1LHL [Del]

1) I think everyone needs love, from someone who says "love is useless" to the one who says "love is beautiful", they need it.
2) And I think you wouldn't know when it was born, when you noticed, it's already there, and you can't easily erase it.
3) I don't know if you can be in true love with more than one person though, when you're in love with someone, you would think that he/she is your true love, then, when you find someone else and fall in love with them, you would think the same. >_>
4) I don't think so. :| Love is something special that can't be bought with money.
5) I think some is selfish and some is selfless. It differs to one and the other. But to me, the one who is true is the selfless one.
6) Yeah, it exist. If love doesn't exist, I wouldn't care about the others, or maybe, I wouldn't live. (Am I being too dramatic? @_@)

That's my answer, and it's just my opinion. Sorry if it's long. :3

3 Name: Acid Shampoo : 2012-03-27 17:37 ID:mUgNDUdK [Del]

love used to mean something although these days the word love is thrown around in society now a days that the word has lost all meaning... it still exists but it gets harder and harder to express it.

4 Name: Saika 2.0 : 2012-03-27 18:08 ID:+7PoH05L [Del]

Love(romantically) is a conspiracy to sell candy and cards. Two people may think they're in love, but it's just mutual atraction. My theory: As humans advanced they wanted ways to differentiate themselves from animals. Most animals choose mates based on if they're stromng/have good genes, so the weaker genes would die out. People use love to make breeding sound more special then it is.

5 Name: Kazuma !GCYh5GqLVY : 2012-05-01 10:27 ID:5oysnayq [Del]

>>4 That's exactly how I think about it. We live to breed and this is how it's justified. Even if people trick themselves into thinking love exists, the reality will hit one day and they will just end up hurting themselves.

6 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-05-01 11:23 ID:0zmRYLWv [Del]

I'm in that phase where I don't think I'll ever find love. My pride is kind of taking over my mind. Some people will say that I am playing hard-to-get, but really I do want to like someone. I guess anime lovers would categorize me as a Tsundere... XD

My view on love: I believe that love comes in MANY different ways, figures, and feelings. I guess it's the way how one expresses it and how it is taken.

I'm making a story about an extreme love from a middle school boy's point of view. He's "In Love" with this girl who is in his class and would (literally) KILL any guy who tries to "woo" her. (XD) He is spotted, by her own eyes, about to kill one of the boys from his school. When he tries to explain his actions to the girl, who he liked, she happily accepts his love because she has been doing the same to the girls at their school except she spreads rumors about them instead of killing. Together they ran away from home, school, and town.

7 Name: Miku : 2012-05-01 22:23 ID:rdYHMR6C [Del]

For me I think love is something you will just know when it happens. Even if that person might not show it back or have the same feelings for you but stay with them. Always stay happy that theyre with you. The person i love likes my younger sister more than me.I dont care that he does i want to be with him forever even if he doesnt feel the same. I know that sounds crazey but Ive felt that way towards the ones i love.

8 Name: nobody : 2012-05-01 23:52 ID:2IeyRILl [Del]

i think love exists, but has lost it's true meaning over the course of time. i believe that in our time and in our culture, too many people have misinterpreted the true value of love. just like how the meaning of so many other things have just ended up being lost over time...

9 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-05-02 01:30 ID:0ESEpw3q [Del]

Didn't someone else already make a love thread?

10 Name: rolling girl : 2012-05-02 09:16 ID:cO2plK1b [Del]

I like to believe that love exists, but as >>4 said, I sort of just believe it as a mutual attraction.
I believe that 'love' is born when two people find similarities in each-other that they like, and they like the others body and personality, they choose to love each-other.
I more-so think think that love is a selfish thing.

11 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-02 14:52 ID:6dM3BNy6 [Del]

>>9 A love at first "site" yes/no thread, yeah. This is thread is a (very welcome, I may say) more indepth discussion about opinions on love in general.

