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Gays and Trans teasing (30)

1 Name: Finhephor : 2012-03-05 12:56 ID:+b9iEhY3 [Del]

Now idk where to put this, but I believe it fits in here.

A friend of mine is about to date a guy. But HE is a guy. Now people tease and harass him, calling him gay, but he says he is bicurious. I KNOW this because he used to date girls.

That's the backstory. Now, my query is this: WHY do people make fun of gay GUYS? I mean, you virtually never hear teasing about lezbos (no offense intended btw) as much, but now transexuals are being forced to join in with the harassment. I've heard about a local McDonalds and something about a transexual customer being harassed. Idr all the details, but what I wanna know is this...

Why tease gay guys and trans guys? Yet girls almost never get that same treatment from the harassers. I wanna know why that is. Any comments?

P.S.: Is it possible that the Dollars can help in this endeavor? just curious about that last part is all.

2 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-03-05 13:00 ID:/Qn/imVS (Image: 1020x720 jpg, 579 kb) [Del]

src/1330974023009.jpg: 1020x720, 579 kb
Something about this post pissed me off for some reason. Might be because you spelled lesbian and transsexual wrong.

3 Name: Finhephor : 2012-03-05 13:18 ID:+b9iEhY3 [Del]

Gee, sorry dude. My sincerest apologies...

4 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-03-05 13:38 ID:mHYbA4Up [Del]

Because people set double standards. People are assholes. Such is the way of life. Just punch them in the face, and get on with your day.

5 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-03-05 13:39 ID:mHYbA4Up [Del]

>>2 That was bugging me, too.

6 Name: Finhephor : 2012-03-05 14:23 ID:+b9iEhY3 [Del]

Look, I'm autistic. due to that, I type a bit... off... sometimes... So cut me a little bit of slack here. Especially if you look at my other posts on here. Almost perfect in grammar and spelling.

7 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2012-03-05 14:35 ID:1YpQFhCq [Del]

Basically it's because society has it ingrained that males must be "masculine". As a result more feminine males get ridicule.

Going off of that, gay men have the stereotype of being the most feminine a man can be. Hence the ridicule.

8 Name: Yamie : 2012-03-05 14:43 ID:xg2YKzhs [Del]

>>2 & >>5 Even if he misspelled some words, who cares?!?! We get what he means.

>>1 People who tease/harass gay guys or other people are called monsters. They need to know that love is free. They are probably bullying them because they don't want to be bullied by others.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Finhephor : 2012-03-05 14:47 ID:+b9iEhY3 [Del]

>>7 True yes. But I don't believe that they can control that part of themselves...

>>8 Thank you. I am not meaning to sound sarcastic or anything, but seriously, thanks for saying that about 2 and 5.

11 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2012-03-05 14:51 ID:1YpQFhCq [Del]


It's not about whether or not they can "control that part of themselves" but rather they deviate from the socially excepted masculine. As a result they'll get ridiculed.


I wouldn't call themselves "monsters" personally, seems a little strong for me.

12 Name: Finhephor : 2012-03-05 14:55 ID:+b9iEhY3 [Del]

True. But my question was about why gay GUYS are made fun of, but not gay GIRLS. I'm not saying they NEVER are made fun of though... just seems like it in comparison to me...

13 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2012-03-05 14:58 ID:1YpQFhCq [Del]


Ah I see, sorry for misunderstanding your question. I suppose when people think of lesbians they don't go straight away to a masculine female. For me I think of two feminine women first personally, and I think that holds true for the rest of society.

Also it may have to deal with the fact that males are historically the leaders of the community and as a result should act "accordingly"?

14 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-05 15:21 ID:EXRPBfTi [Del]

>>12 because guys have to go so far away from the social norm with behavior in most cases. Girls can still act like girls, but gay guys tend to be way less masculine

15 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-03-05 16:15 ID:kQPfAuAJ [Del]

>>8 >and >10 there's a bit of a difference between personally insulting a person due to a spelling error and just pointing out that it bugs you, which I feel wasn't taken to extremely in this case, I mean to say this in a polite way, so don't take it wrong. just don't dwell on them pointing it out.

As for why women don't get the same treatment, I think several valid points have been raised, but maybe an addition to it would be that within our society, women are seen as submissive and sort of take a back seat in the minds of most individuals, whereas men are viewed as dominant people who, as mentioned before in this thread, are supposed to be masculine and set an example, and because they are seen as the front of our culture it is a lot easier for a person to ridicule them for an out-of-norm actions such as engaging in homosexual behavior.

