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nuclear war WTF is going on ! pls send feedback (19)

1 Name: XxloriryugamineXx : 2018-04-14 13:51 ID:CfsgESBA [Del]

what is going on i wake up and turn on the news and i hear that the usa is starting war with syria ! this is crazy why is this happening ? i dont think alll those people deserve to die cuz the usa is stupid !

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Ace !DOt9mVDb62 : 2018-04-14 21:48 ID:VGTPqh9b [Del]

That's insane!

4 Name: Al : 2018-04-14 22:26 ID:RhU2XEms [Del]

I've heard all about that bs, it sux they don't even get to live in their own country in peace, even though America is always telling them to go to their own country, like where its all destroyed. This bs gets me mad, what did they ever do to the US?

5 Name: XxloriryugamineXx : 2018-04-14 23:33 ID:CfsgESBA [Del]

RIGHT like why should there citys get bombed like what if it was them doing it to us ? then it would matter smh... !! its so wrong that so many people dont care and think this is okay. they should be aloud to live in peace they never have done anything to the usa !!

6 Name: Cedric : 2018-04-16 00:22 ID:OSnBoNEy [Del]

It's prolly gonna be WWIII CUS Syria is allies with Russia and u.s is allies with England and France and I don't wanna die man

7 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2018-04-16 03:21 ID:K/JybczQ [Del]

>>1 This is not news, no news link = not news.


8 Name: Kibou : 2018-04-16 15:28 ID:dgPuO0wJ [Del]

>>6 It'd be more of a Cold War because the main leaders are Russia & USA from different perspectives.
If it were a WWIII, all of them would be allies towards another perspective.

>>7 Here the links:

Also guys, even if I'm from México, please look up for where are the closest anti anything (bomb or radiation) shelters.
Just for caution.

Stay safe.

9 Name: Jonah : 2018-04-18 13:58 ID:WMfDHsn+ [Del]

The US has warned Syria time and time again not to use chemical weapons, and are now going to launch missiles at Syria due to the fact that Syria chemical bombed ITS OWN PEOPLE. Russia has an alliance with Syria so its looking like a possible war should Russia refuse to back down. The US is starting the war with Syria because of Syria killing their own citizens. The US isn't that stupid. Obama threatened them not to before but then did nothing. Atleast trump is taking action.

10 Name: XxloriryugamineXx : 2018-04-18 17:43 ID:CfsgESBA [Del]

thanks for all the feed back i found out things i didnt even know !! i hope nothing bad happens cuz if were WWIII that would be so bad i saw on the news today also that syria is launching missles to washington new york and texas if its true thats crazy cuz i live right under new york !!!

11 Name: Mikado : 2018-04-19 22:02 ID:JzT7tGbY [Del]

Well America has chemical weapons too u can't stop someone from making anything ,unless they are totally launching those missiles on America and Russia

12 Name: dollars!31sNfzlFrg : 2018-04-27 05:42 ID:/m8nwST2 [Del]

seems legit.

13 Name: Lacey : 2018-05-01 08:14 ID:hmxAgooh [Del]

I feel sorry to tell this to some but USA has been in a war with Syria for some time now it just dies down a bit every so often and anyone who isn't fighting forgets about it. It really quite sad.

14 Name: Naga Sake !!LOWyrKpa : 2018-05-01 09:18 ID:UrLVylZ8 [Del]

>>13 tru

15 Name: the informant : 2018-05-02 12:44 ID:4eTOEBiT [Del]

16 Name: TheMightyEagle : 2018-05-12 08:13 ID:Ej/Iqzfy [Del]

Yeah the thing about this war is that Syria refused negotiations pertaining land resource acquisition to the US and refused alternative offers.

As if we don't know their usual negotiation: "You either give it to us peacefully or get nuked for insubordination."

Your honorable judge and jury, from here I rest my case.

17 Name: TheMightyEagle : 2018-05-12 08:33 ID:Ej/Iqzfy [Del]

BTW the disputed islands on the south china sea is currently known to the public as simple military bases which isn't totally wrong.

The creation of underground bunkers and blueprints on extensive underwater fortifications indicate very intricate camouflage and various proofing for some really delicate and dangerous warhead shipments made by Chinese submarines on a schedule between 300-400 and 1600-1800 hours. The military also requested to deploy at least 6 Jiaolong class vehicles to venture in to the pacific depths to survey deep sea routes.

18 Name: saeyoung : 2018-05-16 12:36 ID:4xM9fO+S [Del]

I wish that nothing bad is going to happen. and even if the USA decides to have a war they shouldn't follow through with it, I mean Syria is already going through some shit with isis.

19 Name: Black Reaper : 2018-05-27 08:42 ID:uQAelWqO [Del]

Isis isn’t anything more than a scrap of wannabes now, for the most part it’s disbanded and whenever America removes such troops or power from certain areas things like isis spring up. I’m not for war but it’s seems humanity is only capable of peace through war. And America’s authority in certain countries did the trick.