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Transgender Bathroom Repeal (20)

1 Name: j4xx : 2017-02-23 18:04 ID:0N717I9f [Del]

So Trump has repealed the bathroom bill allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their preferred gender. As a trans guy, this is deeply concerning to me... luckily, I live in California. It's the trans people in red states I'm really worried about.

2 Name: FyreWall : 2017-02-24 02:28 ID:R91QlXea [Del]

Personally, the bathroom shouldnt be a social status, I think you should just use the restroom and get out, and not worry which one it is.

3 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-02-24 04:34 ID:2amkzQAe [Del]

>>1 Like people couldn't see that coming, with the way Trump is doing things. "sigh"

>>2 what that there are Female and male bathrooms, not sure how that's a social status unless you wish to elaborate on what you mean?

4 Name: NEKO : 2017-02-24 16:01 ID:AMv+1Vs8 [Del]

I don't like trump very much with him deporting immigrants, but I have a close friend who is transgender who is always getting mocked. I believe she might have a little more peace in her day because of this

5 Name: Vivie : 2017-02-25 09:44 ID:+oDC/kg+ [Del]

How will she have a little more peace if she is forced to go to male bathrooms tho?

6 Name: Black Reaper : 2017-03-01 12:57 ID:9A+oEKxf [Del]

It's not against transgender people, it's just for the safety of people and children from people who take advantage of such things, for example, child molesters, rapists, perverts, etc. Basically, that's just it. I'm from California as well and in my region, we have already had problems with such things including one kidnapping.

7 Name: Forever8 : 2017-03-01 15:05 ID:VyR2YwJi [Del]

I have no problem with Transgender people, but as for the restroom, they should use the one that their private parts associate with. If they want to use the one that they associate with that bad, they should get the sex change surgery. It's only fair for everyone and would make people less uncomfortable and worried about their intend. It's all about matters and respect for others.
Ps: there is already unisex restroom in lots of places. So I don't see the problem in that subject.

8 Name: Naga Sake : 2017-03-02 13:37 ID:b4d42dD8 [Del]

Honestly I think this whole thing is stupid. I'm not giving my views on transgendered people in general, BUT, I've always thought there should be unisex bathrooms. If the stall walls went all the way to the floor and ceiling and there weren't gaps in the doors like they're supposed to then there wouldn't be an issue at all. People are worried about people being raped in the bathroom for some reason, like an other room gives someone less of the ability to rape. People that are going to 'do bad things in the bathroom' are going to do them regardless of a law.

9 Name: j4xx : 2017-03-02 15:09 ID:0N717I9f [Del]

"It's not against transgender people, it's just for the safety of people and children from people who take advantage of such things, for example, child molesters, rapists, perverts, etc. Basically, that's just it. I'm from California as well and in my region, we have already had problems with such things including one kidnapping."

There have been zero cases where a transgender person has assaulted, harassed, or kidnapped someone from a bathroom. Meanwhile, our president boasts about grabbing pussies and nobody cares. Don't pretend this is about safety. It's not. It's about pushing transgender people out of public spaces. The idea that transwomen are inherently perverts is transphobic and disgusting. Also, as a trans man, I don't feel comfortable going into the women's restroom. This isn't a matter of safety for the children, it's a matter of cis people not wanting to have to admit that gender is a social construct.

Also, there are trans children. Doesn't their safety matter? A little trans girl is much more likely to be beat up in the boy's bathroom than assault anyone in the girl's.

10 Name: Black Reaper : 2017-03-02 15:46 ID:9A+oEKxf [Del]


11 Name: Black Reaper : 2017-03-02 15:52 ID:9A+oEKxf [Del]

I never said it was transgender people doing horrible acts, I said "child molesters, rapists, perverts,etc" those are my exact words. Do not put words in my mouth, yes our president is not formal(we can think CNN for continually reminding us) but I speak of the criminals in the world ruining things for us as a society. Don't rant on about me or the president, take this to a criminal.

12 Name: Kitsune : 2017-03-02 21:12 ID:MKLNA3Bh [Del]

You know...this is really easy to fix if they want unisex bathrooms...

get rid of Wall Urinals because no one keeps those clean...

make all the stalls private inside separate little rooms...outside where the sinks are,have a camera always on,

and inside each stall room have a censor to detect how many people are inside a stall.If more than one is in a stall,a security guard is alerted and rushes in.after all,if a second person is in the stall its either a rape or someone better be having a medical crisis.

This all may need a few detail touches to make work,but that's what I came up with.sound feasible? And who HONESTLY is going to complain about a camera on them when they are WASHING THEIR HANDS?if someone complains about that part,sounds like they are trying to do something illegal to me.

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14 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-03-03 02:10 ID:2amkzQAe [Del]

>>12 I think that is a good idea, but the only thing that comes to mind that might wreck this idea is what if a parent has to take their child to the restroom and also has to go into the stall as well with them?

but some might think it's a step to far an heading more towards a police state.

15 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2017-03-03 03:06 ID:hfFPZW/y [Del]

Well, the way that people talk about trans people are let's just say.. bullshit.
So you take a few statements from miserable transgenders saying "I'm bullied, pls help me" or "it's my rights to go to the bathroom I prefer" and suddenly the world thinks that EVERY transgender would want that.

Some people prefer to remain invisible. For these people, "raising awareness" about trans issues is probably equal to fear mongering.

As for the repeal itself, I was reading the news when the dear colleague letter was issued and it was basically an abuse of power, with lots of people echoing that sentiment, as I recall. What's wrong with correcting an abuse of power? Or are you saying that the president has the responsibilities to protect the trans community, while the states don't? If they dislike the situation so much, take it to the states government, not the presidential office.

FYI, >>4 is not me.

16 Name: MaputoSky : 2017-03-03 03:16 ID:6iIUDITH [Del]

I agree with 12.
>>14 it depend on the child, if the child is under 7 years old then the parent may accompany the child. That is not a problem, i think. But if the child is 7 years or above, I suppose he/she can take care of themselves.
that's my opinion, though.

17 Name: Kitsune : 2017-03-03 18:02 ID:MKLNA3Bh [Del]

Special stall then for them then.«shrug» point was eliminate the gender bathroom issue to begin with...

Because if u look at it,it's literally something stupid where a SECOND bathroom is being made simply because of gender inequality.

Transgender is simply tacking a third division onto what already exists as a waste of funding. It JUST needs to be secure...if people have complaints about the dangers of public bathrooms,secure it. Enough said.

As for the police state issue...I don't hear people complain in expensive reservation restraints when they have a paid guy there to clean your seat and wipe your hands...which is a lot creepier...

18 Name: Kitsune : 2017-03-03 18:05 ID:MKLNA3Bh [Del]

Correction: "restaurants"

Spell check said "restraints"

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