Dollars BBS | Personal
















Personal Board (46)

1 Name: Reltair !pAuAcC/vF2 : 2012-02-26 20:27 ID:2pA8gEOp [Del]

For people seeking personal help, life advice, or counseling.

2 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-26 20:51 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

N here i was hoping to get the first one. Thank you very much for the addition to the site Reltair!

3 Name: Conjo : 2012-02-26 20:54 ID:emIER8mM [Del]

Great! It'll be good to see people posting here soon and use it for what its meant, i agree with Sleepology!

4 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-26 20:56 ID:jqR88xh6 [Del]

This magically appeared out of nowhere.

Thank you, Reltair.

5 Name: Reltair !pAuAcC/vF2 : 2012-02-26 21:00 ID:2pA8gEOp [Del]

No problem, sorry it took a while. Lazy... >_<

6 Name: Yunie!PANDAvlttI : 2012-02-26 21:03 ID:sWEyPGgO [Del]

Thanks, Reltair!

7 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-02-26 21:03 ID:VGTqMvOy [Del]

I am overjoyed right now :D

I want to post a thread to break this place in, but I have no need of assistance... lol

8 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-26 21:04 ID:jqR88xh6 [Del]

>>5 I don't think anyone minds the time lol I do notice a glitch, though. When I'm not in this board, the border around "Personal" disappears. It's not a bit deal, but I figured I'd point it out.

9 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-26 21:05 ID:YTIAodhh [Del]

/Clap Clap/

Horray! Good work, Reltair!

I'm looking forward to this. Thanks! (ノ◕▽◕)ノ。・:*:・゜

10 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-26 21:05 ID:jqR88xh6 [Del]

>>8 Scratch that. It's working now :V

11 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-26 21:06 ID:YTIAodhh [Del]

>>10 It only works when you're on the board though.

When you're on any other board, the border is missing :I

12 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-26 21:06 ID:NHAY/naK [Del]

>>5 yeah, i'm pretty sure no one minds. there hasn't been a constant stream of people asking for it, so don't feel bad about it at all. Thanks Reltair

13 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-02-26 21:06 ID:g4/8M+w5 [Del]

Oh, didn't see this coming...

14 Name: Yunie!PANDAvlttI : 2012-02-26 21:07 ID:sWEyPGgO [Del]

Well, later, the missing border will be fixed. Since it's new right now, it doesn't have a border. It's always been like that.

15 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-02-26 21:09 ID:f3tRgicf [Del]

It's here!
Who wants to be the first one to make a thread?

16 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-02-26 21:10 ID:usH+rQbD [Del]

>>11 Just refresh when on another board, it'll be there. Refreshing: The problem to any and everything.

17 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-02-26 21:10 ID:usH+rQbD [Del]

>>15 Technically, Reltair was the first one to make a thread.

18 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-26 21:10 ID:NHAY/naK [Del]

>>11 is there in animation as well. I don't mind though.simple things don't matter all that much

19 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-26 21:11 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

Oh, also, thank you for moving the comics board to its right spot. Im sure some of our ocd members couldnt sleep at night knowing it was there

20 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-26 21:12 ID:YTIAodhh [Del]

>>18 Yup, that's true.

>>16 I'm too lazy to refresh every time, so I'll think I'll settle for it this way. T'was a fun fact to know though.

21 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-02-26 21:14 ID:usH+rQbD [Del]

>>20 Man, you're lazier than me. It's just one click for all of the boards you visit.

22 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-26 21:21 ID:YTIAodhh [Del]

>>21 Lazy isn't accurate enough to describe me. I'm like.. lethargic.

Still, my point was that it doesn't bother me to the point where I must CLICK A BUTTON FOR EVERY BOARD I VISIT.
Emphasis on every*

23 Name: Reltair !pAuAcC/vF2 : 2012-02-26 21:32 ID:2pA8gEOp [Del]

If you don't see the border around the Personal Board button, simply refresh so that it loads the updated CSS. You would have to do this at most once for every board.

