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What the heck am I supposed to do? (18)

1 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-03-14 11:53 ID:QkU/PNPw [Del]

Theres a girl I know...I love her so much...yet...A teacher has been groping her and doing other horrible things...I have confronted him about it...but he denies it. Ive gone to the principle...but he says I have no proof. And hes right! Poor Anne wont even tell anyone but me! Ive tried to convince her to tell someone...but she just says that she is okay with it. She says its not too bad. I know shes lying because she shuts her eyes when she tells me about what hes done that day...ITS HORRIBLE! I KNOW POSTS LIKE THESE HAVE BEEN ON HERE ALOT LATELY...BUT...I cant help but get advice...Ive been so worried about her that I can barely eat dinner without bursting into tears...I know that guys almost never cry...but this is a situation where I can barely sit in class without crying. Please help! She needs better than this...please...

2 Name: Terroth : 2012-03-14 12:05 ID:4ajRDfdT [Del]

The easiest way to end it would be to catch him on the tape or something alike that, if you know when teacher uselly does it, you can tape it, you can also try to convince your friend to talk to prehaps the schools Curator if it has one.

It's hard to move on since she doesn't want to go public about it. If she were to do that it'd probaly end right away since the most likely will leave her alone if rumours about his "gropings + other horrible things" got out.

Stick close to her, that's the most important part I think, not only does it prevent the teacher to do anything in your presence, but it also makes her feel more comfortable, cause she trusts you pretty much since she tells you about it.

You could also try to trick to reveal himself which might be dangerous, if you convinces him you've evidence against him and tells him about it while offering to remain silence exchange of payment while recording the conversation, making that the proof that he has done something towards her. That's proof but he might not fool him. If you're going with this method, do it in a place where he cannot do anything towards you or the girl.
I hope this will be of some help.

3 Name: Neku : 2012-03-14 12:10 ID:q7y/9Q2k [Del]

it's okay to cry. i do it too and im in college. basically do what >>2 said

4 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-03-14 12:20 ID:QkU/PNPw [Del]

Thanks for the understanding.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-14 14:52 ID:TxowJqBY [Del]

Its called reporting it to the board of directors, talking to parents, other teachers, principles, police, etc.
Also, if you werent someone who hasnt caused trouble before, I would assume this was some rp bullshit.

6 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-14 15:13 ID:4PHXnFX6 [Del]

As well as get other students assistance

7 Name: YuGiKiNgOfGaMes!QkDkFBDKOw : 2012-03-14 15:45 ID:1C8A1/yN [Del]

This is also a violation to the law in probably any state. While I know it people shy away from reporting it to legal authorities in fear that this event might go public, but I'm sure if you want the event to remain private even law enforcers are obligated to comply...of course i think #2 does provide a good alternative to this course of action. I think you should really consider it (with her consent of course) teacher

8 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-03-15 11:33 ID:QkU/PNPw [Del]

>>5 This isnt RP!
>>3 Thanks
>>6 That could help
>>7 Good ideas
>>2 Thank you SO much

9 Name: JONO : 2012-03-15 22:07 ID:bChFy/vd [Del]

this question reminds me of Takashi Nasujime and Anri

10 Name: Terroth : 2012-03-16 02:11 ID:dGn9r0Pj [Del]

You're welcome, becareful of that teacher, if what he denies gets out I do not know how he will react, too you or that girl.

11 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-03-16 07:19 ID:NiAiAj6a [Del]

hahaha you cried hahaha
if you live in the us there is alaw that the principal must report it and investigate other wise you call the cops
same with canada the uk and all countries in the australian continent
as well as peru brazill argentina and the phillipenes plus many more you aful liar hahaha

12 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-03-16 07:20 ID:NiAiAj6a [Del]

>>5 hahaha i proved our point this bastards lying

13 Name: ShikiNe~ <3 : 2012-03-16 10:42 ID:OqjvgO9H [Del]

Good luck proving that evil teacher his guilt!!! (^-^)

14 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-16 11:16 ID:AGqAjaKU [Del]

>>12 the fuck?

15 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-03-16 11:58 ID:ejhvI+b+ [Del]

>>11 >>12
What the hell is this, I don't even...

16 Name: Street Xai Ci : 2012-03-17 15:10 ID:4WyKFf5e [Del]

The best thing you can do is be there for her, and I'm going to lay out the facts with a hint of my personal opinion: Be the friend who's at least there for her, just in case there is nothing you can do about it, she will need someone to lean on. If you focus too much on the offender, you'll lose sight of what's right for the victim, and if you focus too much on what's right for the victim, you'll miss key chances to justify the crime, but most of all, you have to be a friend who understands and not a friend to enforces. like this:

if you give the the emotional support she needs, now only will have have to potential to stand up to this creep, she's also gain the strength to pull through in the end with minimal cuts on her heart. I'm sure you know this already, but if you allow her to be open about the situation, you'll ease some of the pain that's weighing on her and that makes up a good chunk of her mental well-being.

On the flip side: Watch out for this guy.. let as many people know what this guys is doing and then maybe the word will catch, then it will be in the awarness of the population so when he does try anything it will be easier to spot cause people will be looking for it. maybe a teacher will catch on, maybe the "class tough guy" will catch word and break his knees but either way the word will be out there and it will always render him the offender.

In closing: you know whats best for your friend and all of my sujestions are extremely hypothetical and I know you know in your heart whats best, all you have to do is break the awkwardness of the task its self and stand up for what you know to be true and right. you're friend needs a hero, but instead try showing her a loved one..

17 Name: rio : 2012-03-17 18:13 ID:Btyqaj/v [Del]

haha dude i was thinking the same thing only there wasn't really any groping involved... still live2die i think you should always keep a close eye on the girl and whenever the sex starts happening then pull her away or something

18 Name: Apple !1C6JcPWEcg : 2012-03-17 19:54 ID:GyU0zIW3 [Del]

Definitely keep an eye on your friend as well as the teacher. If you can try to somehow get some proof like video tape - (iflips are small so you can leave it recording in a room somewhere where you know it can catch her and the teacher). Or you can even have her keep a voice recording device on her or her backpack to get evidence.

It's difficult for her for sure because these days, if something like this comes out to public it can end up a happy ending (harrasment stops, teacher caught on act, she gets the support she needs) or a miserable ending (not enough proof, teacher denies, harrasment continues, people start calling her a slut or what not).

Just be there to support her - always. Tell people you absolutely trust. For now all you can do is be there for her until you gathered enough evidence to convict him.