Dollars BBS | News
















An Elementary school is allegedly vandalized by a Dollar (33)

1 Name: Takumi !C7S15Bwr.E : 2016-08-10 15:47 ID:JgnhNcyn (Image: 720x960 png, 601 kb) [Del]

src/1470862077955.png: 720x960, 601 kb
This was told to me by a fellow Dollar. I had a bit of confusion as which board I should put it or if I should put it at all. But I figured this would do.

2 Name: Takumi !C7S15Bwr.E : 2016-08-10 15:53 ID:JgnhNcyn (Image: 720x960 png, 484 kb) [Del]

src/1470862406733.png: 720x960, 484 kb
I believe that dollar resided in New York and he saw this himself or herself. This was another picture.

3 Name: JellySection : 2016-08-10 17:17 ID:xsI5KonA [Del]

Hmm it seems the dollars are being more and more outgoing but let me ask you something should dollars be doing this and should we recruit more people like this?

4 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-08-10 18:49 ID:YltVr1Qh [Del]

This was posted here before, and was put on the clean up thread. This is not news, as there is no article to link it to. Please delete this.


5 Name: Karuban : 2016-08-11 00:42 ID:p7LRusE1 [Del]

YEAH WUWHO! GO DOLLARS! I want to see more!

6 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-11 06:59 ID:q6OCqtop [Del]

You know that this is wrong? Do you know what impression it leaves of dollars? It leaves an impression like the dollars are some thugs or something! This need to be cleaned, NOW!!!

7 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-11 07:02 ID:q6OCqtop [Del]

By the way, this information is not for everyone! Brats!

8 Name: Shiina : 2016-08-11 07:54 ID:vR2RUNoz [Del]

I agree, you shouldn't be motivated to vandalise schools -_-;



9 Name: Alexander : 2016-08-11 13:37 ID:E7CGY7kB [Del]

Vandalism is an awful thing to do. This elementary school might be the only thing a child has for enjoyment in their life. It could be the one place they feel safe and secure in a hostile home, and you do this to it. You should feel ashamed.

10 Name: Lyss !eoBgC/NQRg : 2016-08-11 16:21 ID:ikD8+qez [Del]

This is awful, especially since it's on an elementary school.

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-08-11 16:26 ID:f4/j3EOA [Del]


13 Name: Skyler : 2016-08-11 20:08 ID:N3RJMZsP [Del]

i get we that we want more dollars but this is just rediculous

14 Name: firelily : 2016-08-11 21:15 ID:2TcrAK93 [Del]

please stop bumping this, because you cant find a news link


15 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-08-12 06:55 ID:f4/j3EOA [Del]

>>1 also no link = not news which = didn't happen.

I don't care if you have a photo, no news link to a legit news website means no one cares other than to sage this bullshit.


16 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-12 09:30 ID:q6OCqtop [Del]

You know that this is wrong? Do you know what impression it leaves of dollars? It leaves an impression like the dollars are some thugs or something! This need to be cleaned, NOW!!! This information isn't for everyone by the way...

17 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-12 09:37 ID:q6OCqtop [Del]

Those brats who write those need to be catched up!Really...What those brats think? They think that the Dollars are for advertising ? For real...

18 Name: !pdY4DVBO5E : 2016-08-12 10:54 ID:Mhj6u1tj [Del]

This is just so wrong.

19 Name: : 2016-08-12 10:55 ID:Mhj6u1tj [Del]


20 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-08-12 12:29 ID:f4/j3EOA [Del]

>>16 Dude there are many groups under the name Dollars, fact is that those photos are old like over 2 years old and have been posted here before but in the personal board area and now have been reposted by the OP for some reason?
ok first one is likely done by some dumb 14+ something year old thinking that this is cool or something, and the OP seems to have no idea as it could have been done anywhere, I mean anywhere in the world not just in the USA.

As I and others have stated what counts as news is if the story makes into the *actual news* and you can provide a link to a legit news website, anything else is not news with out a actual news link.

once again /sage

21 Name: Tunes : 2016-08-12 19:45 ID:HWxKrnIS [Del]

Yeah, this is important to acknowledge, but it probably belongs in random, since the rules do require this thread to relate to issues that made the news. Or if someone knows where it's located, assuming it's still there, then it can go in missions as a cleanup job. But as for now, it seems to fit best in random, or personal if we are just complaining about the fact that it happened.

22 Name: Hellen-kun : 2016-08-13 06:47 ID:q6OCqtop [Del]

Point: We need evidence! If someone would prove that it's real then it would be much easier to do something! So Takumi, please give us evidence.

23 Name: Scarface : 2016-08-13 09:40 ID:A5TF60EW [Del]

Great... if this goes on one day this site will be run over by idiotes and/or will be availabe only to those with an invitation and/or by making an account... I know it's quite old but I just hope that this doesn't happen to ofen so that we won't have to sort out the mess because of issues between us and the police.


24 Name: Ti : 2016-08-13 19:03 ID:IDELT3Ip [Del]

For all I know, all you guys can be the same person or at least several of of you guys. All you have to do switch user names am I rite.

25 Name: BabyMangleDaNekoYandere : 2016-08-13 19:41 ID:oIDcI9oR [Del]

Did a Dollar Actually Do That?

26 Name: BabyMangleDaNekoYandere : 2016-08-13 19:42 ID:oIDcI9oR [Del]

If So, So Many People Could Join.And Do Things Like These..The Idiot Who Did This Shouldn't Have...

27 Name: Liam : 2016-08-14 00:30 ID:j5Rzl+Sq [Del]

This goes against what the dollars stand for

28 Name: Ti : 2016-08-14 02:26 ID:0SAcTFBS [Del]

But I thought the whole point of the Dollars is not having a leader or not being commanded, so we can't really tell him any.

29 Name: Kaisuke !x87vE8wRqs : 2016-08-14 05:15 ID:zubMjm04 [Del]

>>23 seems it's too late for that, as people keep bumping this.


30 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-15 23:14 ID:NezBKywQ [Del]

Whoever did that is trying to increase people in the dollars. But at the same time it a sick joke doing it to a school. Truth is the dollars have no leader, and for that, no one can control on anything. But even for life no one could do anything. Beside's we can't control others, we can only sway them.

31 Name: TChrome : 2016-08-16 01:34 ID:9E/BbSRt [Del]

I mean I'm not condoning vandalism but this is kinda cool

32 Name: Senka : 2016-08-16 12:04 ID:JdDcJg57 [Del]

Can they not stick with a stack of paper and pen like a normal person?

33 Name: Scarface : 2016-08-16 15:22 ID:piR4qg6I [Del]
