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Two men kicked off Delta plane for speaking Arabic (22)

1 Name: MissDirected !gC5cxNKTkI : 2016-12-22 02:16 ID:x0R6oO2Y (Image: 1522x1056 jpg, 191 kb) [Del]

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This is just absolutely horrible. Adam Saleh and his friend was kicked out of a Delta airline plane for speaking in another language (Arabic). Some people thought he was pranking people to make them think they were terrorists. News article (CBS News) can be found here:
There are also articles from the Washington Post and The Australian.

Unfortunately, a commenter from the YouTube video states: "I hate the world we live in! Actually the people that are in it.. There are humans but no humanity.. I don't care what anybody says racism still exists, people are ignorant af .. Nobody cares about eachother anymore.."

2 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-12-22 06:23 ID:XlDmeVu1 [Del]

>>1 well that YouTuber is dumb because in general people are dumb, people are selfish, an well anyone can tell you racism still exists, racism will only go away when people stop caring what skin pigment you have and where you are from and if your language is not English.

If you look at it this way the only real reason why that happened to those two guys is because people are being carful and paranoid of any one who is speaking (Arabic) especially on a plane, as of that happened in Germany the other day.

To be honest I hope the airline profusely apologizes to those guys and bumps them to first class with no charge.

3 Name: Akita : 2016-12-24 06:42 ID:8WofZVbG [Del]

The reason they were kicked off was probably because of misunderstanding. I just saw a terrorist attack on a plane with grenades, so I assume people will take caution with other people on planes and get suspicious when they talk in a different language. It is a perfectly okay thing to do if you just want to be careful and keep others safe. Being cautious never hurts. (right?)

4 Name: Maru-Kai : 2016-12-25 14:09 ID:TMlTdMMB [Del]

The guy is known on Youtube for making prank and hoax videos, and he has done this before. He's a fraud.

This one had cost Delta money, and a hit to their reputation due to a hoax which was spread by MSM.

I think it would be fine to put him on the no-fly list for causing a disturbance like this, and for costing an airline money.

5 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-25 21:03 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

Since I do not watch this man I decided to do my research. My original goal was to try and help him out, I searched around his videos until I found one called: "I'm Sorry..." in which my first impression of him was that he was an energetic man. He was seemingly outgoing and even took a full minute out of this video to apologize for cancelling a show due to poor health. My impression of him was good, but I didn't stop there. I then went to the video of him being "thrown" out of a Delta airplane.

In his video he claims to have been talking to his mother then his friend in Arabic when the lady before them turns around and asks for them to speak in English, which causes Adam(the video creator) to stand up for his friend. A man next to a woman passenger then stands up and starts screaming "Chuck them off the f*cking plane!" repeatedly which leads to others joining in until the captain arrives. The captain asks to talk to them outside and for them to bring their stuff. They agree and this is when Adam starts to film.

That is just his side of the story. But famous YouTube channel, Dramalert, managed to get into contact with a passenger and get their side of the story as well.

The passenger who claims to have been no more than 6 feet away hears Adam and his friend giggling together, before another one of his friends screams loudly from the other side of the airplane. He does this once again but then balls his hand into a fist and throws it into the air. A women a few seats before him asks him if he could “please stop shouting” which Adam replies with a “shut up and enjoy your flight.” The continues once more until Adam and his friends are now in a verbal argument with the ladies male companion, who was next to her. As the argument continues more and more people join in complaining about the fighting.

At the end of Adam’s video of him and his buddies get kicked out. His friend on his left, says that he is the one to blame as he was the one screaming but he could not stick up for himself, which in result lead to Adam’s face being used for all these media outlets. As of right now, there is a petition to put Adam on the no fly list (

I think both are at fault, his friend for constantly screaming and causing a disruption and Adam for adding fuel to the fire by screaming back and filming. Should he be put on the no fly list? No but he should receive some sort of punishment like a major fine.

6 Name: Asuna Sugiura : 2016-12-26 17:10 ID:soFEHNWQ [Del]

This is probably not the first time this has ever happened, to anybody not just these two. This time it just happened to be people who could post about it.
So what can we do against this? You decide.

7 Name: Maru-Kai : 2016-12-27 15:28 ID:ScPYaLgs [Del]

As noted before, Adam Saleh is known for hoaxes and pranks in the past, including other pranks on airlines and hoaxes meant to make law enforcement appear racist. This reputation, combined with both testimony from Delta and other passengers on the flight, gives Adam very little credibility.