12 Name: Weems !2eFzSAGExE : 2012-05-02 14:59 ID:hiv+wJZw [Del]

As much as I will myself to believe that love isn't real, I can't. I know that is just chemical reactions, but I just know that I can feel it, so it must be real. (I had a bad break up recently, and whenever I do I try to comfort myself by saying that it isn't real)

Also, I think love is both selfish and selfless. Selfish of course because you always want to be with that special person, but selfless because you would do anything for that person (At least I believe you should.)

13 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-05-02 15:19 ID:0ESEpw3q [Del]

>>11 I thought we had one in random called "the love thread" though.

14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-02 15:29 ID:6dM3BNy6 [Del]

>>13 Go look for it. As far as I know, though, it's not a discussion about opinions of love in general.

15 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-02 15:31 ID:6dM3BNy6 [Del]

>>13 >>14 Found it. It's closed, and it wasn't a discussion. It was just talking about things you like.

It has nothing to do with this, Crisis.

16 Name: Kirk2425 !wKJpObkR5w : 2012-05-02 18:51 ID:m4Nwh1E9 [Del]

I am by no means even an amateur of love and am quite sure that people will disagree with me, but here are my answers to your question.
There are several types of 'love' in order of least to most 'noble', in my own opinion they are:
1)"Friendship Love" = The love you have for a friend. Some friends would and have put their lives on the line for their buddy. This is not a "I will be with you forever" kind of bond, but can be just as strong in some circumstances. The reason this is near the bottom of the list is that it is rarely stated and can be one of the shortest living loves.
2)"Physical Love" = The love one has for a object of "perfection" often times this is a one way street of "love". Such as someone saying that they love Angelina Jolie, even though they have never met her and know almost nothing about her beyond her physical appearance. This barely ranks higher than the friendship bond because even though the person who loves them probably would be a lot less loving than they say once they meet them, they rarely meet the object of their love. So this is one of the longer lasting loves.
3)"Mental Love" = The love one has when they enjoy being around someone. This could be said to be a subset or the beginning of "Senor Love", but since it doesn't always follow the same path I placed it as a separate love. Sometimes this is just a love of talking with them, sometimes they make you feel better when you are near, sometimes you just "love" the fact that they agree with you all the time. This can be a long lasting love, or it can be a short lived love. This love makes it up this high by having some of the better characteristics of the "Friendship Love", but can be longer lasting.
4)"Senor Love" = The love of someone where you can't imagine living without them. This love can be strong or it can be weak, but it generally is what keeps marriages together from what I can tell. I called this "Senor Love" because of an observation I have made. When one of an elderly couple dies or leaves, the other will sometimes try to get married again almost immediately. The reason for this is that they cannot imagine, and it scares them to try to imagine, living alone. Sometimes this is a less 'noble' love due to the fact that it can just be a fear of the unfamiliar, nevertheless it still scores high in that it is one of the loves that motivates the most, it is one that can last a very long time, and it keeps a lot of couples together.
5)"True Love" = The love of selflessness. This is one of the hardest loves to love with, it is the one that can get taken advantage of the most, and it is one of the best to be the recipient of. This is where someone decides that someone else deserves their all. Now it should be noted that this can be undeserved, it is better if it is deserved, but that is not a requirement. This is where the happiest couples are in my experience, where they both decide, on their own, that the other person is worth their all.
I believe that within these explanations are my answers to your question. Now I have to admit that most of this was thought about thoroughly just now, so there might be some minor errors in either my writing or my explanation. Please ask if you need any clarification or if I didn't explain something quite right.

17 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-02 20:17 ID:6dM3BNy6 [Del]

>>16 Oh, look. A giant wall of white text!

Please use paragraph breaks next time.

18 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-05-03 00:28 ID:0ESEpw3q [Del]

>>15 Okay. Thanks for clearing that up, BarabiSama.

>>16 By what qualifications are you not an amatuer?