24 Name: Sky-Chan : 2012-02-26 21:47 ID:PnMya3RL [Del]

Nice addition to the site, thanks Reltair!
>>22 Do you have a suggestion for a better way to visit the other boards?

25 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-26 21:49 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

>>24 my guess is rainmeter or whatever

26 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-26 21:57 ID:YTIAodhh [Del]

>>24 I don't exactly understand what you're asking.

If you're talking about getting RSS feeds though, Rainmeter is a program that can help you.

27 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-02-26 22:00 ID:wC4gnY7K [Del]

Ah.. The Personal board is here :D

28 Name: Neku : 2012-02-26 22:36 ID:AohNOSDM [Del]

i got some many events going on in my life

29 Name: SaintSoul : 2012-02-26 22:54 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

Just..woaaaaaaah. I guess I can rant now then?

30 Name: tsubaki !yQ3luh1QiU : 2012-02-26 22:55 ID:0tpR2eZU [Del]

Watch me take over this board with my numerous issues~ >:D

31 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-02-27 04:33 ID:Hs/DLqBQ [Del]

Reltair is a beast! Thank you very much!

32 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-27 07:06 ID:YrtrDX9u [Del]

>>1 Yo. Im assuming you wont see this, but its worth a try.

There should probably be a relationship board under this, otherwise this will drown in posts about "why cant i get a girlfriend/why do guys suck" posts.

Just putting the idea out there.

33 Name: Yamie : 2012-02-27 07:31 ID:xg2YKzhs [Del]

Thanks Reltair!! This is really awesome!

34 Name: Sharkie Pants !.pQQznQlsU : 2012-02-27 08:46 ID:GzakYO8d [Del]

>>32 This board was created so people could talk/ask about relationships (among other things). Also, why would you want to tackle a problem that doesn't even exist? As long as we make dedicated threads for that kind of stuff it should never become a problem.

Also, if you are serious about wanting a relationships board you should be posting in the suggestions board.

35 Name: Tatsuo !hylilKS3pw : 2012-02-27 10:28 ID:rFEYyInt [Del]

Thanks for the new board!
Its nice to have a place specifically for the 'everyday'

36 Name: Person : 2012-02-27 10:32 ID:PELjpXoG [Del]

I think this board may become my favourite. Thanks to the people who had the idea and to the one who actually created it.

37 Name: Kunar Shugane !q9yoJKUgVY : 2012-02-27 13:00 ID:7Oip2jDZ [Del]

I love this board! I believe that it is these kind of threads that let others know that there is always someone that listen to what bothers you. It gives the message "You are not alone in this world", at least to me it does.

38 Name: Nocturne : 2012-02-27 16:32 ID:Cf0yPOa/ [Del]

this will keep things more orgaized. good work.

39 Name: Kamikapa !gsaTjWquEI : 2012-02-27 19:45 ID:jlSlk5Z5 [Del]

wow, this came out of nowhere, nice! Thanks for the good work :)

40 Name: tsubaki !yQ3luh1QiU : 2012-02-28 02:03 ID:0tpR2eZU [Del]

>>39 'cept not really. There was discussion about a board like this for ages.

41 Name: Kamikapa !gsaTjWquEI : 2012-02-28 18:34 ID:jlSlk5Z5 [Del]

>>40 Really? I didn't see the discussion. I need to pay more attention then -.-

42 Name: Girl A !ONO.x6yoSc : 2012-02-28 18:55 ID:nTlEfv/E [Del]

It was on the 'Suggestion' board. ^^;;

43 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-02-28 19:14 ID:ulHyvNzk [Del]

Oh neat, thanks Reltair.

44 Name: Ike !kEQsHPqPRI : 2012-03-01 11:11 ID:0gl5aax8 [Del]

im stressed about little things in life. i become really stressed with any small thing someone does. advise? tips on how to "lighten up" its really effecting things i care about in life. so yea, help much?

45 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-03-01 11:12 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

Maybe ya know, check the thread talking about how we handle stress

46 Name: shizuo : 2015-02-23 10:18 ID:yA8vfQp1 [Del]

omg thanks reltar