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Woman To War (15)

1 Name: Ena : 2016-08-03 18:00 ID:6eE/VK48 [Del]

By 2018 in America, women may have to register for the draft. Some people are saying this is another step for feminism but some congress leaders don't want the women to be drafted.

2 Name: Ena : 2016-08-03 18:01 ID:6eE/VK48 [Del]

So what is your opinion?

3 Name: Leena !aaFUCKyePQ : 2016-08-03 18:41 ID:a1qxjg6F [Del]

Please provide a link to a credible article, otherwise I may have to sage :/

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Maru-Kai : 2016-08-03 21:28 ID:9KlfF//F [Del]

There's two sources. Honestly, I think the Republicans being against this is a load of shit. Females are just as capable of fighting as Males, and should have the same duties as Males when it comes to military matters. This isn't the 1950's, and it's known that Females can fight.

That said, I'm no fan of selective service in the first place, but hey, if it applies, then it should apply to all.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-03 21:59 ID:IwW4Oth7 [Del]

Thank you for the sources :3

7 Name: The Black square : 2016-08-03 23:30 ID:az+TM5R8 [Del]

I'd heard that women already had to register for the draft. How could someone not say that women have to join the draft? people who are for women's rights should realize that having equality to men means getting the good and the bad, and people against womens rights should want this because "rather they die then a man". FUCK, WHY IS THIS SOCIETY SO STUPID!

8 Name: Sayo : 2016-08-04 03:52 ID:sjTJUPc2 [Del]

I'm a supporter for woman having the same right as men, it's quite obvious why, they only have different hormones, beside that they can function just as well as men. Further feminist woman shouldn't be pushing their rights, and yes equality means that you'll get the positive and negative things.

9 Name: Kaori : 2016-08-07 07:41 ID:JdwPId+v [Del]

Ok, I'm all for woman's rights and i think women should be treated equally everywhere, even in the military. But NO ONE wants to be drafted. Ever.

10 Name: Tunes : 2016-08-08 03:32 ID:HWxKrnIS [Del]

Not choosing a side here, I just want to point out that even if it is the fair option, it may not be the best option in a practical sense. For example, a woman could get pregnant, and then she wouldn't be very useful in a draft. Or she might be pregnant when she goes in and doesn't know it, or else have a required pregnancy test at a hospital beforehand, which will make the process more complicated than for men. Things like that. Not to say those issues couldn't be worked around. I don't really know enough about the topic to say either way. Just figured that it could be something to consider in the discussion.

11 Name: Yukinae : 2016-08-08 13:34 ID:/+N6uW0Y [Del]

good point.

12 Name: Marx : 2016-08-09 01:51 ID:0XKwNrSq [Del]

Im guessing that they will let the pregnant women stay back (at home) and take care of their children. But in my opinion, I think that people should have a choice on if they want to be drafted. If the person isnt prepared for drafting, then they shouldnt sign up.

13 Name: Tunes : 2016-08-09 18:31 ID:STbTNIKa [Del]

Shouldn't sign up? Wasn't the original concept of a draft to call able-bodied people to fight when necessary? Because people don't sign up? Because people don't want to risk their lives in battle? Of course, that brings up the question of whether something is worth going to battle over if you can't get enough people willing to risk it. But that's a little beside the point. The point is, like Kaori said, people don't want to be drafted, man or woman. It's generally required. If men are required, I'm not sure women should be exempt only on the premise that they are women. Like I said above, there may be some practical reasons that may exempt women, but then it's not just because they are women.

14 Name: Sharo : 2016-08-09 19:45 ID:G2jqt+O6 [Del]

Just do it, if I have to then you should too.

15 Name: Diarmuid : 2016-08-15 17:28 ID:vultr2DM [Del]

All people should have a certain criteria to be drafted and in my opinion, whether male or female if they reach it then I guess it's okay.