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1 Name: Anonymous : 2019-09-09 11:42 ID:WHfzlZT3 [Del]

Hi, I have read years ago here in dollars that ISIS will infiltrate philippines and made a bomb threat and today there has been rumors spreading that they are already in my hometown which is in the philippines. Anyone who knows about this?

2 Name: Lohender : 2019-09-10 00:50 ID:6zFmBHwm [Del]

My family lives in the philippines and they haven’t told me anything about it. I’m pretty sure they would have told me if the ISIS is infiltrate philippiense but you can never be sure. Maybe I can find something and if I do I tell you.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2019-09-10 03:10 ID:NcKthkvF (Image: 1242x803 jpg, 268 kb) [Del]

src/1568103044990.jpg: 1242x803, 268 kb

4 Name: anonymous : 2019-09-10 03:16 ID:1FgLsHRY [Del]

that was a year ago

5 Name: Anonymous : 2019-09-11 09:42 ID:3ckksg0c [Del]

the threat? The tweet was just 2 days ago. Though it’s all over national news that the rumor is not true

6 Name: Yoshiki : 2019-10-24 01:23 ID:lDUvoSpb [Del]

I don't think that is true. Never heard of that here in our province in the Philippines.

7 Name: Irizu : 2019-10-24 22:15 ID:RgaH5S4H [Del]

Hullo, that was a while ago. Though I’ve heard a rumor that Anonymous the hacking group isn’t going to let Donald Trump won’t he next election(2020). They’ve declared cyber/real world war on him apparently...

8 Name: Irizu : 2019-10-24 22:17 ID:RgaH5S4H [Del]

Sorry i misspelled a word my apologies I meant “war”.

9 Name: shira chan : 2019-10-25 04:09 ID:okBBZ4gD [Del]

I think i heard about it before When my teacher was lecturing us.But not sure about what is happening.I also heard that pres.Duterte is selling our country to china.(not sure if it is true.Tho)

10 Name: Irizu : 2019-10-25 08:17 ID:3dehqXfh [Del]

That’s insane, I can’t believe that we have him as a pres. but yeah. He’s an absolute crack head. I also heard that there’s a new group called The Pythia, I don’t know who or why they exist though. It’s kind of creepy to be honest. I went to one of their meeting just for fun and it was lookin kind of shady so I left. Everyone was masked and stuff. It freaked me the hell out...

11 Name: “BoogyMan !ZU7UX5Rz.c : 2019-11-21 10:03 ID:xrDRIq9f [Del]

>>10 what’s with this group? Is it a cult for DDS?

12 Name: Cypher : 2019-12-07 00:12 ID:1wkr/GhR [Del]

I'm a Filipino and this is what I've gathered so far. Do note that these info are from my connections in various places and are not official statements
The war at Marawi happened because of one of the terrorist groups became too aggressive due to the fact that ISIS was supporting them. They were fought off and the ISIS hasn't been able to have a solid foothold in the country. The swift and brutal response of the military cowed the other groups into not making deals with ISIS (I have a cousin in the Armed Forces of the Philippines who confirmed this).
However, the string of suicide bombings in Mindanao (they still happen!) have traces of ISIS influence.
In response to DU30 selling the Ph to the Chinks, why do you think there is a recent surge in Chinese businesses in the Country (despite having laws that states that no foreigners that lived less that 10 years in the Ph cannot own an enterprise in the country)?

13 Name: FR3ND : 2020-01-01 12:03 ID:BQaIcocz [Del]

@Cypher You know why Chinese flock in the Ph is because of your President he is a Pro Chinese. I know he did a good job cleaning the administration but He can't clean corrupt High up cause of they may kill him. Smaller people gets trumple instead. Drug war is a thing if the smaller people get taken out instead the corrupt General, Senators or rich people. I never trusted Politician of they promise that the tried to clean. You can't do it your only a single person. As they saying "You tried to make waves, they crushed you instead"