Dollars BBS | Personal
















gf ishues (7)

1 Name: kiraoursaviour : 2012-02-27 15:55 ID:ZPLvFfal [Del]

Thats exactly what I told my friend justin but he still crys about it. Do people still cry about break ups or any thing else that involves relation ships for that matter, is that normal?

2 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-27 16:02 ID:f7hgXlQD [Del]

Thats exactly what i told ____?
wtf are you talking about
people emotionally invest in relationships, so feeling no different after the fact means you really didnt care about the person in the first place. Use your noodle

3 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-27 16:07 ID:YrtrDX9u [Del]

See, this is why Reltair should make a Relationships sub-board under this one. We're going to get spammed with dumbshit posts about relationships. Damn. SOmeone should bring it up to him.

4 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-27 16:34 ID:YTIAodhh [Del]

>>3 That's a horrible idea. This board is specific enough, I don't see the need for a sub-board. Not to mention to fact that this board is relatively new, so you should give it some time before branching off with it.

5 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-02-27 16:44 ID:VGTqMvOy [Del]

>>3 If you went back to read the suggestions board, you'll see that we generally took everything into consideration, with very few missed points. We even bickered about the board name, for pete's sake. Part of the purpose of Personal was to consolidate these things, and make a board available for people that wanted to do exactly what you're criticizing.

>>4 And this.

>>1 A lot of people do, yes. That's totally normal. Some people won't. Different people react differently to different things; I would never expect anything to be 'abnormal' unless you have some ridiculous habit of eating toilet paper because someone shot a rubber-band at you.

So yeah, it's completely normal. Now, if it goes on in excess of two weeks, I would start to think that they may need to get a move on. The only exception to that is the break-off of an extremely lengthy relationship (1.5+ Years, or marriage), I would honestly expect grief for about a month afterwards, possibly a few more weeks after that.

TL;DR (just because I know it'll bother NaeBree) - It's normal, in moderation.

6 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-02-27 16:49 ID:g4/8M+w5 [Del]

>>1 Alright, with my interpretation, I'll try to give you an answer that doesn't involve me getting upset with you for various reasons.

It's completely normal to feel emotion, and sometimes cry about a bad breakup, especially if the girl meant a lot to him.

Now, if things are extreme, and constant, he may be suffering from deeper emotional stress, or may be enhancing the misery by taking some sort of depressant such as alcohol. You're not very specific, so that's all I got for you.

7 Name: Luciferus Hellsing : 2012-09-08 21:24 ID:xOJo55vH [Del]

"gf ishues"? Dear god . . .
Are you sure you do not mean "Girlfriend issues"?
Sorry, I really do not intend to sound mean, but I can not stand it when people use such utterly horrible grammar and spelling. In the future, try to spell correctly and do not use abbreviations like that. A good reason is that it makes the thread look unattractive and therefore puts people off even looking at it. As for the thread itself, I have absolutely no interest in relationships, romantic or otherwise and thus, have nothing to say on the matter of your question.