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Coronavirus from China (30)

1 Name: MarieAndHerDogs : 2020-01-24 16:00 ID:7dr1E1nT [Del]

Public health experts around the globe are scrambling to understand, track, and contain a new virus that appeared in Wuhan, China at the start of December. So far, there have been 939 confirmed cases and 26 deaths. The majority of the illnesses are in Wuhan, but cases have been reported in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Macau, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, France, and the US.

Learn More From These Websites:

2 Name: YEET BOI : 2020-01-29 19:43 ID:dRiI06QW [Del]

The Chinese government has been covering up the actual confirmed cases. There's actually 90K+ infected in Wuhan. For the people who don't believe me, here's some links saying how bad it is:

Don't believe what the media tells you. Stay safe everyone!

3 Name: Vivaldi !IDhVqjN6uk : 2020-02-06 19:25 ID:MG1T/20H [Del]

I didn't know there where that many.

4 Name: Anon : 2020-02-07 19:34 ID:HYFypd65 [Del]


5 Name: MarieAndHerDogs : 2020-02-19 11:18 ID:NP1NhWre [Del]

News Updates:

6 Name: matalic_death : 2020-03-02 10:40 ID:6TgMlEaR [Del]

it is in corintine in texas and thats freaking me out

7 Name: aliyva : 2020-03-03 09:57 ID:rAkRpWPW [Del]

There has been a confirmed case in the city I live in (UK). Wish me luck guys!

8 Name: Kat : 2020-03-06 19:50 ID:wxpkyea5 [Del]

does anybody know how many confirmed cases are in the US?

9 Name: NCS . Nightcore : 2020-03-07 07:27 ID:14qJc4DV [Del]

well I guess my countrys lucky we only have 1 case of corona virus here and no deaths...Anyways I hope all of you stay safe and dont forget to wear a Mask ^^

10 Name: Tyrone : 2020-03-07 22:01 ID:a8mShMBf [Del]

getting out of hand.....Scaryyyy

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Miza : 2020-03-08 12:06 ID:Y98JXfD2 [Del]

This is map with real time. Please take care of yourself and your loved onces

13 Name: Huezao : 2020-03-11 15:04 ID:5msWPUc9 [Del]

Hey now we got at a serious stage didnt we, today the WHO declared pandemic state

14 Name: Matto : 2020-03-12 14:14 ID:KsNlM8Wm [Del]


- I am being told that retirement homes will soon quarantine themselves, so that old people won't face the danger of being infected by loving ones. This is not official yet.

- Some states are going to close schools and colleges/universities soon.

- Please do not go to your family doctor ("Hausarzt") when you do not feel ill. They are currently being overrun by people asking for advice.

- As long as you are a healthy adult, this Virus will not be very dangerous for you. Do not panic. Small kids and elderly people are in danger. Please allow those to get help first.

15 Name: Koshiyo : 2020-03-20 23:25 ID:ciJrE0zv [Del]

Fuck the government in China, next time control your people before sending them anywhere in the world. That's all I gotta say rn.

16 Name: Taki : 2020-03-22 16:14 ID:XT/EPG4r [Del]

》15 Calm down bud, the virus came as much a shock to them as to anyone. We all gotta stay positive!

17 Name: Matto : 2020-03-22 16:42 ID:MepytiNy [Del]

As much as I try to stay positive when I read that crap:
China was very quick to react to the Virus outbreak, while only two weeks ago I heard politicans in the West ramble about how Corona is either a hoax or some conspiracy theory.
There are countries out there which still have no health insurance for everyone in 2020. We should worry about those.

18 Name: Anonymous Girl : 2020-04-14 03:31 ID:j88dE8vo [Del]


19 Name: Ren : 2020-04-26 23:21 ID:3sEHIBYj [Del]

One more month of this corona virus we're all desd.srly this is no fun anymore,we're lacking in supplies,and my family can't go work for our daily needs.hope this will end soom

20 Name: Anonymous Girl : 2020-05-03 21:17 ID:1oL5+pdq [Del]

U thought it was fun??

21 Name: iççarxo : 2020-05-05 09:47 ID:b8RBnJJr [Del]

Is there anyone from America? How are you doing there?

22 Name: cheby !R0F030lwEk : 2020-05-07 20:14 ID:qiGn8xnO [Del]

my friend's and family have all been fine, which is lucky because i live near nyc. honestly i'm more worried about the racism towards asians.

23 Name: Shiso : 2020-05-11 03:26 ID:QYxFqsdp [Del]

Lurker from America here. It's a shame a virus we were reading and talking about back in January has lead us to this point in the making of history. At this current time, my group of friends and family are doing well, and I think just as with everyone else in the world, we all have concerns going forward with our situation. People are becoming restless with our new reality, and our governments will be allowing businesses to open up after a temporary shut down. Hopefully, this won't create an accelerated environment for the virus to spread here.
How is everyone else in the world doing?
America's Current Status: Known Cases 1,367,638 / Deaths 80,787 / recovered 256,336 and critical conditions 16,514

Stay Well, Stay Safe Dollars.

24 Name: Luke : 2020-05-18 01:03 ID:wYhXdXAJ [Del]

I am in america and I have been quarantined for around 5 weeks and its quite weird, I had to do school from home and, I won a computer from school so its not all bad. Al tho there have been a lot of cases and its kinda getting scary.

25 Name: Ryuu029 : 2020-05-28 20:19 ID:C1tFZZE3 [Del]

i live in brazil, and the situation is really bad here. the president is an asshol and the governor wants to open the city in june. even than the people see the number of deaths here and out of the country, they still go out without caring about the others. i hope we and ouer familys and friends still fine untill they find a vaccine.

26 Name: Shiny : 2020-05-30 08:25 ID:WyUmISbg [Del]

my state is slowly reopening even though we pass 1k in infections daily

27 Name: Mika : 2020-06-03 01:24 ID:7RaEFqbr [Del]

I'm in Australia, and the locking down are going down I think, school are starting next week but the cases are still ongoing, I don't think this corona thingy gonna calm down any soon (sob sob)

28 Name: Akemi Homura : 2020-06-05 02:58 ID:3hBr25LJ [Del]

It's gonna be a long year...

29 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-06-05 03:17 ID:F+S15FhQ [Del]

>>28 Oh boy, yes.

30 Name: Layland : 2020-06-10 01:38 ID:hcUx0WnH [Del]
