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Dakota Access Pipeline (9)

1 Name: Kelrana : 2016-12-13 21:41 ID:yk7juU7F [Del]

So for those who don't know, theres a huge protest going on in North Dakota against a new oil pipeline. The major issue is that the company is trying to build it not only through a Native American reservation, but also right on top of a major freshwater source. On top of that, the police have been brutalizing the protesters, even though they've been peaceful. It's just all kinds of wrong.
Anyways, they keep making statements like "oh, don't worry. It's gonna be totally safe," completely brushing under the rug that oil pipelines burst all the time.
Just in the last day or so another oil pipeline had a massive leak about 150 miles away from where they are trying to build this one, so clearly it's not safe.
I'm just so sick of the mainstream media blowing this off, and of corporations controlling everything. I wish I could be there personally and support the protesters at Standing Rock, but I'm too far away. Lately there's been some small steps toward success, especially since a bunch of military veterans arrived to help the protesters out, but the battle still isn't over (especially with winter setting in and Trump now as president elect). If any other Dollars are near enough to help, or can donate a few dollars(currency), please lend a hand.
If you want more information, TYTPolitics on youtube has done some great coverage on the issue.

2 Name: Anri : 2016-12-14 04:11 ID:oSzIMqVH [Del]

I've created a mission post on this. Haven't been getting the response I was hoping for. And there don't seem to be any other dollars active in North Dakota. We're dollars! We have members worldwide who can help spread awareness and fund raise and make change in our communities around the world. But we don't use our organization to its full potential. Think of what we are capable of!

3 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-14 07:50 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

I think spreading awareness of those who are doing their best to fight against the pipeline would be good. Maybe we can come up with something to send all those who are saying their some warm clothes and/or food. Sadly, I live nowhere near North Dakota. You are correct about the media not covering this, I saw it once when the ordeal first started but I haven't seen it since. I feel like most people have forgotten already and we should do something to jump start peoples interest once again and try to get people to back it up the cause one again!

Maybe we can organize some sort of fundraiser and donate blankets,hats and gloves and canned foods and any other supplies they would need.

I agree with you >>2 there is a lot we are capable of and we should use our website to the best of our ability!

4 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-12-14 11:06 ID:XlDmeVu1 [Del]

guys this is nice an all but it still needs a news link to be on the news board.

5 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-14 14:25 ID:v8vxZmnV [Del]

Here you go.

6 Name: Maru-Kai : 2016-12-14 15:40 ID:m8FrDxdO [Del]

I admittedly haven't kept up with the story closely, but from what I do know, I feel conflicted on the issues. On one hand, the pipeline is good economically, although on the other the danger to Native lands and protection of Holy Sites is important as well.

Both sides have had bad people in them. The protesters have fired on police and workers on several occasions, and the police have used concussion grenades and tear gas (one woman was severely injured in one case)

The news of two-thousand veterans aiding the protesters is interesting. They came decked out in gear, especially defensive gear against concussion grenades and other tools used to create loud noises, but made a point not to bring any weapons.

7 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-14 16:39 ID:TfOHgZhM [Del]

>>6 Both may have their fair share of bad people but none of them are full out bad and both have their fair share of reasonings for doing their best to fight with or against the cause. I think only the future can tell how this will really work out and I can only hope that they could be some sort of way we can make everyone involved happy.

8 Name: Anri : 2016-12-14 21:02 ID:ealONYfN (Image: 1083x720 jpg, 24 kb) [Del]

src/1481770942928.jpg: 1083x720, 24 kb
Made a point not to bring weapons? I took that photo on November 20th on the west side of the bridge. That's a tactical ar15. On top of that. The next morning when WE went to clean up the bridge, we found concussion grenades that had been wrapped in tape as to make the detonation more powerful and cause shratenal to go off in the crowd. And I was there at four am when they threw the grenade under the truck that blew up in that girls face. She screamed louder and more painfully than anything I've ever heard in my life. Flash bangs are supposed to be launched into the air, explode downwards, and a secondary blast concusses your hearing and sight. The reason we were there that night was to clear the bridge of the trucks the police had set fire to block the bridge. Without that bridge, it takes over one hour to reach the hospital. That girl had to wait an hour for the ambulance to arrive, then again just to get to the hospital. She lost her left hand. There was nothing they could do to save it. Stopping this pipeline, indigenous rights, police brutality, climate change, and thinking about the long term effects of our actions is what this movement, not protest, is about.

9 Name: Anri : 2016-12-15 02:57 ID:ealONYfN [Del]

Oh, sorry >>6 , I misread your last paragraph. Yes, the veterans were of great help, and most came prepared. A lot are still in camp and help everyday with construction and other infrastructure projects! Oh, and the charges on that woman that "fired at police" were thrown out because there was no evidence.