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Impeachment (6)

1 Name: Alex : 2019-12-19 12:32 ID:Ma1Lfj5B [Del]

What do you guys think about the whole Donald Trump Impeachment? I would love to get some conversations started here

2 Name: Anonymous : 2019-12-19 20:15 ID:ED34U7D5 [Del]

I don't believe it will happen. the house has impeached Trump but the house is majority democratic so it was easy to get his impeachment passed. In order for Trump to get kicked out of office the senate also needs to have a majority vote against him. The senate is heavily republican so the chance of him actually getting kicked out of office is slim to none.

3 Name: Alex : 2019-12-20 06:52 ID:DdbPwt7W [Del]

Apparently a lot people want to impeach him saying that its for the greater good but the only problem I see is that Mike Pence will step up and he has a lot of ideals being the same as Trump. Plus, the US is so close to the election I think its just a waiting game if they want a new president ya know?

4 Name: Kyza : 2019-12-21 02:26 ID:gmVQ7s9i [Del]

I think a big problem is the Democrats made a big mistake, not only do they not really have a solid all rounder candidate, they've ignited Trump's base, they are just gonna get fired up and possibly get him another 4 years.

5 Name: Sascha : 2020-01-07 18:27 ID:U9bmu7Nz [Del]

Donald Trump will win the next election, The Democrats don't have a single viable candidate to all get behind while the all the Republicans are rallied behind the current President. With the war tensions heating up, and the mockery of our legal institutions the democrats played out with a partisan impeachment, and the presidents record breaking campaign funds raised so far, etc - its safe to say he;s going to win. With an increasingly partisan nation, its going to continue flip flopping from one radical of one side, to another - throughout their 2 terms. Unless the republicans run ivanka as the first women president - then they can break the cycle and keep the control of the presidency for another few decades.

6 Name: Just_Here : 2020-01-15 21:30 ID:yB4OjHGl [Del]

If you're just looking for opinions on the matter, I'd really like to hope that Americans have seen how much of a mistake letting Trump win was, and people will rally behind the new Democratic candidate, be it Warren or Sanders. I have faith in people and I think that while the American stereotype might not be a great one at the present moment, I believe most people are sane enough to see that reelecting Trump is a stupid idea. But yeah, that's just my opinion.