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Dissociative Identity Disorder? (55)

1 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-14 11:39 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

Okay,so, lately I've been thinking a lot about how I act-more importantly how different the two main 'personalities' I seem to have.Now, I decided to research it, and everything adds up.The only symptom I seem not to have 'Psychotic-like symptoms such as hearing voices'.This is the link to the page (yes, it's wikepedia)
Now, what are these personalities?Well, I'll explain them as simply as possible
Personality a:This is my main personality,or 'host' if you prefer,in this personality I act very sweetly, caring, human, boring,happy.This was my original personality,I often act happy no matter what when in this cover,and I usually revert to this when with friends.This one developed when I was with my abusive mother.
Personality b:This one is often very...tricky.I usually act rather cold, distant, unemotional, when in this personality, most of, I don't really seem like a person at all.I look at things from a whole new perspective, as if I were a god.I don't ever think of anything sexual when in this personality, and most things that may seem very important-friends, eating, sleep, talking to others, etc., all are irrelevant.I act rather cool-headed and all that seems interesting would be screwing with people, seeing how they react.Whether it be screwing with someones mind, morals, or even sexual orientation.
What usually triggers a change from one to another is depression or something bad happening, but sometimes it is completely random.Now, my question is, do you really think I'm 'sick'?Or is this something else?

2 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-03-14 12:01 ID:QkU/PNPw [Del]

Whoa...thats interesting...Uh...My buddy has something like this. Hes naturally a fun-loving, all around awesome guy. But when he gets emotionally affected in ANY way, he turns into something else. He gets very mean and condescending, MONSTROUS even...Me and a couple of my other friends got together and did some studies on how to deal with him. We figured out that if we keep him away from bad memories in public, he wont go crazy. I would suggest something like this. Ask your friends to help.

3 Name: Neku : 2012-03-14 12:07 ID:q7y/9Q2k [Del]

it's the same as me. i was like that once. i had alot going on in my life and it difficult to handle them. recently i resolve the problem and no im not afraid. so have a friend to talk to about it or have a conversation with yourself

4 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-14 12:19 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

okay, so you guys do think that I have 'it'? The thing is, none of my friends listen to me, so I can't talk to them about it, and I don't want to talk to my dad about it because we've already had a crazy in the house, and he just had a bad argument with his girl-friend, so I don't think he can really handle it right now...Plus it's not like we have the money to do anything about it...

5 Name: Neku : 2012-03-14 15:11 ID:MhZ3UiXi [Del]

i will listen

6 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-14 15:56 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

Really?That really means a lot to me...But yeah, I don't really know what I can do about it, or if I even do have it.Plus, when it is taken care of, what will happen to me?Will one of them be dominant?I really hope that's not true, I mean, I hate both of them, I hate not being able to say what I feel when I'm in the first one, but the other feels so...wrong.

7 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-03-14 16:14 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

I think I'm probably going through something like this currently, or depression, but this is your topic.

I honestly am skeptical on whether you have this disorder. I think you should look hard and see if you can find as many pieces of evidence as you can, since what you have might just be a phase or something, how long have you had these dual personalities? (P.S. If you wanna know, I'm normally spazzy, but I get really depressed and cold sometimes.)

8 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-14 16:52 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

>>7 Well, basically what happened was pretty gradual,it started a very long time ago and only is it more distinct, kind of if you start ripping something, at first you don't really notice, but after a while the gap is huge.

9 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-03-14 17:19 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

I see, I see. Well, if by any chance there's a way to fix this permanently, it's probably going to be like..reverse of paper ripping then. Nothing big goes away too fast.

10 Name: Neku : 2012-03-14 18:18 ID:MhZ3UiXi [Del]

i hope everything works out

11 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-14 22:15 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

>>10 thank you.

12 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2012-03-14 22:25 ID:bqHNTM3I [Del]

Same thing as me. I wouldn't call it split personalities though, lol. I'd call it change of moods.