Another strong possibility is the fact that I think subconsciously (with men at least, i can't speak for women at all) we find the idea of two women together somewhat erotic. To put it in a more biological scope for the male, it's simple logic 2+ women mean more babies, 2+ men means no babies, it seems to us like a senseless act.

Also, i guess i'll give religion an honorary mention.

16 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-03-05 17:11 ID:RFDdaD3e [Del]

I dont really have much of an input, but I am bisexual, and feminine at times, and I get teased, but I also have a strong support from my friends, my family doesnt know

17 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2012-03-05 17:15 ID:cc9TtWwq [Del]

"Why are gay guys being teased, but not girls?"

Cause life is unfair.

18 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-05 17:24 ID:ryTD/2jC [Del]

>>1 Because you don't go to my school, that's why.
Homosexuals and bisexuals both get teased equally here. We have a huge LGBT community either way, so it's not particularly prominent.

19 Name: Yuki : 2012-03-05 21:45 ID:BOIVPnEk [Del]

>>18 yeah... gay and lesbian both get teased in my school too,however i think it's bad. People shouldn't laugh at somebody because who he/she loves.

20 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-03-05 22:06 ID:m9m5n2mi [Del]

It's interesting to say, but around here this issue is virtually dissolved. We only have a few admittedly gay and bi people out here, but they're hardly preyed on. The main reason being is that for every 5-10 people who would potentially vindicate them here, there's another 2-4 that will avidly defend them and turn the spite back in their faces. While it doesn't keep people from thinking things, it sure keeps them from campaigning them.

21 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-03-06 02:29 ID:Hs/DLqBQ [Del]

I make fun of gay guys all the time! That's only because it's funny. Do I really mean what I say? No, not at all. It's just fun to do; like hitting your friend in the balls.

22 Name: Jubei : 2012-03-06 14:56 ID:2ilPyOX8 [Del]

I ofter refer to something I dont like, or a not the worst by kind of suckish situation as gay, but I dont really understand people that have a same sex preference. I dont mind them, I just dont really like to be around them.

23 Name: Reaper : 2012-03-06 15:04 ID:e5SNLKSr [Del]

Reaper's friend started an argument about gays on Facebook, so now there are like 2 arguments a day about that, it's really annoying.

24 Name: BlueBarry : 2012-03-06 16:11 ID:JLd4lO+8 [Del]

I'm okay with gays and transsexuals.

25 Post deleted by user.

26 Name: Kon : 2012-03-06 18:11 ID:XHis+Vom [Del]

>>25 maybe he has a problem with lesbians then? Actually "gay" is a loose term that can be used for both... same gender attractions.

And my 5 cents is that we always look for some1 else to blame, it doesn't truly matter who they are, as long as they are "the other", someone, somehow different then I, and preferably a minority.

27 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-03-07 05:41 ID:4PD8y+uL [Del]

It has a little to do with religion. Most religions weren't accept the ideal of two people of the sane sex being together. " It's not gods ideal plan" as they preach. Through they normally just focus on the male end of it because in religion they are seen as dominate. Thus when they talk about it everything immediately falls on the men subconsciously. This all causes a domino effect on society. Plus just about every guy I've ever heard talk about these things think two girls in bed together is hot. So I guess we can make an assumption so do the religious leaders?

As for trannys I'm not sure. Sorry. Could be the same reason.

28 Name: Finhephor : 2012-03-07 09:05 ID:+b9iEhY3 [Del]

>>25 Twas meant for all three actually. Gays, Trans, AND lesbians.

29 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-07 09:31 ID:WYm5KFFV [Del]

>>28 oh, my bad. Didnt recheck to see what you had said bout the title, guess i shouldvd

30 Name: Taika : 2012-03-07 17:33 ID:xvczUV6k [Del]

IT really falls back on tradition, so you can blame the people of the past. For example, if one's parents believe that it's wrong than the children are more likely to believe it's wrong. While this belief in wrongness does fade through the generations and experience, it sometimes is more there than we think. Another reason for all the hating and teasing is because they don't understand. when people don't understand it, they feel threatened by it, so they retaliate, or fight back, and usually this expresses itself in teasing or homophobic slurs of some sort.

In short, it's a combo of the not understanding (and unwillingness to understand) and tradition. Slowly it's starting to fade, and people are accepting it more and more, but it's still a problem. In some schools, there are GSAs (Gay-Straight alliances) where people of the LGBTQA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, gay, questioning, ally (straight)) community come together and show support for the community, raise awareness and whatnot. You can be straight or bicurious to join, for example i'm straight, but i'm the vise-president. I strongly suggest joining or forming a GSA, which are usually at high schools.