Dollars BBS | News
















Dollars in action (36)

1 Post deleted by user.

2 Name: Frogue : 2017-03-29 21:50 ID:/PV/jY1j [Del]

That's awesome!

3 Name: Inzo tanaka : 2017-03-29 22:43 ID:D6yTS/Ff [Del]

I know right let's good dollars

4 Name: Tricx ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧ : 2017-03-30 09:38 ID:DtQHEUAo [Del]

Ahhh thats so cool. Let's work together humans ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧

5 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-03-30 16:04 ID:+jymKzky [Del]

>>1 Dude no news link = not news,

it has to actually make the news and you have to post a link to a news website that has the article in question,

otherwise we might as well just think you are making shit up, or roll playing.


6 Name: Anonymous : 2017-03-31 17:28 ID:bIzYZdh3 [Del]

How do you know it was a dollar? You know the dug bust was in Miami and there are only like 6 dollars in the Miami area. And all of them are inactive except for me, and I certainly don't have the balls to even get involved in a drug bust. Please stop rping in the news area it's actually annoying

7 Name: Inzo tanaka : 2017-03-31 19:32 ID:9NLFA7MH [Del]

I ment the one in lemon County in Feb. And it was dollars from the extention I'm in

8 Name: Inzo tanaka : 2017-03-31 19:32 ID:9NLFA7MH [Del]

Leon county

9 Name: Inzo tanaka : 2017-03-31 19:37 ID:9NLFA7MH [Del]

10 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-04-01 05:09 ID:+jymKzky [Del]

>>9 Then just post the news, sorry to say this but there is *NO* evidence that a Dollar help in any way with this, saying so just make it look like you are making shit up dude.

quote from the news link -

"Franklin County Sheriff Mike Mock says Byrd was driving a school district white Chevrolet truck Friday night, when he was *pulled over during a routine traffic stop* east of Lanark Village on Highway 98.

Sheriff Mock says the K-9 team searched the truck and found about 31 grams of cocaine, eight different types of pills (that weren't prescibed to Byrd,) a set of digital scales and more than $1,637 in cash.

The sheriff says, "We have two K-9 officers and that's what we do. We use our K-9 officers out there on the streets and a lot of times we'll use them on our traffic stops. We do our job on the traffic end then we use that K-9 for the sniff of that vehicle"

What part of that was a tip off, oh that's right it wasn't one it even says in the news article he was "pulled over during a routine traffic stop" nothing else.


11 Name: Inzo tanaka : 2017-04-01 11:35 ID:D6yTS/Ff [Del]

To put it simple I know it's a dollar that dropped a hit. We happen to be friends. The guy sold some coke to his sis and his neighbor happens to be a cop so after talking. He dropped a hint to his neighbor saying to watch out for said dealer, so when he found a reason to pull him over he did. But that won't be in the news. So take it as you will but it seems like all you wanna do is poke holes in a positive story so believe it or not it is what it is.

12 Name: Anon : 2017-04-01 11:58 ID:IG937n2i [Del]

I feel like you just want attention. That's what's really annoying about this story. Also, I find it really hard to believe a weeaboo would take the time to even get involved in something like a drug bust. Even more unbelievable that he would drop a hint to the cop right after the coke was sold to his sister. He'd run the risk of getting her arrested, so that's one plot hole. I'm sorry, but even though this is a positive story, there's no evidence and it seems very fabricated. Make your story believable at least. And if you're going to spread fake news to get attention, you should do it somewhere else.

13 Name: Libranite : 2017-04-01 16:07 ID:oFheEMlA [Del]

Yooo you guys are sucking the fun out of this website. Read what it says in the "about" part of the website. There are no strict rules on where to post what. Maybe he's lying maybe he isn't. No reason to get all uptight

14 Post deleted by user.

15 Name: Zhane : 2017-04-01 20:45 ID:CAxwesLC [Del]

If they have no actually link to an article, then there is no reason for this thread to be here at all. just let it die and stop replying.


16 Name: Inzo tanaka : 2017-04-01 21:09 ID:D6yTS/Ff [Del]

I'm tired of having to defend everything I say simply because you wanna be dicks. The point of this site is about doing good and so far all I have seen from this one post is alot of over critical assholes. And if I wanted attention. I would have said I'd done it, which would have been a lie but dod what you do and keep trying to poke holes in a good thing. If I had known that putting some good news on here would cause this much trouble I never would had said anything.