19 Name: Kirk2425 !wKJpObkR5w : 2012-05-03 01:44 ID:rdtwzXTI [Del]

>>17 Sorry I figured it was already long enough to warrant not doing double spacing to make the text wall even longer, but in hind sight it would probably have been better with double spacing between paragraphs.

>>18 I am not even an amateur, normally it is by no means am I an expert. As I haven't even had a girlfriend I figured I am not just not an expert, but not even an amateur. I have been thinking and looking into this subject a lot recently though, so I thought I would throw what I have been mulling over for the past few months into the ring. Listen or ignore as you wish, this is just my personal thoughts.

The more you hear the more you think. The more you think the more your ideas are refined.

20 Name: PainKiller : 2012-05-03 05:56 ID:joRdFqa9 [Del]

I have no personal views on love. I don't follow the usual routines normal couples do, or even sex partners and whatnot. I follow whatever my girlfriend wants, considering she's the one I care about most.
And no, she's not the dominator or whatever in the relationship, because she knows that I'm in charge. But I'm not the type of person with a lot of interests, so I reference her with whatever we do on dates and such. It seems to work out.
I'm sorry, I've gone a little off track. Let me explain in a more precise method. Your personal view of love should be in unison between you and the one(s) you love. For if the two view collide with no resolution, there will be some uneccessary problems. Become one with your love, and intertwine with one another, share ideas, memories, feelings. Only then can love mean something to you both.

21 Name: Meow : 2012-05-03 10:16 ID:T70NYsVc [Del]

Love and attraction are connections. How ever, attraction is more temporary because it's often based on need. Love, on the other hand, is the conscious and willing desire to be with someone. Most often than not, attraction is selfish, because you are often thinking of only YOUR need. love is selfless because it desires the joy of the someone.

22 Name: Mio : 2012-05-04 17:59 ID:rdYHMR6C [Del]

>>20 That makes no sense How can you be incharge if you do what others say. Also in a relationship both people are equally incharge. Me and my boyfriend are like that neither of us are the leader or the follower.

23 Name: soul : 2012-05-04 18:46 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

mios right

24 Name: TallFry : 2012-05-07 04:57 ID:QLDoJQJt [Del]

For me, love is a defining and driving force in life. I might look at one woman and think "wow she's hot", but love is so much more than that. You spend time with the person in question. You talk, you get to know them, you support each other, and you're there for each other no matter what, no matter how far or how long it takes. It's a wonderful thing that should never be taken for granted. Yes, it is possible for it to blossom for more than one person at once. I'm in such a dilemma right now, actually. But honestly I count myself lucky that I can love that much more. It's important, and those that live their lives without it are usually bitter, alone, and cry themselves to sleep every single night.

25 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-07 06:11 ID:8/hNvQX5 [Del]

>>22 One of the people in basic relationships is usually more dominant than the other. I don't allow this; I prefer to be equal to my counterpart. However, there are others that feel more comfortable that way and won't let it become equal due to their own varying reasons.

26 Name: Little Black Raincloud : 2012-05-07 07:11 ID:OBmZ5Ixk [Del]

oh, you mean the song from Jet Set Raido Future? I love it!
I jest. I think of it as a deeply rooted urge to find someone who sees your flaws as quirks.

27 Name: chaos : 2012-05-07 08:11 ID:UZIssIW1 [Del]

i wish some girl would give me a chance i would just do anything to find love

28 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-05-07 13:08 ID:0ESEpw3q [Del]

>>27 Ifyou educate yourself, learn to be well spoken, and fucking grow up, then you might find a girl who can like you. Until then, hell no.

29 Post deleted by user.

30 Post deleted by user.

31 Name: Kerra-Chan : 2012-05-07 17:36 ID:u+MegWN0 [Del]


32 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-08 02:20 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]


33 Name: Kitsune Lawliet : 2012-05-08 19:52 ID:kGHLxim1 [Del]

i see love as a waist of time to keep the human race moving...