13 Name: Leigha Moscove !S3dRf9Ujsk : 2012-03-15 00:01 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

Ahh... You smell that? That's psychology. The psychological... erm.. disorders.. are are very complex and scientific, yet they are easy to confuse. A sane person can look at the list of "symptoms" and classify themselves as anything. I can call myself bi-polar. I exhibit a lot of symptoms. Am I bipolar? Who's to know? Right? I have depression and anxiety. Could this be caused by me being bipolar? Those are 2 of the symptoms.

Going through the list of your self diagnosed disorder, I have most of those symptoms too. If you look through all of the psychological disorders, most of them have similar symptoms. Most of the symptoms are exactly the same. My thoughts? if it effects your life, then go to a psychologist and have them get you some medicine. If it doesn't affect you, then just ignore it.

I kind of agree with what >>12 says. If it doesn't cause anything that can easily be fixed by a change in perspective, then don't think of it as a disorder. My anxiety is a way of nagging myself to get things done. Without it, I wouldn't get things done. If I get things done, then it doesn't escalate or cause a panic attack. My depression is just a change in moods. As long as I keep a positive outlook on life and stay optimistic, I am just fine. Again, it is actual depression and causes panic attacks and thoughts of cutting or suicide, but I just decide to LIVE. My depression has caused my stubbornness and pride to go up. Why? Because I don't want to give up. I want to just LIVE. It causes me to not change and adapt as the world around me changes and I grow up, but it doesn't hurt me.

I guess what I'm saying, is as long as you can control it, USE it. Make it YOUR advantage. Make it the reason why YOU are better. When I apply for a job, my anxiety is my advantage. It is the reason why I get things done. My depression is my advantage. It is the reason why I don't do anything that can hurt me. I was different before my depression and anxiety. People say I'm pessimistic. That's just because I'm depressed. My depression causes me to WANT to be happy. Of course everyone does, but mine is at a point where it's an extreme. I FORCE myself to be happy. I'm happy though.

14 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-15 00:03 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

Skimmed over this thread, will read it in detail later.

But I have one thing to say regarding self-diagnosis.

A very common ailment
is induced hypochondria.

Keep that in mind.

15 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-15 00:23 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

>>13 I see.

16 Name: JONO : 2012-03-15 22:42 ID:bChFy/vd [Del]

it sounds like to me your brain is going into some kind of instinctive defense i forgot the technical term for it. The reason i say this is because you show these personalities when something happens to you like for example if a kid gets call a butthead when he was in a lower grade in school then they would build a defense to not talk to people in highscool or college and therefore they would have social anxiety or would be shy all the time if that makes sense

17 Name: akito !yOtkeBN2P2 : 2012-03-16 19:01 ID:abFpn4jG [Del]

One of the main reasons why people are diagnosed with DID is because yeah, it's a defense mechanism that happens usually after severe trauma which is usually abuse, or like a major catastrophe.
Dissociation naturally occurs with everyone, it's when you don't have immediate access to your surroundings, so like when you're reading a book or watching a movie and you're "lost in it". So how people develop DID is when they form multiple personas and because the reality is so difficult to handle they switch into the other persona to help cope through stress. Of course it's done unconsciously, but for the people who do it so often, it's then that they develop DID. The number of personas usually vary, it's two or more. And the amount of dissociation of each persona can vary, but usually when people switch personas, other personas don't know what the other persona has been doing, but there has been less extreme cases.
Other symptoms that may be diagnosed with DID is nervousness, depression, anxiousness, etc. When a person is being treated, the most common form of treatment would be psychotherapy, commonly associated with hypnosis. Their goal would be to merge all of the personalities for them to become one person.
If you'd like, one popular case of DID would have to be Sybil, there have been documentary films and books, it's a very interesting but severe case.
This is all I could pull out of my mind in one sitting, but I hope this information could help you with figuring out your current issue..

