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Am I Really A Monster? (32)

1 Name: Paracosm : 2012-02-29 16:07 ID:tLIbjY5r [Del]

First of all, this isn't the screen name I usually use. So please don't go bugging anyone who uses it (though I seriously doubt anyone does). I am female.
Second of all, I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable talking about this in general, so please-no mocking. I just know how badly I need to talk and how many other people I've met have mentioned a similar problem.

I'll keep it short and stick to one or two problems today.
1) I have blood-lust.
This is not a joke. I did not just come up with it to sound "boss" or whatever. I am terrified I will hurt someone. Sometimes this feels like some part of me is just whispering in my ear to go after someone (more or less), sometimes its just an urge. But when I get it... it will be directed at no one in particular USUALLY (this does not count if someone causes this to happen). It goes off when I'm extremely upset or randomly but it is there. makes me want to hurt people. Really bad. I want to see their blood flow from their body and taste it on my tongue, I want to crack their bones, I want to hear them scream. I have not attacked anyone yet, and the few friends who know have either forgotten or not maken a big deal out of it. An interenet friend of mine is the only one who takes it seriously and tells me I'm not a bad person and I'll never do it. But I'm scared I will-especially if its not me, but someone I care about being hurt. However, if I was to let loose, I'm pretty sure I'd hurt them too.
I refuse to see a counselor or whomever because I am against telling strangers personally. This is different since none of you know who I am.
I don't know what Im expecting from you guys... but I probably will be updating this soon enough.

2 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-02-29 16:12 ID:g4/8M+w5 [Del]

Hmmm... Have you tried therapy? If not, then you should. If you have, then how have they not diagnosed you clinic-worthy? Are you medicated? Have you tried other outlets for these emotions other than hurting people? Perhaps the solution is game violence, or simulated human violence. I don't know, but some of those are worth a try.

3 Name: rolling girl : 2012-02-29 17:26 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

i agree with 2, some people are just born like that. all it means is that if you don't want something to happen that you should get help. you're not a monster.

4 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-29 17:29 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

I think it's more common than you think to have latent thoughts of bad situations. The mind is made to wander into that sort of territory, as part of human intuition, only focusing on one single thought when it's particularly relevant... or particularly distressing.

Things like seeing someone standing at the edge of a bridge: "what if I pushed them off?"
or like seeing a pregnant woman.
"what would happen if someone punched her in the stomach?"

The thought will come to mind very briefly, and if you're unfortunate enough to catch your mind perusing over such a thought, it sticks. You may not want it to, but it does, because you thought about it. I'd imagine the volume and ability to remember these will increase the more you give it attention.

The literal course of action would be to sever the correlation between these thoughts and your every day life. It's psychology - you have to remove that habituation and condition yourself against it. Take precautions to distract yourself with other thoughts, or to immediately switch trains of thought the moment it comes about. You'll still have the thoughts from time to time, even if you do manage to reduce the frequency - but that's really all you can do. People are programmed to think, and thought moves faster than you can stop it.

5 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-02-29 18:00 ID:VGTqMvOy [Del]

>>4 Christ. So much of this. This is a brilliant answer; I award Misuto House 50 points for general intelligence.

In my own answer:

I have a bit of this myself. I get that brief, momentary urge to tear the throat out of some poor soul. Though, it's usually directed at someone who has -within seconds- proved their absolute idiocy to me.

Another case of this I have is that when prompted with a painful situation, my natural response is to double the pain back upon the aggressor. Or if I'm just teasing around, say I bite someone, I feel the urge to continue through until I've crunched them to pieces.

My solution?

Essentially exactly what Misuto said. I don't allow my mind to stick with those thoughts; I immediately find something else to think about or busy myself with.

It works, go try it.

6 Name: Chibi : 2012-02-29 18:00 ID:IAaHqP6h [Del]

I agree that you really should get professional help. It's probably just a natural disorder, it doesn't make you a monster. You haven't hurt anyone, which is good, but if the thing is serious you may eventually hurt someone, even if you don't want to. Going to a professional is the best choice.

7 Name: Tri-edge : 2012-02-29 18:30 ID:N7vYsjTd [Del]

I've had the same urges too. I've been able to coop with them though, by playing alot of violent video games and watching horror movies. Hell if some of the movies/games excite you and make you want to laugh, than laugh. I've dealt with the urge all my life and thats how i've been able to avoid breaking peoples heads open. If my tatic doesn't work for you, than try some of the other ideas.

8 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-02-29 20:46 ID:m9m5n2mi [Del]

I'm almost certain that this has already been stated, but I've had rather similar thoughts. Now, generally I don't think violently until someone instigates it, for whatever reason, but when they do my automatic reaction to most anything offensive is physical retribution. It was not until a few months ago that I began to hate this about myself. Even when someone offended me on total accident, or what they did was completely irrelevant, or they have shown themselves to be lacking in intelligence, social graces, or basic human tact, when someone did anything all I could think of is some way to make them suffer for it.