8 Name: Shira : 2017-01-01 18:02 ID:45hGNtvg [Del]

Ugh! People are so infuriating!!! I mean if he was yelling, in English or other wise, I understand that. But someone was uncomfortable because he was speaking another language?! News flash people, English isn't the only language, it's not even the most SPOKEN in the world (Chinese is)

9 Name: Makaron : 2017-01-02 03:02 ID:2ZIsU9uc [Del]

Oh oh! This is bad, specially since people often have the habit of speaking in their mother tongue because it is more comfortable. This act seems racist to most.

They better fix this soon. Racism is one of the big issues around the world. They should remember that while terrorists take their base of operations in the west, most people there are innocent civilians.

10 Name: Divalia : 2017-01-02 07:08 ID:rhDDbWcg [Del]

First, I do understand on the behalf of the other passengers. the two were doing hand gestures and speaing on native tongue will really make someone uncomfortable.
Im a fan of slimmo and by the end of this prankit wasnt just his day. getting kicked out was probably their karma and i guess everyone's emotion on that plane were just over the normal bps. though it was really evident that the video content included racism. which is infact, happening with or without people's concern.


I just hope people should be more sensitive , and love for others stay above at all costs.

11 Post deleted by moderator.

12 Name: Some-Nobody : 2017-01-02 23:01 ID:IOZjXcRb [Del]


13 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2017-01-03 15:56 ID:4H23OC+7 [Del]

I don't think airport security is the best place to try and catch racism. I say this because if you do anything that makes people feel uncomfortable or unsafe, the airline may kick you off the plane. If the staff thinks there is a danger posed by you based on your behaviour, you can be kicked off. The important thing is, the reason they feel that way doesn't have to be logical or even really reasonable. It could be something like you sweating a lot and playing around with some kind of bare circuit on board. There's a hundred reasonable explanations for that, yet many people may feel there is a danger posed. So the airline may kick you off or ask you to move or take some kind of action against you.

I don't think it is at all reasonable that people are made extremely uncomfortable by people speaking Arabic or another language. I think it's natural to feel a little weird when people are having a conversation which you can't understand, to feel really unsafe is maybe a bit far. But regardless, if people feel that way, I don't think it's unreasonable for the airline

An airline puts security above almost all else, sometimes including logic. Something simple like you traveling alone or wearing 'suspicious' clothing could make an airline treat you suspiciously. I don't really know if it's reasonable to be so uptight about airline security, but I do know the damage you can do by hijacking or otherwise sabotaging an aircraft is pretty large.

14 Name: 4oct : 2017-01-05 12:25 ID:mt2MCsVO [Del]


15 Name: Unknown : 2017-01-05 19:33 ID:SUEQm+vV [Del]

That's just is horrible

16 Name: Admin : 2017-01-06 21:21 ID:qI7fG/eT [Del]

video was fake

17 Name: makeusaystfu : 2017-01-13 21:00 ID:O7rz5WKY [Del]

the two individuals in this videos have gotten a lot of limelight because they were already famous. they were famous for making prank videos on youtube, and who would've thought, some of these videos fake racial and political problems. so do not take what they say as fact. don't even take what I have typed here as fact. we all have computers. stop being dense and ignorant and do research before you talk abut something as if it were fact

18 Name: Yukiko : 2017-01-15 08:14 ID:zoUgvENd [Del]

This is horrible...

19 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-15 12:07 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

>>17 I agree with you 100%, we should all do a bit of research before angrily typing out our opinion. Facts are much harder to go against.

>>13 >>10 >>8 I don't think the two men were thrown out because they were speaking another language. Using the research I've found, before they were thrown out the two were creating a disruption by yelling at each other from across the plane. Naturally they would be thrown out. I believe that the two were simply trying to stir up something using recent events to get them some of a popularity boost. But that is just my own opinion. Yes racism is a ever growing problem but I don't think that is why these two were thrown out at all.

20 Name: Kun enzo : 2017-01-17 06:31 ID:xdLn4cmj (Image: 960x636 jpg, 103 kb) [Del]

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Hello :D Im in the Countrie of the Philipines. Im just want a Opinion. Do you Think that in the Philipines is much safer because of the drug war? or not, well it base on my Opinion because many say it can be a change in the philipines but i only want a Opinion.

21 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2017-01-21 11:39 ID:4H23OC+7 [Del]

>>19 This always tends to be the case with situations like these: the 'victims' say they were just doing reasonable stuff, and the 'perpetrator' says they were not. People would tend to just believe whatever they want at that point.

22 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-21 13:00 ID:FmV3ZxjA [Del]

You may be right but with their past history and eye-witness accords which have been documented. Most of the evidence points to these two being in the wrong. Above (>>5) there is some things I could find within the internet that at least helped me decide my own opinion on the matter.