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Is it worth it or not? (8)

1 Name: Terroth : 2012-03-19 17:01 ID:7Bv6768O [Del]

I broke up with my girlfriend today since my feelings isn't love anymore, I want to remain friends (we're in the same class as well) but I just simply get the feeling she'll be a bitch. She lied straight up into my face and shut herself inside a shell right after I told her that I don't love her anymore, so my question is, is it worth the trouble to be nice etc too her?
I would appreciate opinions from the people that have gone through something similar. Or just a respone of any kind tbh, just wanted to talk about it since she hates as fast as I mention her too someone else.

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-19 17:03 ID:tYTTYK4t [Del]

You broke up with her. Of course she hates you, whether the break up was her fault or yours :V Try talking to her. If she dislikes you, stop talking. Back off. Try again. If she gets annoyed again, stop forever. Don't bother with her.

3 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-03-19 17:11 ID:Eq8wvB4R [Del]

>>2 This.

Advice from woman > anything I tell you.
Listen to Sama.

4 Name: Loveless : 2012-03-19 17:13 ID:JpyP1h2I [Del]

>>2 I laughed a little when you said "stop forever"
>>1 I'm sure you had your reasons be strong she will forget about it sooner or later :)

5 Name: Terroth : 2012-03-19 17:18 ID:7Bv6768O [Del]

>>2 Thanks, helps alot, I'm bad with the feeling of hatred since that is something I truly lack, I haven't been truly mad or hated someone for a few years atleast (I'm 18).
>>4 I've about too many reasons, even though the main reason is that I don't love her anymore, she treated me sort of bad quite long, cancelling our dates suddenly about 3/4 dates got cancelled due to her oversleeping, being busy with other stuff etc. I guess it just led me to stop caring anymore.

6 Name: Firo !D9YDuldeCw : 2012-03-19 19:20 ID:sLn9DTiC [Del]

>>5 well did you talk about it to her first? If your feelings for her were strong and you noticed that you were loosing them (and if any chance you still had that slight hope) you should talk to your partner about the situation before getting ahead of yourself. If anything I learn from my past experiences, couples need to communicate. And guys are the worst at it.. o/ not gonna lie.

7 Name: luvEdElric !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-03-19 21:15 ID:Ov5HXuUH [Del]

I think that you should just ignore her for the most part but don't go all out trying. Say Hi when you walk past, smile, just little things. But you don't have to try too hard. She either will or won't accept you and there's nothing really you can do about it.

8 Name: Terroth : 2012-03-20 14:01 ID:7Bv6768O [Del]

>>6 My communication skill is not something to brag with and I do know the importance of it, however, i just stopped caring. Date after date geting cancelled, it sort of hurts, I just got the insight one day that I do not love her. I've talked to her many times about the "cancel-the-date-thing" but nothing changed.
My feelings were strong a long time ago, she denied them yesterday claming I had none from the start, sort of annoys me considering I'm very honest to myself and aware of my feelings(mostly), cheers for writing.
>>7 Thanks, a little should be good and fine, I think.