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Another Terrorist Attack in New York City (17)

1 Name: Red Melody : 2017-11-02 09:56 ID:L+JGqBWN [Del]

2 Name: Rynji : 2017-11-02 11:05 ID:5nyAK+3P [Del]

These horrific events just won't stop...

3 Name: Naga Sake !!LOWyrKpa : 2017-11-02 12:48 ID:b4d42dD8 [Del]

>>2 I was born in 2001. I've literally only known a world where terrorists attacks weekly where a normal way of life. I'm not shocked, this isn't horrific. This is everyday shit man.

4 Name: Namie : 2017-11-02 18:57 ID:LCzm09xj [Del]

This is a weird case. I read that he used fake guns once he abandoned the car? This sounds really amateur compared to previous attacks that have happened lately. I doubting that this guy was an actual IS member like some people are saying.

>>3 Born in 2001..... please stop making me feel old. Also just because something is an "everyday" occurrence does not make it any less horrific.

5 Name: Cat with Hentai Face : 2017-12-05 00:22 ID:4Ka83Wo1 [Del]

Namie's right. The fact that these attacks have become to the norm to our generation should be all the more horrifying. This shouldn't even be a reality or something that is happening.

6 Name: Artemis : 2017-12-07 15:32 ID:s4u7GhyE [Del]

>>4 But Naga has a point. It's more the fact that our generation is learning to deal with it. We're learning to let it be part of our life, as unfortunate as it is. If we lost our heads over every shooting and terrorist attack, how would we get through the day?

7 Name: Namie : 2017-12-07 16:32 ID:5l0/bLv0 [Del]

>>6 I didn't say we had to lose our heads. There's a balancing point between being apathetic and freaking out at every atrocity.

8 Name: G.P. !K6N517zljo : 2017-12-08 03:45 ID:b5J9q/oM [Del]

I don't think that we can get used to terror attacks.

9 Name: Gasai !osG3vsupIs : 2017-12-15 17:50 ID:QBbW3Gin [Del]

I think we already are.

10 Name: The Ice Prince : 2017-12-19 12:12 ID:iObQM2zQ [Del]

Regardless of how used to these terrorist actions or not, it is quite disturbing that this kind of thing is becoming so frequent that it doesn't surprise people anymore.

11 Name: Vasha : 2017-12-25 15:22 ID:c+JqY+1y [Del]

I know I am kind of late with this but whatever
>>10 I think surprised is a good key word in this discussion because these attacks still are horrific. But because they don't really surprise us anymore we don't think as much about them in a sense of "what will happen now".Because as sad as that is we kinda did already get used to them

12 Name: Real : 2017-12-30 14:44 ID:hPL1VFoZ [Del]

Secondo me il fatto che molti di noi si sono abituati è perché fondamentalmente non ci interessa fino a quando non capita a noi

13 Name: ChilliBlossoms : 2018-01-26 05:25 ID:XCcyOAgv [Del]

Reading all of the comments, I think the most horrific part of all this is that we're getting used to this...

14 Name: Blackbird : 2018-02-01 10:49 ID:gqs6mYOH [Del]

>>13 I totally agree. The fact that this has become the normal thing for us is by far the worst part of it all. People are beginning to do things like this more and more. The world is becoming a scarier place than ever before. This truly is getting terribly out of hand.

15 Name: sneespsnoosp : 2018-02-01 15:20 ID:nfi5qvLD [Del]

What makes it weirder, for me, is that the program that was linked is 'CNN 10', and it's meant for elementary kids.

16 Name: Jo : 2018-02-21 22:14 ID:2Kq94bYf [Del]

Dammit, why can't the USA just chill? I mean I know we have a human shit for president, but come on. We need the FBI and other government people to get off their asses.

17 Name: Hat.00 : 2018-02-22 09:44 ID:wHwEC5wn [Del]

You guys ever see the movie Brazil? It has very little to do with the country its named after, instead its a very similar seen as today. in fact the move was made in the 80s i believe as a commentary on what the future could hold as an exaggeration of the heavy fear of terror in the present. look it up, its a good movie, and will scare your pants off when you see the parallels in our world as theres.