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I've been thinking (25)

1 Name: Shade : 2012-03-24 15:38 ID:JiDsTXY7 [Del]

This thought has crossed my mind quite a bit this past week after I started playing the VN Katawa Shoujo. The setting of the game is a Boarding School for children with disabilities. I've seen Boarding Schools in anime before. You can go anywhere during the lunch period to eat on the school grounds, you don't have to worry about getting home because you have a dorm room sometimes all to yourself, on occassions you can leave the school grounds. It just all seems so perfect. Not to mention I don't mind uniforms.

I'm in 10th grade. I've given it alot of consideration and a Boarding School seems like the perfect opportunity to just get away from home, to get away from all the normalct of my day to day routine. There's more freedom. Problem being, I don't want to leave my new school and my parents probably couldn't afford to send me to a Boarding School. At least, not now anyway. But, staying at a Boarding School for at least a year might be what I need to clear my head and satisfy my craving for a peaceful life. I could just walk out onto the campus at dusk or early morning from my dorm room and lay under a tree. Peacefully and drift off to sleep for a while. It all seems so nice to think about. What do you guys think? Any input would be invaluable to me. Especially from anyone on here who has attended or is currently attending a Boarding School.

2 Name: Himari !roz4L.7.o2 : 2012-03-24 16:39 ID:x7KM8XqE [Del]

Boarding school is nothing like Katawa Shoujo. Media has a way of making certain types of schools seem a lot more luxurious then they really are. At a time in my life I really wanted to go to a big city like New York, or Tokyo for school because of all the freedom there seemed to be, but the reality is that it's expensive, and most schools in NYC suck.

If you're looking for something that's not a day to day routine then boarding school is not the place for you. For me, everyday was basically the same. It's not much different than regular school. You wake up, eat breakfast, go to your classes, eat lunch, go to more classes, study and do homework, free time, and then lights out. Since there's a curfew you won't be able to go outside and rest for a while, which does sound nice.

Also, at my boarding school, you are allowed to eat in your room, but I guess it depends on which boarding school you go to. If you do go to boarding school you most likely will have at least one roommate.

My school allows you to leave campus on the weekends to go to the mall and stuff (basically anywhere as long as it's not like in another state) but only if you have more than 1 person. I heard some schools let you leave campus on weekdays during your free time though. The rules are also a lot more strict.

Overall, boarding school is really fun and has it's ups and downs. Honestly, if you really want to go to boarding school and you can afford it, go for it. But just keep in mind that it's going to be really hard to adjust, and time will really fly by if you're only there for a year. In my opinion, I think that it would be smart to either go to boarding school until you graduate, or don't go at all because if you go for only 1 year and come back senior year, I think it'll be hard adjusting back.

3 Name: Shade : 2012-03-24 16:47 ID:JiDsTXY7 [Del]

I see what your saying and I never expected it to be perfect. I live in Pennsylvania where its more open countryside. I can't stand the city. However, its the fact that I can spend my free time on the campus pretty much about anywhere that entices me. It doesn't matter how long, just how relaxing it is. It depends on what school you go to. Most schools are usually different. I'd probably visit them before attending one.

4 Name: Himari !roz4L.7.o2 : 2012-03-24 17:18 ID:x7KM8XqE [Del]

ohhhh I see, so the reason you want to go to boarding school is to relax right? Then I guess boarding school is good for that. There's a lot less homework and a lot more free time than regular school life if that's what you want. So yeah, it's a lot more relaxed and laid back in a lot of ways. Also everyone is really close since you live with each other.

Most boarding schools are pretty similar, with the main differences being the schedules and what the dorms are like. Basically all boarding school have more than an hour of free time so yeah.

5 Name: Shade : 2012-03-24 22:27 ID:r0v0cbUz [Del]

Its the relaxation and freedome that makes Boarding School so appealing to me. Normal, public school doesn't give you any time to really rest from your classes and even then, they're shoving you out the door as soon as school ends. Its too confining. Its not much of an argument, but its what I got. Right now, my one friend is arguing with me about it because he see's no difference. However, I know why he's really upset. He doesn't want me to leave. Its not that I want to leave my friends behind. I'm discussing this on another forum as well which he happens to be a part of, and someone there sorta caught me on something I hadn't even noticed. "Sounds like you've already made up your mind and just want us to tell you it's a good idea, even though no one has done so yet." Thats what the one person said. So far, on here, is the only place where someone has supported the idea. On the other forum however, everyone see's no point and the discussion went from Boarding School to the game that gave me the idea, which the one person points out has obligatory sex scenes in it. So the topic derailed there, so here is the only credible place anymore.

6 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-03-25 00:54 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

Im 89% sure life in boarding schools is glamorized by anime. Just like life as a butler, or as a nerd, etc. I didnt read this so I dont know if this has been said or not, but I am against your idea of joining a boarding school for the reason given.

7 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-25 11:10 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

>>6 Thank you. That's exactly what I was thinking.
Please understand that anime isn't always 100% correct (it almost never is, everything is glamorized or fake). I'm almost 100 % certain that boarding school is not what you think it'll be.