17 Name: Libranite : 2017-04-02 02:46 ID:oFheEMlA [Del]

Who made you guys mods? Like honestly you guys are worse than trolls cuz you somehow think what you're doing is helping the website.

18 Name: Libranite : 2017-04-02 03:00 ID:oFheEMlA [Del]

That being said, this WAS a bad place to post news since it is without a credible source. We don't wanna start calling ourselves fox 2.0 do we? (Maybe Donald trump will start reading the messages if we do lol) this discussion kind of further stems into my idea of creation of another category on this website marked "Rumors" for those news articles that don't have a 100% solid citation. I tried posting it on suggestions but the mods somehow think I'm a troll cuz I don't follow their stupid rules that are killing the site.

MESSAGE TO MODS: You guys gotta realize you're a mod of an INTERNET BBS the amount of power you guys have is pretty limited but somehow you guys still have managed to develop some kind of a god complex. I can't click on ONE category that doesn't have you guys bitching on about how thats the "WRONG PLACE TO POST IT". I mean that's fine to bring it up every once and again like when a Mexican guy just posts random shit in Spanish in the main but you guys are going too far.

19 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-04-02 03:40 ID:y4TH8FDF [Del]

>>18 They're not mods, but users like you. The site gets disorganized amazingly fast.

20 Name: Libranite : 2017-04-02 04:42 ID:oFheEMlA [Del]

If they aren't mods then maybe they shouldn't act like they are.

21 Name: Taro : 2017-04-02 06:41 ID:IG937n2i [Del]

The reason the mods aren't ready to comply and hear you out is because a while ago another group of people like you were pissed off at the same thing and they started a bunch of troll movements where they would spam all the boards with stupid irrelevant messages once every week for a month. They also impersonated some mods and one of them started stalking a Dollars member. They had good reason to be annoyed, but they took the wrong course of action and pissed off a lot of mods. There are reasons why there are mods and rules, and I totally agree with you on being annoyed about this sites 'freedom', but I think there's a thread somewhere about why there are mods and rules.

That being said, I like this Rumor Board idea, but even if there is one, people will continue to post rumors in the News section bc people will just do that.

22 Post deleted by user.

23 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-04-02 09:27 ID:+jymKzky [Del]

>>20 Call me a some what pro-active member who likes to help keep this site a little bit organized, I try to guide people to on going threads that we have had for like forever, It's usually the new people who make duplicate threads but that just happens, we have boards for specific topics and we have threads for specific discussion, it's not rocket surgery :P

So if we all didn't care about this site then we get "disorganized amazingly fast" with duplicate threads out our ears and no discussion could flow from one post to the next with in the same thread when trying to talk about something,

The only real mod here is Reltair, but if you really wont to get in a pissy about members trying to help keeping the boards clean go a head, we are only trying to help out.

>>21 yeah I would also agree to having a rumours Board as for what the OP of this thread is claiming that happened.

24 Name: Zhane : 2017-04-02 10:54 ID:CAxwesLC [Del]

>>16 Ok I'll be honest. I do tend to sage things without really considering the context or reasoning as to why you would post something like this. So if it really was tip off from a Dollar, then that's great! Nice to hear about Dollars doing these kinds of things.

My suggestion in the future though would be to lead with a news link for the beginning of a thread. People will immediately just assume you're gossiping without one and will either shit talk or sage. Again, my bad for jumping to conclusions.

25 Name: Libranite : 2017-04-02 11:04 ID:1/tVNY7z [Del]

I don't appreciate how I'm being considered a part of some troll movement when all I really wanted was fair treatment. I am not against the idea of having mods but there's a difference between having rules and being a nitpicky douche about everything.

I do however like that this community is not completely toxic and actually acknowledged whereits flawed. Almost rare to find on the internet IMO. Maybe dollars isn't completely fucked after all.

26 Name: Zhane : 2017-04-02 11:24 ID:CAxwesLC [Del]

>>25 I understand how you feel about the site. I don't think you're part of a troll movement, but again, like me, people will jump to conclusions. I apologize if it seemed like I was hostile towards you or anyone you support.