18 Name: SauronKamidogu : 2012-03-16 21:27 ID:N3O66BUU [Del]

You are just like's refreshing to see another one like me. Tell me, how is your other awakened?

19 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-03-17 05:07 ID:l/WR7DSf [Del]

Okay, this doesn't sound anything like split personalities... it sounds like mood swings. I assume you're a girl? Yeah, those happen a lot. I assume you're still young, possibly going through puberty? Yeah, those happen a lot... The fact is, the closest thing you most likely have to DID is Bipolar disorder...

I mean, the fact that you wrote this in such detail regarding your 'other personality' means that you're consciously doing these things... Fuck, when I get in a bad mood, I'm a complete asshole... You tend to say extremely hurtful things to others only to regret it later on... Granted there's a chance that I'm wrong, but who knows... I'm no psychologist. All that I know is that I had a terrible temper as a child because I had an abusive step-father... I didn't develop another personality, I just developed hatred.

20 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-17 21:01 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

Thank you everyone who replied to my thread, it's really helpful and interesting to read all of them and see what you all think.
>>18 most of the time just when I'm not around people for a while and I start to actually think, these thoughts start to get....interesting, amusing, maybe messed up, after a while I feel very...well, I don't feel at the same 'level' as others-I'm not exactly how to explain the feeling, To be honest, it's much more fun,more interesting.

21 Name: Andoru !AndoRu/ek2 : 2012-03-18 02:10 ID:jAKgdeHR [Del]

O..odd, describes me rather well, memory loss, sudden trance like state... Hhm, one more thing to think about.

Also, seen some of your posts.
you always cause interesting replys.

22 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-18 10:36 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

Hypo. chondria.

Saying you have multiple personality disorder is a cheap excuse for acting out of character, when you really need to realize that it's just your real character being portrayed in a manner you don't normally carry yourself.

You don't get lost in a trance-like state, >>21, that's you consciously wanting to be lost in a trance-like state because that's a cool way of saying "I'm in deep thought."

Hypochondria is not a disease, but a disorder where one begins to believe they are afflicted with something, and begin showing symptoms of it without ever contracting the ailment. Something as simple as saying "I think I have a cold" and then sneezing a lot, to saying "I think I have multiple personality disorder" and then consciously going out of your way to flesh out and detail your other "personality" rather than accept it as a different aspect of your psyche.

Self-introspection is nice to figure out your own mind. What isn't nice is when you purposefully hinder your attempts at understanding yourself by thinking you have every psychological disorder in the book. You're more normal than you think - you'd know if you really had a disorder.

23 Name: Andoru !AndoRu/ek2 : 2012-03-18 12:11 ID:jAKgdeHR [Del]

>>22 so, you beleave i am a hypochondriact?

i would take your input on myself atleast alittle if you had ever even met me.

Also, I was just adding some input on a thread that was made to gather input from others.

My post however, not designed to nor wished to receive input from.

24 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-03-18 16:24 ID:l/WR7DSf [Del]

>>23 Oh please, one line called you out specifically... relax. Plus hypochondria is so fucking common, that I wouldn't bat an eyelash at the chance that you weren't one... Hell, I am. Who cares?... Anyway, back on track.

25 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-18 17:07 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

Well if you must know, Andoru, there was a point in my life where I would hastily believe cool things were happening to me. I would start to believe I had personality disorders, just by hearing about them, and I would pretend I could go into a trance which was really just me ignoring people and spacing out.

When I stopped being in the 5th grade though, I came to understand that these were silly thoughts; supernatural and "special" things don't just happen to people because you believe they are. I was among maybe a dozen other people who would believe that sort of thing: saying they were bipolar, schizophrenic, multiple personalities, insane, sugar-high, and various other pre-teen word choices. And they were all very normal people, in hindsight.

I figure, the sooner you consider normality to be more likely than self-indulgent fantasies, the better. But to be fair, I don't know how old you are. It's a fair guess that you're too old for playing pretend in public, though.