As I've said this was a few months ago, because since that time I've started an effort to refuse all forms of violence, including all that I've found justifiable. In those situations I've been caught going into an angry trance while I try to sort out these thoughts and figure out how to get out of the situation without so much as hitting someone once. (Also not an easy task when you don't have the option to walk away.)

I also initially tried to do this on my own, but after a few occurrences some of my friends caught on to what I was doing. For the most part they've been an enormous help, so I recommend finding someone. (preferably someone who won't taunt you or...honestly someone similarly violent as yourself. It's surprising how much they can help at times.)

Not sure if this will help, but take what you want from it. Remember that one's spirit dictates one's thoughts and one's thoughts dictates one's actions. Never become subservient, become ingenuitive.

9 Name: aerietigre!!qz+w89r1 : 2012-02-29 21:36 ID:9rBiyF1H [Del]

Don't panic - it's not a disorder until it's legitimately handicapping your ability to function. The DSM-IV, and upcoming V, considers it as an important qualifying factor in diagnosing just about all conditions listed.

Until that happens, and it actually starts warping your behavior and functionality, >>4 . Just do what you can to pull back, neutralize and redirect your thoughts, and move on. Fixating, becoming disturbed by our own state of disturbance, is pointless if there is no imminent danger. :3

10 Name: aerietigre!!qz+w89r1 : 2012-02-29 22:08 ID:9rBiyF1H [Del]

In the DSM, "failure to resist aggressive impulses" is described. So far, you've been able to sufficiently resist. :3

11 Name: Diamond : 2012-03-01 19:18 ID:PCFki8+T [Del]

Hmm, blood lust, well at least you can control it...not sure for how long though. You're not alone on this problem, pretty sure there are others...though mine kinda came from tons of bullying when I was younger...the bully...bad outcome after 10 years of blood loss from me...

Anyways, you just need to keep a good mind so that you may stay good at all times. Though it's mainly when you see a friend of yours or someone who seems close to you getting hurt...that's kinda when a certain person's blood lust spikes.

12 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-03-02 09:45 ID:Hs/DLqBQ [Del]

Im sorry, I don't really know what to say to this. But I believe that everyone is born a good person; because that's the way people naturally are. It's just that in this world there is so much corruption that people stray away form kindness. Look I don't think your a monster; your just somewhat lost. And the fact that you have not done anything yet shows proof that you feel like it's not right. Though I feel uncomfortable to tell you how you should think (because what we believe is for us to decide and no one else) but I can tell you full heartedly that hurting others is the incorrect way to live. You must rise above the corruption so you can live with a peaceful mind.

Did you experience something in your life that makes you want to do this; maybe something like abuse. Or even a fear that "if you don't hurt others they might hurt you first" kind of thing. We might be able to help you better if you know of something that is making you like this.

13 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-02 10:46 ID:MYt/YOyt [Del]

>>12 Others would argue that man's inherent evil is kept in check by society's standards - that people only learn to act altruistically because it suits their situation in society, and eventually that may translate into a more personal belief in good.

Separated from society's rules and regulations, one has to wonder what people would really do to each other. But that all depends on your belief on human nature.

I like to consider that restraint is one of the most important traits a person can have, and that anyone who says they never have bad thoughts is a flagrant liar. Subconscious thought counts - doesn't matter if you never consciously consider these bad things on purpose. One doesn't necessarily need latent trauma or terrible life experiences to have bad thoughts.

14 Name: Lentia : 2012-03-02 12:14 ID:LGbxLKSa [Del]

i beat people up when i am hyper

15 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-02 13:01 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

An excerpt from the list of words commonly mis/over-used by middle schoolers, or the mental equivalent:


16 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-02 17:15 ID:jqR88xh6 [Del]

>>15 I was so goddamn hyperactive the other day, it's not even funny. I don't know why. I had no sugar and had plenty of sleep. I was shaking through the whole day, and I couldn't focus on anything. It was fucking weird. I just felt like running around the building screaming random Italian swear words.

17 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-03-02 19:45 ID:m9m5n2mi [Del]

>>15 You forgot to include that every middle-lower high schooler talks about how they or someone else "beats people up" when at most it's one mid-speed punch followed by a half-hour drama battle. Kiddie slaps and shin shoves don't count folks. -_-

18 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-03-03 09:30 ID:Hs/DLqBQ [Del]

>>13 Don't talk to much about my comment; not telling you to fuck off or anything but this is about her not me. Keep your comments short for other; and do what you can more for her.

So with that said hows it going Paracosm!? Have we helped at all, is there anything else you would like to address to us? Remember we are always here to help; your not alone.

19 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-03-03 21:54 ID:v3MRZRtB [Del]

Remember why you want to control it in the first place. That's what I think of.

20 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-02-15 17:21 ID:vog5NtYK [Del]

>>14 So you're that asshole I ran over with my shovel?