8 Name: Shade : 2012-03-25 15:22 ID:r0v0cbUz [Del]

I've actually been doing some reading and they arn't actually far off. It depends on the school. Every school is different. I managed to find one thats quite similar to the ones "portrayed" in anime. The only noticeable difference, seems to be that you can't leave the grounds whenever. However, contrary to my earlier statement. It is no longer just about relaxation and freedom. Its more about the academics. I lack the motivation and incentive to really do my work. If I were to attend a school like the one i'm thinking of, i'd be forced to my work and get straight A's because if I got anything less than a 70, I would be expelled from it. The Motivation would be to stay and the incentive would be not to fail or be kicked out. I cannot force myself to do things that i'm not interested in at the moment. But if I were forced to do it, eventually it would become habit to do my work and get straight A's, which would take so much stress off of me. I don't expect alot of people to understand.

9 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-03-25 15:46 ID:Eq8wvB4R [Del]

I'm going to bring something to your attention that you may not like to hear.

As a minor, you have almost NO freedom.

Going to a boarding school won't change that one bit. In fact, their rules are more strict than what you're used to.

You pretty much get two big choices.

Relax and chill on your own, but pull your grades by the hair on your chinny chin chin.

Or do your work, get good grades, and lose the relaxation.

You don't get to have both, that's just how shit works. You can choose one or the other.

Or, for your final option, you can pull OKAY grades, and get OKAY relaxation. But you will never get either extreme.

Now, I'm usually the supportive one here, but I think you seriously need to get your head out of the clouds. You said 10th grade, so you're 15-16 right? You're old enough not to believe in cartoons as truth. Come back to earth, Space Cadet, and plan your life based on reality. Not some fantasy.

I also find it particularly strange how you said you can't force yourself to do something you're interested in, but forcing yourself to do it would "take stress of of you." Uhm... Go take a psychology class. That's not how that works, either. If you do something you don't enjoy, you actually become more stressed. No, not less. I don't even know where you could have gotten that silly idea.

In short: Get your head out of the clouds, life doesn't work like that.

I may come back later and give a better answer to your OP, but I felt you needed a good slap from reality.

10 Name: Shade : 2012-03-25 16:07 ID:r0v0cbUz [Del]

You may have misread me there. The reason it would take stress off of me, is because it would become habit and possibly something I like. I hate it now because i'm lazy and its not somethings I feel like doing. You know what... I find this hard to explain becaues I myself don't know how to explain it. Its weird considering i'm the one making the argument, but none the less I don't even know myself, but i'm going with it anyway.

11 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-03-25 16:14 ID:Eq8wvB4R [Del]

>>10 I understand where the logic is coming from now, but still... It's not really true at all.

Quite simply, if you don't like something, then you don't like it. Forcing yourself to do it anyway isn't going to make you "less stressed."

I've never met a person, EVER, that has forced themselves to enjoy something they dislike. Save for people that get kidnapped and brainwashed to like things they hate. Whatever the technical term for that is.

So unless you plan to get kidnapped, your logic will only work when it comes to food. (You know, acquired taste. Too bad it ONLY applies to food, as far as I've ever seen)

Don't knowingly put yourself into a situation that you'll despise. Unless you're seriously masochistic.

Basically the only times you're correct are during mental oddities. Unless somebody with more knowledge on the topic wants to chime in and prove me wrong. 'Cause that'd be cool, I like learning about that shit :3

12 Name: Shade : 2012-03-25 16:37 ID:r0v0cbUz [Del]

I've been talking with a few friends who've gone to or are in college, mostly ones who've stayed in the dorms and they've said its not really all that different, because some Boarding Schools are like College Prep when you get down to the last year and the optional 13th year. They said it wouldn't be a bad idea, but its not something I should rush into. They said sleep on it and give a considerable amount of thought before making a final decision.

13 Name: Himari !roz4L.7.o2 : 2012-03-25 17:04 ID:x7KM8XqE [Del]

Boarding school is good for academics but don't expect to get all As the first year, especially if you're new or you already have bad study habits. It's not like you can completely change your study habits in a matter of days. I used to be a slacker in middle school and always said to myself that I'm going to study more in high school, but once I went into freshmen year at my new boarding school, I got mostly Cs and Bs even after "trying" to study more. I'm a junior now and it's a lot easier because I've been improving my study skills for quite some time now.

And like I said before, boarding school is NOT like anime and games. I repeat NOT. Boarding school is pretty damn hard actually. Yeah there's somewhat less homework, but it's a lot harder. Also after reading your other post about how lazy you are I don't think you should go to boarding school. In boarding school you have A LOT more responsibility.

14 Name: Shade : 2012-03-25 17:13 ID:r0v0cbUz [Del]

I'm not even comparing it to anime anymore. Have you ever heard someone say, anywhere, "When put in a stressful or dangerous situation, a human beings natural instinct to survive will kick in." Of course not, I just made that up, but I know it applies and works. If I placed myself in a stressful situation, i'd do anything to get out of it. In the case of Boarding School, considering my laziness which isn't as bad as I made it out to be, at first I would probably still continue with my C/B average considering the fact that for the school i'm considering, you can't get below a 70 or your out. In order to get out of that stressful situation, I would need to adapt, meaning I would have to get used to doing my work more and more often progressively, studying more and harder, and quite possibly, I might also come to like subjects I currently hate. In time, I would have no problem with anything at all.