26 Name: Doublepostsuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-18 17:08 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

>>25 This applies to OP too, if you're worried about it being off topic.

It's much healthier to try to consider normality, rather than trying to convince yourself of a disorder that people are legitimately suffering from. If you can consciously act against it, then you don't actually have it, and you're letting your imagination run wild.

27 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-18 19:26 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

Thank you>>25&>>22, personally, it's much more reassuring to see your posts on my thread then many others, I'd much rather be pretending because of my age then sick.I'm 12, by the way, so I can assume it's very normal for someone my age to act like this,the reason I jumped to the extremes was mainly because I thought it could be true, already having a mental disease and an insane mother, I figured it ran in the family, since most of my mothers bloodline are

28 Name: Chii : 2012-03-18 22:47 ID:AB3UNTBX [Del]

Holy crap.......that fits me perfectly! O.O lol, but its not THAT serious.

Er, but convincing yourself that your PERFECTLY normal (a little weird is fine though too :P) is healthier and easier than thinking your mentally ill.

29 Name: akito !yOtkeBN2P2 : 2012-03-19 02:07 ID:11ORQesz [Del]

i think we should wait a couple of weeks and see then how you are doing :D

30 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-03-19 09:50 ID:UVSsEHEZ [Del]

This sounds quite a bit like my own mental style, so maybe I can shed some light on it for you.
I find my two separate persona are used for keeping my life balanced. My ability to enjoy things resides in the happy side (Your A Type Personality), while my skills in editing, gaming, and writing all reside in the other, which is horrifyingly cold, to the degree that humans are viewed more as test subjects than people (Type B). Alone, neither one would be able to live much of a happy life (Especially Type B), but when working together, I can generate nearly infinite possibilities in anything I attempt. Now, each person is different, so the reasons may also be different, but those are mine. By using the two together, I can strategize and enjoy the success later (Get my damn cake and eat it >.>).
But yeah, this sort of thing is actually more common than anyone might think. There's basically two faces to a person, the one you meet and the one you don't. Think of the first persona as your representative. He/She is sociable and fun, no matter what you're really like behind that. Those that can't really make this other personality are very shy most of the time I find, or they're just cold-hearted jerks, depending on their true personality. You're a bit more normal having two personalities than just one, really.
Also, to better understand that other personality (Type B), try looking into how Keima acts in The World God Only Knows, which is basically that mentality on steroids. Helped me understand it, that's for sure XD

31 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-19 13:41 ID:Onn53pjk [Del]

>>27 Glad you're willing to look at it that way, then. It helps if you take note of the sheer volume of people who think they have the same disorders, namely >>30, >>28, and >>21. It's simply unthinkable to believe it's so easy to have a mental disorder.

But as Leigha said, the best way to handle it is to disregard it. In fact, even if you believe it might be the cause of some social anxiety, that does not change the fact that it's up to you to try and solve it. There's no point blaming a potential psychological disorder - even those with them will try to overcome them and their associated problems, regardless.

The issue with hypochondria (by the colloquial usage of the term) is that it is actively stacking problems on top of legitimate problems for no reason. And that's counterproductive.

32 Name: Even If!S26KiRIwdk : 2012-03-19 16:48 ID:0fCk8io7 [Del]

Hey being serious here, this scares the shit out of me. (not this post but the disorder.) Because I think of myself as like three different people not personalities but people and I've thought like this for months, and I've always thought about how I can never remember everyday things like something I just heard and I always space out never really thinking just sort of in a trance is what I called it..

also like 1/3 of me believes in god, then another doesn't at all, and then other wants peace and I can't take it sometimes like I get really paranoid..

I've had these exact thoughts for like the past like 4 months, (just to tell you guys that I haven't been thinking like this for maybe a week or to but it's been for a while..) because I started to think about really myself more than I usually had and about my daily activities and how I think..

though I've been depressed for like 2 years... and after I read the link to Wikipedia it scared the living shit out of me because I don't think I have some or a lot of the symptoms I know I do..

