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Muslim Travel Ban (21)

1 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-31 07:25 ID:FmV3ZxjA [Del]

I am surprised that no one has discussed this yet, but it has been in the news everywhere. Recently, America's newest President, Donald Trump recently created a travel ban that effects 7 highly Muslim countries: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen

The ban lasts for the next 90 days. Already, this has created various types of Backlash for Trump. Many are saying that this ban is unlawful and breaks the constitution. Washington state is the very first one to proper sent a law suit against the White House. Protest all over are taking place with hashtags "#MuslimLivesMatter"


2 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2017-01-31 14:30 ID:Eu8xrCOk [Del]

Meh, just the usual American debacle.
We're all watching with popcorn.

3 Name: w791 : 2017-01-31 15:35 ID:n8T+TAXc [Del]

let's be honest, most of the citizens of mentioned countries most of the time get their visa requests rejected before Trump.. \`•_•`/

4 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-31 17:26 ID:FmV3ZxjA [Del]

Pretty much lol. Get ready for a long ass movie which will play out for the next 4 years of our lives as Trump remains president

I guess so, but now they are all being denied and the idea is being brought to the public's attention. Most of the time, american's don't really think about such stuff so when it starts to pop up all over the news it starts to become some sort of outrage. Just how I see it

5 Name: Shadow3663 : 2017-02-02 18:46 ID:liR3SmuD [Del]

This just seems to be a crime of association. After all it is a Muslim terrorists association that has made the world a harder place. But watching the news the ban affects weak citizens of the said countries. Trump needs to fix a few things with the ban or keep it the way it is. Either way it's a good decision for his country.

6 Name: J : 2017-02-03 06:53 ID:+M1FeZhW [Del]

I think he is just trying to slow down the number of possible terrorists or whatever you want to call them in this country. I lot of them if not all of them have come into this country "legally" but people seem to have forgotten. I think this move my weed a lot of them out.

7 Name: Marx : 2017-02-03 11:35 ID:53G0BMNF [Del]

But the thing is, all the countries that Trump has banned hasn't tried a terrorist attack on America for the longest time. The people who have been committing such acts as of recently are actually American citizens. Trump should be more concerned about our own citizens doing this stuff instead of other countries.

8 Name: another guy : 2017-02-04 00:05 ID:5RfPkrF1 [Del]

Do any of you think that this ban could motivate an American citizen, who is an ISIS sympathizer, to commit an act of terror?

9 Name: Nagai Hidari : 2017-02-04 01:27 ID:4wcsRp75 [Del]

Nope. Although, this could have been rolled out at least a little better.

10 Name: Elmrys : 2017-02-06 12:53 ID:n65+5NNT [Del]

Yes, Travel Ban stopped by court. Soo big of a relief

11 Name: Locke : 2017-02-06 15:59 ID:RNubB+vd [Del]

Similar bans have been done in that past. This one was much broader, and executed horribly without notifying the necessary entities ahead of time so they could prepare. Now that it's blocked in court, it gives people a window to hurry and get back to the States, but don't be surprised when the Trump administration pushes back and tries to make it a thing again.

12 Name: SolidusSnake92 : 2017-02-06 21:36 ID:8zhbPlmx [Del]

People should question why those countries. Isn't Saudi Arabia a terrorist sponsored state. Trump is just a puppet the cabinet members concern me a lot more.

13 Name: Locke : 2017-02-07 03:56 ID:OTA6nhDp [Del]

The countries in the ban were actually listed during the Obama administration for a different purpose, but are basically classified as countries with high potential of supporting terrorists. It is sort of a silly list, but then again, there's footage of a general back during the bush years saying that exact list of countries that the US aims to take down, meaning the plans been in works for a long time. They are countries with oil that are not adhering to the US dollar and not accepting huge loans from the World Bank. It's the Fed and World Bank that are really pulling the strings and have been for a long time. Every president in our lifetime has been a puppet of centralized banks.

14 Name: Marx : 2017-02-07 08:29 ID:53G0BMNF [Del]

These countries haven't actually attacked us yet, they have made threats (probably) but never an attack.
I highly disagree with what Donald Trump has done, I disagree with basically everything he's done so far.
He is honestly the worst president America could have ever gotten.

15 Name: Shira : 2017-02-11 20:50 ID:45hGNtvg [Del]

Donald Trump is an a greedy idiot that doesn't know what he's doing. Leaders need compassion and a good head on their shoulder to do what's best for their nation and Trump has neither of these qualities. America has made so much progress for human rights and this new act is just setting us back. President trump should have never won in the first place and now he's royally screwing us over!! He's a worse President than Jefferson and he raped a 14 your old slave girl!!!

16 Name: iamTK : 2017-04-01 06:21 ID:yAEsbM5M [Del]

I am truly sad to hear this...

17 Name: marx : 2017-04-01 22:21 ID:LKybIi+W [Del]

sadly, trump only cares about business and himself, not the country's well being, or what the peopls want.
of the people, for the people, no longer

18 Name: Mags : 2017-04-04 20:40 ID:Q/zu383A [Del]

I do not like Trump, but unfortunately, it is constitutional to do something so irrational as ban a group of people (Like muslims) who are known for terrorism (Isis, Al queda, etc.) from entering the country. It would be to protect the people of the country. If he, as the president, sees something to be bad for the country, he has the right to try to stop it until the situation has calmed down. That is that. There is nothing that anyone can do until this sort of thing is figured out. I don't like it, but I can see why he did this. And if he were to try and become someone like Hitler or Stalin, do you really think that the FBI or CIA would sit there and let this happen? I at least have some sort of trust in America.

19 Name: KidaKloen : 2017-04-04 20:48 ID:8xp9BfOM [Del]

>>18 I'm kinda triggered by what you said. You say that one WHOLE GROUP OF PEOPLE is responsible for few things. Yet these things are major, you have categorized all of them a terrorist. That's like saying that, in trumps eyes, all Mexicans are rapist, or all blacks have committed crimes. Or all police officers are bad.

Although you do have a point, make it clear in who you are trying to point too. It's wrong to point to a group of people when its one person you're trying to get.

20 Name: Naga Sake !6QjZgZusd. : 2017-04-05 09:07 ID:b4d42dD8 [Del]

People say it's unconstitutional, but I care more about what's right than what's constitutional. I don't thing the US constitution is the be all end all moral paper.

I don't think muslims should be allowed in the US. I don't think jews or christians should either. The majority of the world has a mental illness and delusions given to them by their parents.


So even if it' only one religion banned, that's fine by me.

21 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-04-05 20:55 ID:lj/wW1Bg [Del]

While it may be okay with you, I think it is wrong. Not because of the religion as I could honestly care least about who or what you decide to put your faith in. My main problem with the entire thing was that people were denied for believe what they wanted. That would be saying

"Oh, you believe that global warming is real? ha, denied!"

See? Not as appealing and seemingly pretty dumb. I won't make any comment on the whole "mental illness" idea, as it doesn't really affect me much. I will just repeat my statement by saying that I think it is wrong to lock someone out of a country, which was built off of the idea of freedom, for simply believing in a certain god or living in a certain culture.