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Terror attack on berlin christmas market (9)

1 Name: Kakerlake : 2016-12-21 05:53 ID:rhD7x4U1 [Del]

I have searched for an englisch article for you.
There was a terror attack on the 19.12.16 in berlin. A truck crushed into a very crowded christmas market and killed 12 people and hurt more then 50.
My whole country is still in shock. The last years all those terror attacks where in other countrys not here. Now its at our doorstep.
I am usualy someone who loves christmas and gets very cheerfull the days before. This years I am lacking the christmas spirit very bad. With all those things happening in this world it just feels wrong to feel cheerfull.

Please stay safe fellow dollars, wherever you are!

2 Name: Timelord : 2016-12-25 19:15 ID:GT5lYlXz [Del]

Thats terrible!I hope there all right.

3 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-25 21:10 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

I don't think you should let something like this bring you down. You should remain strong and always keep that spirit with you. You most remain positive at all times, even if it's tough. The definition of terrorism is "the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization." If you show them you are fearful, that would be a win for them. You should not feel guilty for wanting to be cheerful, be cheerful for those who can't.

I hope that those injuries may have a smooth recovery and those who passed had a swift and painless ending.

4 Name: Vasha : 2016-12-26 14:24 ID:yFgJzUYz [Del]

I am a German too and only a few days after the attack I was actually on my way to an Christmas event and the police was all over the place on one hand that made me feel somewhat safe but on the other hand it reminded me all the time what terrible things are happening.We all knew that there is all this terror in the World but now it's like you said Kakerlake practical at our doorstep that makes you think about it in a completely diferent way.

5 Name: Maru-Kai : 2016-12-27 15:32 ID:ScPYaLgs [Del]

Not expected, coming from a country that welcomes in millions of Muslim refugees without security, and where police are forbidden from talking about the spike in attacks by immigrants.

The terrorist in question was a known ISIS sympathizer who had been deported eight times, and yet the Germans let him back in.

Luckily, Italians are more based. The guy who pulled this stunt was caught in Northern Milan and gunned down thanks to Italian law enforcement.

6 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-27 21:49 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

"Gunned down" is a very strong word in regards to what the Italian Law Enforcement did. He was only shot because he resisted to show his ID during a routine street sweep. Yes, I agree with you that Germany should tighten its security, but then again, how do you really check if someone is a terrorist or not? Of course, if someone has been deported 8 different times, there should be a bit more effort on keeping him out but I don't think countries should stop allowing refugees in, I think more people would die otherwise.

7 Name: Vasha : 2016-12-28 06:39 ID:y8r5kOjK [Del]

>>5 In the news I heard that the terrorist was already kept a watch on but there are so many potential terrorist that they had to set priorities sadly this man was not one of these priorities. None the less many people here want a change in our law for quite some time already and such attacks surely don't change these opinions

8 Name: Maru-Kai : 2016-12-28 21:48 ID:+xP+wGy0 [Del]

>>5 The migrant crisis has given Europe a massive spike in crimes including rapes, murders, robberies, assaults, and left many nations with a huge minority that remains unemployed and uneducated, and which fails to assimilate to the cultures of their host nations. Large movements like these have killed countries and destabilized regions in the past (see: Roman Empire, Croats, Serbs & Bosnians, Roma/Gypsies, Norman conquests, Slavic migration, the Huns, Mongols, Moors, and outside of Europe with the Muslim conquests of Persia and Egypt and excursions in India. The US, Russia, and China today have less trouble because they historically make great efforts to assimilate others and reinforce their own cultures. Nations in the Muslim world themselves don't tolerate foreign cultures or migrants.)

Not to mention, large numbers of migrants either outright committing crimes based on religon, or advocating religious law and rejection of European culture and law. That's unacceptable.

Yes, turning them away may cause more deaths...and then they would be forced to work or fight in their mative lands to stop said violence and make their lives better, or be responsible for sitting by while they let wars rage on.

Compassion and good will can only go so far. Realpolitik works for a reason like this: It's practical to take a hard stance on immigration in this case, solidifying borders and placing the safety and interests of native Europeans over migrants who fail to assimilate and commit crimes.

In fact, incidents like this are the reason for the rise of populism in Europe, and the weakening of the EU. People tried to be compassionate and accept refugees, and got a crisis with terrorism and mass rapes and murders (and of course, the hits to economies and national sovereignty), which is why nations like Hungary and Bulgaria are building walls and kicking them out, why France and Italy are seeing right-wing parties on the rise, and why parties like the Golden Dawn in Greece are becoming more powerful.

On a related note, Poland, which allows almost no refugees, is regarded as one of the safest nations in Europe IIRC, and Finland has relatively little trouble with migrants as, in an actually funny story, they don't like Finland because it's "Cold and people are mean."

I love Finns. Poles, too. The Polish are great people, good company.

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