If that makes any sense to you.

15 Name: -Ace !E7tWOt/bZo : 2012-03-25 18:09 ID:x7KM8XqE [Del]

Ok from my point of view it seems like you're a lazy ass guy who has no fucking idea what boarding school is like and believes stuff from Japanese video games. Like everyone has been saying BOARDING SCHOOL IS NOT ANYTHING LIKE THE ANIME OR VIDEO GAMES. And placing yourself in a stressful situation so you'll study better doesn't always work. In fact it's pretty damn stupid. You do know stress isn't a good thing right? If you put yourself in a stressful situation, you already have a ton of stress. Then if you force yourself to do something you hate and have barely done before will make you even more stressful.

So basically it seems like your trying to fight off you stress by putting more stress on you and clearing that stress with even more stress. That's logical.

16 Name: Shade : 2012-03-25 19:56 ID:B8HIH+jJ [Del]

>>15 Thanks for being productive and helpful. /sarcasm

17 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-26 02:11 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

>bored with the monotony of every day life
>unmotivated to do schoolwork
>going to boarding school will fix that


Just finish school already?

College is basically boarding school anyway, with even more freedom. And if you don't go to college then hey, no schoolwork anyway.

Welcome to life, pal. Life kind of sucks if you don't learn to deal with it. Trying to live out an uninformed ideal based on a feeling isn't "dealing with it."

18 Name: Joshin : 2012-03-26 07:23 ID:u5aU8/Bj [Del]

Idea! Get a good job and an aprartment to live in.
and if you want hey your big sister somw how dies and you take care of her children tht fall in love with you <- Sarcasm Just saying, not everything int he Visual Novles, anime, or manga is true and alot of em are mostly true in Japan only, so jey if you want just get money and a job to buy an apartment alright. apologies for the sarcasm.

19 Name: Shade : 2012-03-26 09:48 ID:sa2SiY3f [Del]

>>18 Just to clarify, the game isn't even part of my thought process anymore. It was to start, but not anymore. And I still want to go to Boarding School. I've done alot of research and I still like the idea of it.

20 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-26 13:53 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

To me it sounds like you're considering putting a strain on your parents' wallets for your own selfish reasons. This isn't a decision as simple as buying a game console, it's something that costs tuition and such - much more money than one would spend at whatever school you're going to now.

Is it really worth it? You have to ask yourself that, and remember that you shouldn't carelessly throw money around if it isn't even yours, even if it's accessible by you. If your conscience allows you to do such a thing, then by all means go ahead and use your parents' money to try out a selfish ideal for only one year.

Again though, why not just wait for college? Same deal, except in college you're more likely to pay for housing than in grade school.

21 Name: Shade : 2012-03-26 15:37 ID:B8HIH+jJ [Del]

>>20 Your quite off. I'm not being selfish at all. I'm not taking the decision lightly and its looking like a no at any rate. It would outright be their decision on whether or not to send me. It would just be my idea. Its there money, they can do what they please with it. It is ultimately up to them what happens. Most of my friends agree that it wouldn't be a bad idea including the ones that are going to or have gone to college. They're all in support of the idea. I know I havn't made it sound right on here and for that I apologize. I rushed into posting on here and made ymself seem like a whiney kid who wants everything. My outlook on it has changed much in the last few days. So its not even for the same reasons I originally wanted to go.

22 Name: -Ace !E7tWOt/bZo : 2012-03-26 17:16 ID:x7KM8XqE [Del]

>>21 First off, fail on the grammar
Ok so you asked college students if you should go to boarding school. Nice. Unless they've been to boarding school, they don't know what it's like. And you are being a tad bit selfish (actually more than a tad bit).
And boarding school is hell. You know every single person there really good and your stuck with the same people for a year without meeting anyone new. You don't know anything about boarding school. Asking people in college is a stupid idea because how the fuck would they know what boarding school is like.

If you really want to go to boarding school go ahead and ask your parents.

23 Name: Titch !xeaU4pzZNA : 2012-03-26 17:47 ID:rhEjwrGu [Del]

I think making important choices that are going to have big consequences for a good number of years for you and cost your parents money shouldn't be made based on a video game.

Life isn't peaceful. Life is hectic. Start getting used to it now and you might just adjust enough to make your own islands of peace when you have to be an adult and sort this stuff out for yourself. :)

24 Name: Shade : 2012-03-26 18:07 ID:B8HIH+jJ [Del]

I'm not even going to continue this discussion because it seems to have gotten lost in confusion. The OP is no longer accurate. As for other assumptions, I don't even know any more.

25 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-03-26 22:47 ID:Zt9RFk7e [Del]

*Reads the title of the thread* You've been thinking?!!? (101 Dalmatians reference! XDD)