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Is this healthy? (22)

1 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-03-24 20:15 ID:Zt9RFk7e [Del]

I feel like I have a hole in my chest. Like I'm missing something, but I don't know what it is...
Is it love(I've never been in a relationship)? A chance to have fun with friends(I lock myself in my room just listening to music & draw)? I just don't know! The only best friend I have is a paper and pencil(journal).

I'm just running away. I've experienced envy, hatred, sadness, loneliness, happy, and excitement. I try to fill it in my chest, but it only makes the hole bigger.

2 Name: Loveless : 2012-03-24 20:41 ID:d/MmdENz [Del]

Try something new then see what happens to the hole in your chest.^^

3 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-03-24 20:47 ID:Zt9RFk7e [Del]

>>2 Lol! A few months ago, I tracked someone down, but that still wasn't enough. It was fun while it lasted though. :)

4 Name: libbie-chan !ItBlsc/TDE : 2012-03-24 21:06 ID:19M9AiY1 [Del]

the world isnt as bad as you think

5 Name: (_unavailable_) : 2012-03-24 21:17 ID:X+JKMOjm [Del]

Hmm... I wish I could help, but maybe just talking with people will help you! :) I'm here whenever you need help, I promise

6 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-03-25 00:53 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

Nothing can help you. Maybe therapy and pills can aleviate, but in the end you will be stuck with your overly dramatic issue. Im sure unpurposely you are blowing it way out of proportion, but whatever. Go outside, play the game called irl, get friends, have a thing that you go to on a regular basis, etc. You wont be able to live life if you just stay cooped up.

I did not read the whole thing, my mind is not around currently.

7 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-03-25 13:26 ID:Zt9RFk7e [Del]

>>6 Why don't you read the whole thing before posting anything? :l

8 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-25 14:09 ID:k/gGew3z [Del]

Did you not pay attention to me saying me mind had gone to shit last night?

9 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-25 14:10 ID:k/gGew3z [Del]

At least i let you know, hey i didnt read the whole thread or op so if this is ignorant af ignore it.

10 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2012-03-25 14:58 ID:4fGpXQYB [Del]

>>8 hey, they has hole in body. :O

/o/ well watever Sleep said wus actually true. Go do something, something that will make you feel meaningful. It's no fun when you're stuck having only a pencil and paper. Noffense to that journal thing of yours, but sometimes we need real peepoh. :D Our relationships with other people is what makes us who we are, and the more we have of those, the less....empty feelings we will have. And just for those new adventuree and people, go out an take sum time. Just sit in yer backyard, take sum time off and think about your life.

It doesn't seem to be getting any where far, so whai not just sit down and have a thinker, think about yer life an' have a 'contemplating' discussion with yerself. You can never fully understand yerself, I'm sure you've gawt a whole lotta secrets hidden from yerself jist bottledup inside.

11 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-03-26 22:49 ID:Zt9RFk7e [Del]

I just don't have the confidence. It's hard to find people to talk to when they only talk about themselves.

12 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-03-27 09:45 ID:UVSsEHEZ [Del]

>>11 Then take intrest in the person. People tend to talk about what they know, and unless that actually know something else well enough, they're going to talk about themselves. If you need extra confidence, just remember one of the many good quotes out there, ignoring how cheesy it is...
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality." - Emil Castagnier, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of The New World

13 Name: Reaper : 2012-03-27 20:30 ID:e5SNLKSr [Del]

>>12 You quoted Tales. You're the best, dude!

>>1 Sorry if this is mean, but you sound like Tony Stark.
Okay, jokes aside. Go places with your friends. Have a good time. I f you do that, you'll find that doing that is better than being in your room all lonely.

14 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-03-27 22:47 ID:Zt9RFk7e [Del]

>>11 Thanks for the philosophy quote! :)

>>13 How to make friends.... All the people at my school only talk about themselves. No matter how many times I turn my head, there is always a selfish person.

15 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-28 11:34 ID:79KeWLAV [Del]

>>1 It's indigestion. Pepto Bismol.

16 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-03-28 12:38 ID:QkU/PNPw [Del]

>>15 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Seriously though, I honestly believe that you should get out more. Dont coop yourself up in your room. Dont be such a loner. Try as hard as you can to make friends. And only decide to actually be their friend when they are not the kind of people that only talk about themselves.

17 Name: Hanetsu : 2012-03-28 14:23 ID:lwiwjL/1 [Del]

>>14 Yeah, of course there is always a selfish person, and you don't have to follow (or listens to) everyone to be their friend. You just have to talk to somebody and if you feel like you can get along well, try to be his/her friend.

and I agree with everyone else here. :3

18 Name: Cece : 2012-03-28 15:45 ID:QgT6zKlY [Del]

Try to smile and have fun when you are with others. If you are depressed, like SERIOUSLY, then you can take anti depressents. And don't lock yourself in your room, it will make the lonliness worse.
Hope that helped! :)

19 Post deleted by user.

20 Name: Nincompoop Panda : 2012-03-29 08:26 ID:db1uYz7L [Del]

Wow I grew up the exact same way as you, though minus writing, I just drew a lot.
Sure its bad to lock your emotions away but I felt my escape from all that would be to draw, just in attempt to release emotion.

Though once you make some friends that's when the real magic happens. Its really amazing really. Though I still treasure my alone time and artwork now that I'm 20. But its still wonderful to hang out with the people you meet.

I hope that one day you too you will meet wonderful people that you can stand along side. People that you're glad to have met!

21 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-03-29 08:47 ID:Zt9RFk7e [Del]

Thanks guys! This has been going on for a while around four or five years, but hopefully I can summon up the courage to open up more. :)

22 Name: Sirus : 2012-03-30 03:03 ID:7KTuEQL9 [Del]

I know exactly how you feel. I don't know if it's the same for you, but it makes me feel like I'm incomplete as a human sometimes. Chances are though, there will be one completely decent human being you'll encounter than will be that connection to the rest of the world that you truly can cherish. :)