I have noticed your gripes with the site and that you feel it's too restricted. I hope you understand that I(and I speak for myself) just want to help as much as I can. I just want to make sure that certain threads go where they'll be more noticeable. I'll try to tone it down tho since I do tend to have an attitude when I sage a thread. You're a Dollar too and I want to make the experience as fun as possible for you and everyone.

27 Name: Hikki : 2017-04-04 03:58 ID:IZ053W3y [Del]

wow! I was reading the thread and wow. if its true then its great if is not then bro get some rest /:)

28 Name: Inzo tanaka : 2017-04-04 08:46 ID:BBFHNDpj [Del]

The point in the post has been lost. I just wanted to let people in on the fact that there are dollars that are doing more than just sitting behind a keyboard.I will keep doing what I'm doing to make this world a better place with or without dollar involvement. Just remove this post.

29 Post deleted by user.

30 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-04-04 14:45 ID:+jymKzky [Del]

>>28 No it wasn't, the fact is no one is going to believe someone who says something they can't back up at with no evidence, which you where claiming a Dollar helped tip off the police with a drug bust,

yes you did post a news link to the crime, even then they would have said something about anonymous tip off that lead the to an arrest by the police, that's kind of anther red flag :/

people do have lives i,e school, and some of the Dollars work, and how the hell would you know if people do more then sit behind a keyboard on the forms? the answer you don't know what others members get up to that's a fact.

Hell I could say I just saved 20 orphans from a burning orphanage, are you going to say that you are going to believe me? and why would anyone I don't have any evidence backing up that claim, but because I said is happened it must be true right, see how that works, that's why the news board is for stuff that makes the news, not stuff you have personally witness or heard, but if it dose make the news that's a different kettle of fish.

In the end if what you said happened it happened, or didn't, but no matter how much you protest there is no way for any of use to really know if what you are saying is true or a lie,

so the only thing we can say in a post like this is the logic of it is: no evidence = didn't happen, not that hard to understand.

31 Name: Inzo tanaka : 2017-04-04 20:28 ID:D6yTS/Ff [Del]

>>30 not everything makes the headlines man. I get your logic. Now I just don't care. Your not an administrator you don't run the sight try not being such an ass about every post you make simply because you wanna prove a point.

32 Name: Inzo tanaka : 2017-04-04 20:32 ID:D6yTS/Ff [Del]

And I'm not talking about just this I mean every time you post something. There is a better way to speak to people but, all you do is say your wrong this is what really happened. Try being more considerate in the future, because you come off as an ass.

33 Name: KidaKloen : 2017-04-04 20:57 ID:8xp9BfOM [Del]

>>30 You should watch what you say. Let's not rant or get angry about seomone that just try's to post something. Jezz If the post has no evidence, just say it has no evidence and not make a mountain out of a mole hill. >>31 is right. Let's not try and ruin the mood when the Dollars are people trying to make the world better.

Inzo Tanaka keep doing what you're doin man. Get news out there.

just thought of this. EVEN IF IT WASNT THE DOLLARS AND HE SAID IT WAS, ITS IN NEWS, AND IT IS NEWS! There for just deal with it.

34 Name: Inzo tanaka : 2017-04-04 21:17 ID:D6yTS/Ff [Del]

@kidakloen thank you and sorry

35 Name: Izaya : 2017-04-05 10:35 ID:u8nfTIo5 [Del]

I think we gotta recognize that there is no one in this site with any power. Don't like a post? Bump it down. Your post got bumped down? Make another thread. There seems to be some kind of a power struggle between the newer and older members on this site. Some of the older members are being too hard on enforcing the rules and some of the newer ones are feeling victimized because they feel like they're being put into a corner.

I think in the end we all gotta realize that we have no control over where dollars is headed. The mods barely step in to do anything and it takes a while to bump down a post to keep the boards "clean". No body is in control and therefore the best you can do in a situation like this is be nice as possible and follow the rules while hoping everyone else does the same.


36 Name: Shizuo : 2017-04-05 21:39 ID:q5efrgql [Del]

Izaya lemme smash