34 Name: Nixx !.bf3kM4S3A : 2012-05-09 01:05 ID:WAS2xm7U [Del]



35 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-09 01:36 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

>>34 define gross.
>>33 **waste

36 Name: gen kida : 2012-05-09 13:25 ID:UZIssIW1 [Del]

i dont believe its a good or bad thing love can kill love can heal love can destroy love can save but me i want to fall in love with some girl who loves anime is very romantic likes to swim and walk and talk thats love in my eyes aka still waiting on it

37 Name: Mahiru : 2012-05-09 21:01 ID:UqV7trE9 [Del]

What is your opinion and view on love?
Love is love its just there, there is no define way to love.

How is it born and how you do you know when you've found it?
When you know you know, no one can tell you that you are in it or when it comes to you, because each person has there own way of looking at it and de-code it in different ways.

Is it possible to be in "true" love with more than one person?
What I believe is that when someone falls in 'love'or claims to be in love a lot of the times will adventually find it, because true love is comepletely different from just love if that makes any sense x.x;

Can love be bought?
Love can be bought if it's an item like a game or a movie but not a person.

Is love something completely selfish or selfless?
is love selfish, well I believe everyone is selfish in their own way, so I do think love can be selfish. Depending on what the person is looking for in love.

Does love even exist to you?
Yes I do.

38 Name: Mahiru : 2012-05-09 21:02 ID:UqV7trE9 [Del]

is love selfish, well I believe everyone is selfish in their own way, so I do think love can be selfish. Depending on what the person is looking for in love.

39 Name: custom !vP93IZ2rns : 2012-05-10 01:37 ID:YiYnja1D [Del]

love is a misused words nowadays, love is meant to be an undying affection, or care towards someone, but it's nothing more than hormones or human instinct to get two people into procreating... just an opinion of mine

40 Name: custom !vP93IZ2rns : 2012-05-10 01:39 ID:YiYnja1D [Del]

now the love u may have for like an animal or religion is just also an emotional/psychological attachment in my eye... another opinion of mine..

41 Name: Zero : 2012-05-10 10:42 ID:lDB/9Wiv [Del]

>>39 >>40 ...

FOr as faras love goes, to me there are 4 to 5 types:
1. Family, love for your relatives.
2. Actual love, like say love for a special someone.
3. FAKE love, love that is menaingless
4. Material love, love for material objects as in things like a hobby that you enjoy doing.
5. Friend love, the love you have for your friends. It can change into Real love though.

Basically, love comes in many forms, but today's world proves that 'love' is overused in many MANY ways. Basically its misused as false affection, which makes #3 love the most common. #2 love is rare in this lifetime, and if everyone tried they could find it.

#1 love is always the one someone will have, even if their family is dead.

42 Name: Ollo : 2012-05-10 10:51 ID:7Caqv0+6 [Del]

Love is when you get a warm feeling when you think about someone and you can't help but smile, it's when you think: "they really mean the world to me"
This can be love for a partner, a friend, a family member, etc. Different types of love but it's generally the same thing.
When I wrote the first bit, for example, I was thinking if my friend Hachi, I've known her forever and I really do love her (as a friend!) and she means the world to me.
As for partners, I haven't really experienced love in that area, just crushes and things like that.
And for family, eh, I love 'em and I hate 'em! Haha XD

43 Name: Zero : 2012-05-10 10:56 ID:lDB/9Wiv [Del]

Can't love yer family, can't hate 'em either, ya just deal with 'em

44 Post deleted by user.

45 Name: Airai : 2012-05-10 11:32 ID:xSBK+Ktc [Del]

What is your opinion and view on love?
I think that love is what we call warm feelings and connections towards each other. However, I consider love to be in many forms. There is 'friend love' and then there is 'more than friend love.' Personally, I think that yes, we all have connections too each other, but these days, people overuse and abuse the word, Most of the time, what we consider love, only turns out to be temporarily infatuation.