21 Name: Piratemansion : 2014-12-14 07:43 ID:RwXK312n [Del]

I did had the same problem as I was really stressed and sad (no i wasnt depressed, just really sad its a difference)

i keep myself buisy and try to not think to much.

22 Name: ryuhime : 2014-12-14 11:02 ID:Hfc4U4rJ [Del]

I've had that same problem before. Not as extreme, but the same idea. I started learning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. There's no punching or kicking in it and it's a pretty controlled fighting style. This helped me because it gave me specific rules to follow in terms of violence. This solution is a bit risky because it's still violent, but it helped me. Just decide whether or not it's within your comfort zone.
Also, this mindset definitely does not make you a monster. That would only happen if you completely stopped resisted or regretting the urges.

23 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-14 11:12 ID:9tStr1tx [Del]

Try to control yourself, distract by happy thoughts when it happens or get out of there. Retract from the situation.

Actually Ryuhime your thing can be good. But its not really how it will work. I had the feeling of blood lust a few times... Its not anger or anything. In my case its not a whisper. Its more like a heat and then slowly getting hazy in my thinking. Ideas like, it would be so easy to go kick, stab, choke...

Its like a suicidal impulse, but driven and channelled as the will to survive. The problem is you do not have a define target. Its just an impulse to kill to try and let you live, without automatically going up against the real problem.

24 Name: Aggie-tan : 2014-12-14 15:39 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

I agree with everyone who have replied ahead of me! :3 You listen to your friend. You aren't a monster if you know that this "blood lust" is a bad thing. Humans are geared to prepare for the worse and how to react to a problem quickly in an act of self defense. Sure it was useful billions of years ago, but definitely not so much anymore. And I admit it, I feel the same exact way as you do sometimes... probably just not that much though XD But sorry I don't have a way to help you resolve your problem ^^" I agree with >>22 though. Find a way to relieve your body of that blood lust but in a controlled manner. That internet friend of yours sounds like a good person BTW :3

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27 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-14 23:42 ID:YKYXUSSF [Del]

I think it's not that least you haven't hurt someone~
This blood lust you mention about...there must be a reason why you developed such symptoms...I believe you have to find that reason and try pressure that blood lust of yours. If you already know the cause, it would be much easier to control the blood lust.

If it's getting worse, you should console to psychologist about this symptoms, but I recommend you to try the method first and see the results~

28 Name: Aia : 2014-12-15 00:42 ID:ih2uloGq [Del]

I also have blood-lust but not to that point, I usually inflict wounds on myself, then when I see the blood I have this desire to lick it and taste it. But for your case I think you should not think about it too much, 'cause from personal experience the more you think about it the more you would crave for it, and if it gets worse I would also advice what >>27 said.

29 Name: JNR$ : 2014-12-15 18:51 ID:Y55mnvok [Del]

ok can pick up a man one handed by his face thats 250 pounds throw him 30 feet through 6 different tables a chairs into a wall like i can ween you can snap like that you can ask yourself if your a monster like i did im 6 foot 171 pounds of lean pink muscle it takes alot to get me to that point you better run if i do though

30 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-12-15 21:00 ID:F2IdQjcv [Del]

From the ages of 3 to 9 my social life mostly consisted of attacking people. I had huge anger issues. I used to chase kids and teachers with scissors and try to cut them. I'd also randomly attack kids out of no where. What's worse and even scarier is that I would have blackouts and lose control.

It got to the point where police almost had to be involved. It's really sad. I don't care what you say, no child under the age of 10 should have to be arrested or put in jail. Fortunately I never did because my grandmother raised hell about it.

For a while my cure was remorse and self hatred. I didn't want to hurt people anymore. But it's unhealthy to hate yourself. At 15 I realized that having this anger isn't a disease but it's part of who I am. I had to get clever. I had to think of ways to channel this anger into a productive way. Extreme Heavy metal, Metal core, and death core was the answer.

I'm actually now at the point in my life to where I can perform in such bands that create this aggressive music. As a death-core front man I can facilitate my rage within society with out being incarcerated.

What I like to brag about is how I'm still just as angry as I was when I was 9. I still get violent urges, but I also have love. Love for human beings especially. God I fucking love them hahaha. You're not singular. There is goodness in you. Find it and create a balance. :)

31 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-12-15 21:04 ID:F2IdQjcv [Del]

Some really awesome bands I listen too, since I'm obsessed with this music.

Suicide Silence.
Make Them Suffer.
Waking the Cadaver.
Chelsea Grin.
Thy Art is Murder.

These are some of the most brutal bands around.

32 Name: Kanra Odyssey-Sama : 2014-12-15 21:50 ID:tXcWoqXh [Del]

I'm afear to lost control, because I'm known that if someone hurts to one of my loved people, I can kill it and after when I back to myselt, I'm cover to blood. I suppose that I'm underatant you a little.

(Yo sólo tengo miedo de perder el control, porque se que si alguien dañan a uno de mis seres queridos, yo podria matarle y después al volver en mi, estaría cubierta de sangre. Supongo que te entiendo un poco)