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Betrayal (11)

1 Name: Okamiren : 2012-03-24 03:17 ID:UARyDOCz [Del]

I loved my friend very deeply and I was always there for her. When she cried I'd hug her. When she didn't feel like she was worth anything I would always encourage her and tell her how amazing she was. When she wanted to die I told her that there would be people who would miss her dearly and that I loved her. But then one day I got a text from her. She said that she was sick of me and that I wad disgusting and appalling, that I'd never amount to anything. That I was useless. She accused me of buying our friendship and said that she had wanted to end our frienship for three years out of the four she had known me. She told me she never wanted to see me again. I had done so much for her. Why would she do that!? Was she just using me!?

2 Name: Hanetsu : 2012-03-24 03:48 ID:yIyGipSv [Del]

Did you talk to her face-to-face again after that happened? I think you should ask her why she suddenly said that. Because four years is quite a long friendship, if she really wanted to end your friendship, I don't think she would wait for three years. It's my opinion though...

Just try to talk to her about it, I think.

3 Name: Okamiren : 2012-03-24 03:57 ID:UARyDOCz [Del]

I'd love to but she lives all the way in San Diego now. And i know it has nothing to do with distance cause I visitd her a lot on holidays. I know my friend is still in contact with her though.

4 Name: Hanetsu : 2012-03-24 04:05 ID:yIyGipSv [Del]

Oh... So you two are living in different places. That makes it more complicated. :(

So before she text you there was no problem between you and her? Maybe you could ask your other friend or someone that knows her to talk to her about it. If she said the same things to them then... I don't know. Maybe she is serious. But what do you think about her? I mean, do you think she possibly just used you or do you trust her?

5 Name: Okamiren : 2012-03-24 04:15 ID:UARyDOCz [Del]

No. Before we were getting along great and laughing like we usually did. I didn't do anything. I know for a fact she only cut herself off from me and shes still friends with him. For the longest time I trusted her. I told her everything. I never saw this coming. Now I feel so stupid...

6 Name: Hanetsu : 2012-03-24 04:38 ID:yIyGipSv [Del]

Don't feel stupid. ><
If you can trust and told her everything, and even get along well like that, I think there must be something wrong... Maybe not because of you, but because of something else. Like, someone is giving her false accusation about you? Or something like that. It's hard because you two live in different place. Call her, or anything... Sorry If I don't help much. ;w;

7 Name: Okamiren : 2012-03-24 07:25 ID:UARyDOCz [Del]

I'm glad you did your best to help me. I appreciate it, I really do. Thank you so much. *bows* We'll just have to wait and see what happens now.

8 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-24 11:12 ID:8uVTekce [Del]

Im guessing theres some outside influence that you are unaware of, whether its parents, some guy, or one of her lady friends

9 Name: Okamiren : 2012-03-24 12:00 ID:dEF6YaJX [Del]

>>> 8 maybe. I just wish she didn't say it all like that.

10 Name: Loveless : 2012-03-24 14:00 ID:d/MmdENz [Del]

>>9 Don't worry It gets better.I sure she had a reason and maybe she didn't mean to say what she sed don't give up.If you guys were friends for 3-4 years then I think it's all just a misunderstanding but that's just me.Stay strong we are here to support you.^_^

11 Name: Okamiren : 2012-03-24 19:35 ID:dEF6YaJX [Del]

>>10 Thank you so much. I hope you're righr. Maybe she'll realize what shes done.