How is it born and how you do you know when you've found it?
Love can be born in many ways. It can be a physical connection, an emotional connection or just simply, common interests.

Is it possible to be in "true" love with more than one person?
I'm not sure, not having been in love myself. I suppose that this is possible, friendship wise.

Can love be bought?
In my opinion, no, at least not 'true love.' You merely buy a delusion because you are able to.

Is love something completely selfish or selfless?
It's both.
You have to be selfish in some respects and selfless in others.

Does love even exist to you?
Love exists friendship wise for me. I have my doubts relationship wise. And with my family...well the jury's still out on that one.

46 Post deleted by user.

47 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-05-10 11:35 ID:0zmRYLWv [Del]

>>44 - >>46

48 Name: Airai : 2012-05-10 11:56 ID:xSBK+Ktc [Del]

Shit. Sorry for the triple post.

49 Name: Don Iron Rebel : 2012-05-10 14:28 ID:vCUmC+ll [Del]

To me, Love is not a feeling, it's more of a passion. It's a commitment made cause you feel passionate about whatever you claim to love. But the action is being bastardized, people are becoming more self-centered and demanding to their needs in a relationship or to anything at all. I know that sounds veg, but bare with me here.
I feel like it's being played out to much and's becoming kind of over rated. To me, there is still such thing as 'true love' but it doesn't come around to often anymore. I've been in some nasty heartbreaks so you could say I'm a bit bias. But I've also seen the silver lining of this situation and it's a root of beauty and happiness as well as pain.
Everyone has their own definitions of love and maybe there is no real definition to it. I do love a lot of things, so maybe I'm speaking out of turn here. I don't know, I thought I'd throw my two cents in.

50 Name: Eve !V41FL0UQHA : 2012-05-11 06:22 ID:HwQMdinR [Del]

Okay, so here are my views:

What is your opinion and view on love?
I think love is a feeling you get when you wanted to be with someone all the time, when you wanted that person to be happy and accept you also. That's the my main belief on love.

How is it born and how you do you know when you've found it?
Love is a strange thing, we wouldn't know exactly when and how it was born and when had we found it. For me, I think I'll found, and know I love someone when I was about to lose it (the people or the feeling) because I think most of us didn't know the significance of something until we almost or had lost it.

Is it possible to be in "true" love with more than one person?
Yes, if it's different types of love (family love, friend love, couple love, etc.)

Can love be bought?
No, we can use money to support our effort in love but we can't bought "true" love as it's made by chemistry with people.

Is love something completely selfish or selfless?
It's something completely selfless to me (I want to say a bit selfish too, but the question is "completely"). Because when we love someone, we wanted that person to be happy no matter what. So in other words, even if that hurts us.

Does love even exist to you?
Me? I don't know if someone I cared had become to someone I love or not, but I do care a lot for my family and best friends.

51 Name: Zoey : 2012-05-11 07:51 ID:rdYHMR6C [Del]

>>33 so do you consider your self above humans and if so your not like ive heard from some people love is a word that is now over used. I believe its a feeling you get when your near that person you feel like for me when your heart begins to race and you feel as if your frozen in time. also can people stop calling other people humans no one person is higher than another

52 Name: Zero : 2012-05-11 10:29 ID:lDB/9Wiv [Del]

>>50 wow good point

53 Name: Zero : 2012-05-11 10:32 ID:lDB/9Wiv [Del]

>>51 that is true BUT one person is higher than another in terms of occupation. just saying.

54 Name: Zoey : 2012-05-11 23:04 ID:rdYHMR6C [Del]

>>53 your right in a work place setting. But out side of work all of us are the same andare on an equal ground so dont go around and call people humans your human just like us.

55 Name: saiklone : 2012-05-13 14:29 ID:55qsSjFd [Del]

that unfortunately is true,Zoey, what Zero said