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White House blacklists CNN because it won’t ‘promote’ Trump’s agenda (17)

1 Name: Orroc!!0RuuB6ic : 2017-01-31 20:33 ID:6DgiALtd [Del]

The Trump White House won’t be sending any spokespeople to appear on CNN because the network doesn’t promote the administration’s agenda, reports Politico.

A White House spokesperson said that CNN was “fake news,” and that no Trump surrogates would appear on the channel — which already employs Trump-boosters Kayleigh McEnany, Jeffrey Lord and former Sen. Rick Santorum. The ban is not permanent, the spokesperson said

Read full article here

2 Name: Orroc!!0RuuB6ic : 2017-01-31 20:50 ID:6DgiALtd [Del]

I know that this news doesn't sound like anything really new, especially not after all of the things starting after the Trump elecion. I just wanted to put more information out there on what is going on, and asking for help in the smallest way possible. The way things seem, Trump wants to lower the ratings of CNN by claiming they are fake news, I'd like to see if anybody would like to annoy the u.s president by adding to the current ratings of this news station. There is likely no reason to worry since CNN is already such a huge outlet as it is, but we need to show this man that his divide and conquer tactics won't work. All that I'm asking is for people to tune in whenever possible, or just share any news or articles pertaining to the truthes of the Trump administration.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2017-02-03 12:43 ID:i/0JhAKG [Del]

You should probably know that your source, Us Uncut, is heavily Liberal and aims for clickbait news. Next time pick a better source.

4 Name: another guy : 2017-02-03 23:54 ID:5RfPkrF1 [Del]

What would you consider to be a better source, Anonymous?

5 Name: Nagai Hidari : 2017-02-04 00:51 ID:4wcsRp75 [Del]

Perhaps a more reputable organization, like Fox News, ABC, CNN, or (for a more unbiased view) Reuters. Small news organizations generally tend to be rather fringey, and as a result are more likely to spread unsubstantiated rumors. As a result, I /sage

6 Name: Orroc!!0RuuB6ic : 2017-02-04 03:40 ID:6DgiALtd [Del]

>>5 woahhh there fox news ain't a good source to go with either if we're talking unbiased.
Also update, a day after article was posted Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a Deputy Assistant to the President for national security, was made available for interviews. Although cnn has been pointed out by current president & co as part of lying mainstream media, as well as sen spicers comments about most media outlets not focusing on what is important when pressured about recent idiocies from the presidency.

But yeah I shall stick with some larger media outlets in future posts.

7 Name: Nagai Hidari : 2017-02-05 16:13 ID:4wcsRp75 [Del]

Fox news is actually fairly unbiased in their daytime reporting. Now, after about 3-4:00, well, it is rather conservative. O'Reilly, Hannity, and Carlson are all conservatives, but on the other hand, they don't necessarily call themselves 'news'. People like Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, and other daytime reporters are not afraid to take anyone on, be it Trump, Obama, Bush or anyone else.

It's more than I can say for Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer...

Although to his credit Joe Scarborough did take on Clinton once or twice, so he isn't that bad.

But we all have our opinions and it is healthy for us to have opinions in the end, as long as we can express them.

8 Name: Shira : 2017-02-11 21:07 ID:45hGNtvg [Del]

what news is 100% real? It's 80% opinion that's drowned out the facts. That's the news anchors job, to get people interested in a story. Sometimes they don't actually have one so they improvise.

9 Name: Sookagony : 2017-02-12 22:52 ID:/5Urx6Wv [Del]

And so continues Trump's crusade, against any who oppose him.

10 Name: SolidusSnake92 : 2017-02-13 22:49 ID:8zhbPlmx [Del]

I know you guys will hate me for saying this, I watch Russia Today they would always give the hard questions questions to the former administration's state department. I also recommend The Intercept their investigative journalism is exceptional.

11 Name: Kedokate : 2017-02-16 19:41 ID:7p5+Los5 [Del]

Well you know, as group that we are lets not focus on the forefront and focus on the effects that effect the world we see around us. We tend only judge from the privacy of our homes as people so we never see the results up close. If you don't like what is happening then you can change it through politics, active politics that go beyond your average protesting. Talking to your state senator tends to help and writing up clauses and bills and presenting the idea. If you want things to go your way then its up to you as a person to act, the rally of your fellow man will show them that this should be acknowledged by the political institutions.

But what do I know I'm still in Ap Government.

12 Name: Sekki : 2017-02-17 08:27 ID:KOMZDYhb [Del]

I was actually hoping for Trump to win, at least against Hillary. There are many others probably more qualified.

13 Name: Kanraa : 2017-02-19 22:55 ID:1qZZU7h1 [Del]


14 Name: Sharo : 2017-02-26 18:29 ID:NNPdltlN [Del]

I'm not surprised.

15 Name: Naga Sake : 2017-03-02 13:38 ID:b4d42dD8 [Del]

DUDE FUCK CNN, man. The news media is bullshit liars. Trump might not be a good president but he was the best option we had this year. hopefully a libertarian will run next year.

16 Name: Koji !Y3W.Cn0XI6 : 2017-03-02 20:39 ID:854ikWFg [Del]


17 Name: Kitsune : 2017-03-02 21:15 ID:MKLNA3Bh [Del]

They probably wouldn't be banned if they actually did real reporting instead of acting like "THE DAILY PROPHET" (Harry Potter,Book 5)

That's literally how much their reporting is worth.At this point it's propagandists that want people to believe what they are saying to swing public opinion to their thinking...

...speaking of which,visit Random where I'm opening a question thread.I want an honest opinion.