Like when you are sick but you think "ah nah, I might have some of the symptoms but who cares I don't have a cold", and then you go to a doctor and they say you do.. then your like "well damn.."

like the one thing I'm scared of is not being in my right mind like being crazy, like a unnatural disorder, so can you guys help me sorry to do something on someone else's post you know? But I just wanted to ask..

33 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-19 17:51 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

>>30 yeah, that sounds pretty similar
>>32 yeah I feel like that to, the whole "meh, I don't have a cold" but then someone tells you you do and you say "well crap..", that's why I posted this, to see if you guys really thought I had it. So, my advice is basically to read through the comments, and see what you think.

34 Name: SauronKamidogu : 2012-03-25 10:40 ID:AOgduqua [Del]

My advice is to keep this person. You are in a world that either takes or gets taken. This person sounds like someone who can intelligently live through while still being able to have fun. Once you see the world in its true form, you will be glad that you have that person to rely on.

35 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-25 11:07 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

>>34 I'm sorry, but, I'm afraid I don't understand your post. I'm really tired right now so it might just be that but, do you think you could explain?

36 Name: whatsupdoc : 2012-03-25 18:54 ID:EMi/cJdC [Del]

sounds almost exactly like me, 1 moment im a fun loving person whos always happy, the next im viewing myself like some kind of god. whats different however, is i except both sides of me as myself! yes, i thought for awhile i might be crazy, or have something like multiple personalities, but i feel that as long as im content with whatever views i have at the moment, ill be fine. though to tell you the truth, it makes me feel alittle better to know that im not the only 1 here thats like this, so thank you for sharing! (^-^)/

37 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-25 21:35 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

>>36 thank you for sharing!

38 Name: Feral : 2012-03-25 22:06 ID:NCK4ER2C [Del]

Huh, I think the only reason I've taken so long to post on this thread was because I haven't been bored enough to read through >>1.

While I've never been officially diagnosed with D.I.D., I have been unofficially diagnosed by psychologists in more... informal settings.

I've been able to determine that I have three distinct personalities. And when I say distinct, I gave them all names(is that weird?). And I'm fairly sure that I have the worst of this disorder as both seem intent on talking to me.

Personality 1: This is me. The laid back giant without a care in the world. I like to laugh, watch the clouds go by, and just kicking back with some good tunes. Very passive on almost everything. Don't give to shits about anything, I just float on.

Personality 2(Cage): I named him Cage because that was where I put him a long time ago. In a cage. I have this sort of... animal, lurking somewhere in the back of my mind. He is the one who is quick to anger and even quicker to remove any instigators. This guy manifested when I was young as my overwhelming anger issues that I had with just about everything. Since then I was given years upon years of therapy to keep him locked away. But sometimes he gets out, or I let him out, depending on the situation. And he's always whispering to me. (You know that sound you hear when you just flip out? Mine is the snapping of metal hinges.)

Personality 3(Claire): This was who showed up after my therapy sessions. And yes, this voice is female. I guess you could call her my "better judgment". You know, the one that no one listens to? This voice, this side of me, is always trying to calm me down or getting me to smile. When Claire is out and about, I have a stupid smile plastered to my face for absolutely no reason. Days where I love anything and everything.

I dunno. Maybe it's just my uncontrollable imagination getting away from me. But these are the three sides of me: Passive, hateful, and happy. So, no, you aren't sick. Just abnormal, like the rest of us.

39 Name: Joshin : 2012-03-26 07:26 ID:u5aU8/Bj [Del]

Same i have an alternate personality i talk too and manage my problems, hes a pain in the ass but i have to deal with him, hes terrible at most parts sugestiongg bad things but helps me when im down.

40 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-03-26 17:25 ID:f3tRgicf [Del]

I have different personalities that I let out.
1-I act nice to everyone, I want to share my thought with everyone (but only certain thoughts), I act happy. I put on this mask when around others because I don't want them to think I'm a freak. It's not in charge, I just let it make guide me so I don't have to think about pretending.

2-My "conscience"-this is when I am most bitchy. I see fault in everything, especially myself. If I start to do something wrong this voice screams at me, although mostly I can ignore it. If I suck at something it tells me. If something is my fault it tells me. If it thinks something needs to be done it lectures me. Over the past few years she's become much more "good" and less violent. This side of me still hates the world but at the same time knows that I can't go around hurting people, mostly because it wants me to be better than that. It thinks I'm weak for not controlling myself. I mostly acknowledge this personality when I am alone in my car. I will talk myself through problems and when I've done something especially stupid I scream at myself. She's like my own personal therapist.

3-My actual self. I hide this side, letting it only show to those I really trust, or will only have to deal with for a short time. I let it out at camp and around some of my friends. I'm crazy and imaginative and weird. And I love it. I've been bullied because of this so I hide behind my other side so people will leave me alone.

It's perfectly normal. It's just how I deal with my issues. If you have a problem with it you can talk to my conscience, she likes to beat the crap out of people who annoy me.

41 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-26 18:04 ID:hbFAWxQ5 [Del]

I think everyone has a couple different sides that they show to different people. It's pretty normal.

42 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-26 22:14 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

Oh god...Today, I succumbed to the urge to act like how I described 'personality b'...It was fun, very fun.
I hope it never happens again.
I don't know why it happened, but thinking about it, it scares me.
I want to go back to the way I was before any of this crap.
I'm sorry for bitching to you guys about this, but, I feel like if whoever actually reads this, will understand it better than anyone I try to tell.

43 Name: whatsupdoc : 2012-03-26 22:50 ID:EMi/cJdC [Del]

>>42 what i want to know is why you are so afraid of this other you, it seems youre only scared of it because its at conflict with the hosts views, and thats making you nervous on what side is right. thats what im getting from this anyway

44 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-27 00:07 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

Understand that you may have multiple personalities based on the situation, but you don't have different minds. People act differently in different situations, based on their mood, or the people present - what impression they want to make, how they want to interact with people, what they're feeling at the time, they all contribute to one's true personality.

And not everyone has one, solid personality. Being able to act completely the same around absolutely everyone you know and don't know is a skill that most do not master, or care to master. Don't look at it as something taking over your mind to act a different way, but just your own mind expressing itself differently. It's not a bad thing, and you shouldn't try to make it a bigger deal than it really is. When it comes down to it, it is simply the way you act.

And if you dislike that, it isn't an issue of an identity crisis or a personality disorder, but a personal issue with your own thought process that nearly everyone shares to some degree. Try not to fret so much about it; take a step back and identify the problem for what it actually is.

45 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-27 05:45 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

>>43 The main reason that it scared me was the fact that I thought differently;on the way home, I began to feel differently, the way I do in 'a', I began to think on how I was acting and thinking that day,and I realized that it was completely different than how I usually think.Another thing was that the entire day, I had been smiling, now that wasn't really the problem, it was the fact that it scared two of my friends, it was really more of a smirk than a regular happy smile.I had also been purposely, fucking with peoples god damn minds the entire day.And when I wasn't doing that,during the periiod I had my friend Alex, I was purposely annoying him, trying to make him mad.
That's not like me.
It felt like I was arguing with myself on the way home.One side of me protested, saying stuff like it was fun, I didn't need friends, stuff like that (I can't really remember the rest), while part of me kept telling me that it was wrong, that you don't just do that to people for the hell of it. That if I kept doing this, I would end up all alone. I would twist the people who meant something to me. That it needed to stop. That I should never do it ever again.

46 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-03-27 09:26 ID:UVSsEHEZ [Del]

>>45 That does sound quite troubling. But I'd be willing to bet it's just that darker part of yourself that you don't really want to accept voicing her desires. I know I sound like a real nerd for comparing any aspect of a situation to Persona 4 ever, but if you're having issues with your dark side, just accept it and find a way to satisfy your sadistic side without hurting anyone. Violent video games were my solution, but everyone is different, and thus need different solutions.

47 Name: SauronKamidogu : 2012-04-01 00:37 ID:N3O66BUU [Del]

Well, seeing things like a God so you say is very useful. You become stronger mentally and you have the added benefit of being a normal person too.

48 Name: Leroy : 2012-04-01 02:28 ID:GuJm6Zpq [Del]

I have all those symptoms even Psychotic-like symptoms...WOW this explains alot...

49 Name: Leroy : 2012-04-01 02:30 ID:GuJm6Zpq [Del]

well you could have it or it could be a lack of a good childhood mabe...

50 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-01 08:45 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

>>49 Well, I was thinking it probably was that, since that would explain how it happened and why I act like that.

51 Post deleted by user.

52 Name: Ajia : 2012-04-01 11:26 ID:DOU/Ebhj [Del]

Is there one you prefer? Or is it a matter of you feeling confortable with each one when your in zed mood. There's a million different things I wanna say from my own experience but then again I don't want to feel like I'm wasting everyones time so I'll try to keep things short and you can raise the points your interested in if you want. In a nutshell the things I want to know is, do you think one is a "want" and the other is a "am"? I think you should try to look at it in more depth, I don't think it possible to find an actual answer for what you experience (if there is I still havn't found it) but you also run the risk of looking to deep so to speak. I know thats a contradiction of sorts but it will make sense..sort of but yeah I think you need to think do I put this. Look at yourself as a whole without A and B, look at yourself with A and B together,look at them sepratley, theres a bit more but that ties in with looking to deep and thats another mess by itself. Try to get a better grasp on your situation and, if you don't mind, give us a summary of sorts of everything you know or suspect about this "thing" you feel/have/indescribabale word.
Sorry bout the long preamble again

53 Name: Kitsune Lawliet : 2012-04-01 16:34 ID:eWkWFHov [Del]

honsetly, i don't think theres anything like a persinality disorder. its just how you feel, and ahandle your situations. I go in and out of depressed states randomly as well and can be rely happy for no reson to but i don't think its a disorter. i dont know how to explain it exactly but it'll come to me

54 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-02 07:05 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

>>52 Well, the main reason of conflict is the fact that I want to be b.What stops me though, is the fact that 'a' fears loneliness.I hope that one day, I'll be able to actually find someone.I fear that if I go over to 'b', then I never will.
I'll be alone. I'll be an alone monster.
While in 'b', I try to convince myself that I'd be fine with that.I don't need others.
I think that, in reality, this is because I'm telling myself that, if I don't get close to someone again, I can't get hurt again.

55 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-04-02 11:41 ID:UVSsEHEZ [Del]

>>55 Seriously, that sounds exactly like my own mental situation, but be aware that fears on one side are fears for both, but that side just takes it worse than the other.
If B is telling you that you'll be fine alone, remind that side that while B might be fine alone, A might not. Use the thought processes of B with the kindness of A if you're going to go relationship/friendship hunting. I found listening to my own Type B mentality has given good suggestions to the benefit of both sides. I think this is mostly because my B side understands that it's worth it in the long run to keep the two sides safe and functional, since it doesn't see all of other people's emotions and is bad with people, but is otherwise almost God-like in it's ability, with A being the exact opposite. Kinda need to cover each other's weaknesses, ya know?

Also, that fear of getting close to people again in order to avoid getting hurt is known as "The Hedgehog's Dilemma", which I believe has a book to it's name. Basically, the idea explains that hedgehogs (Porcupines) trying to huddle together for warmth in a cold place can only get so close to each other before they hurt each other with their quills, and that humans have a similar fear that letting someone too close will hurt them. Whether this fear is actually truth is up to the individual, really, but the idea holds quite a bit of truth to it anyway. You'll never get warmer if you don't take the risk and get close to the quills.