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New gun law in Texas (40)

1 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-08-02 01:11 ID:ajlXKiTN [Del]

Just saw this on BBC news website it's not the full story from what I can see, but apparently now Texas students can bring guns to class rooms with a new law that has been passed in Texas.

copy and past link -

All I can say on this omfg this has just become insanity, all we can do is watch the body count go up. :(

2 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-08-02 07:43 ID:5IDwy4KE [Del]

*can't stop laughing for some reason.
Nice knowing you America.

3 Name: Daruton : 2016-08-02 12:31 ID:IWKGFlI3 [Del]

This IS crazy, what kind of law is that. i guess the 2ed amendment mean a lot there!

4 Name: Henrietta : 2016-08-02 13:25 ID:L/1ZLRxS [Del]

That can be a good thing or a bad thing, allowing kids to bring guns would allow them to protect themselves if someone came and took over the school or something, however some kid might decide to come to school with a gun for revenge on his/her bullies.

Then again, they could always sneak the gun in if it wasn't allowed and will the guns allowed, if that happened students could defend themselves

5 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-08-02 16:54 ID:5IDwy4KE [Del]

Give me an instance when having a gun actually saves you from a murderer instead of creating one.
Having a gun is not making you safe, it's making you FEEL safe. The end.

6 Name: NGD !nyoO9Hw9Fc : 2016-08-03 09:51 ID:ybkRq1qU [Del]

I agree with Neko,GUNS DON'T MAKE YOU SAFE, and there is NO point where having a gun is good in a public place, speccialy in underage hands.

7 Name: Zzxxi2 : 2016-08-03 21:55 ID:2gg8UsOI [Del]

Someone walks up to you, threatening you with a gun, and is trying to mug/kill/kidnap you. Without a gun, you're helpless, but with one you could just shoot the guy in the hand. No one's dead, and no one's a murderer.

8 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-08-04 00:54 ID:5IDwy4KE [Del]

And before you could even draw your gun which you hid in the backpack two tables behind you, you're shot in the head.
And hands? Really? Not everyone is a sharp shooter. Chances are it would miss and hit an unrelated person.
And if by any chance it hit another person in the head, congrats you're charged with murder or whatever. Most people would hesitate to pull a gun, and a criminal would not be so kind to wait you for it.

9 Name: protagonist : 2016-08-06 18:14 ID:3xeY8AcU [Del]

Well you need to be 18 to have the concealed license in Texas. So actually only Seniors in high school can carry em.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-07 01:15 ID:zucd8IiB [Del]

Actually, you need to be 21 to have a concealed carry permit. They're not
Dumb enough to allow seniors in high school to have easy access to a firearm at all times.

11 Name: firelily : 2016-08-07 10:46 ID:2TcrAK93 [Del]

omfg im so glad im moving

dis shyt getting outta hand

12 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2016-08-16 21:08 ID:dOlzgwWm [Del]


13 Name: demoness : 2016-08-17 04:35 ID:HWxKrnIS [Del]

ah, sorry, but i beg to differ. I'm all for the right to bear arms. as was posted above, there is a required license to carry a firearm, which requires safety classes and background checks. being that there are so many daring criminals popping out of the woodwork lately to shoot places up, I would like to start hearing more reports of someone "attempting" to shoot some place up and being stopped by the legally armed citizens. The day I start seeing more of that on the news will be a glorious day, indeed. our firearms are to protect ourselves, and its not like the crooks care if they get their weapons by legal means or not- if we disarm out citizens we are only leaving ourselves more vulnerable to crime. school shootings are a serious thing, and i don't expect there to be many in the near future of Texas.

14 Name: Edaneres : 2016-08-22 21:24 ID:StPF8AzH [Del]

fact guns don't make you safe true
fact guns can make you a killer false
fact removal of guns make things better false
the truth is guns are a tool no more no less if you take away guns from everyone bad guys will be the only ones who have them. if any of you seen the aliens v.s predator 2 you know what happens when some one with guns robs a train and everyone else has one as well in the train with no people with guns all your money is gone.
not saying people can't misuse em but if I want to kill some one I do not own a gun and I know of many ways I can do it with out a gun.
the right to bare arms is so that the people can defend themselves if necessary weather it would be a person robing them or an invading nation it is just how it is.
guns are no more evil than the knives in your kitchen or your cleaning chemicals lick bleach. I can go on forever on this taking away guns will not help you we made drugs illegal that totally made it impossible to get one *cough* right?
The dollars are about freedom so wouldn't antigun laws go against the dollars own code?

15 Name: sdf : 2016-08-30 02:42 ID:PE3FGM8v [Del]


16 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-08-30 07:22 ID:fwWIiUBr [Del]

A lot of psychology research say that the availability of means (i.e. to murder) actually tempts people to do it.
Furthermore, as it's as simple as pulling a trigger, you don't even have to have physical contact (as in when you hack someone to death), which means that there would be less inhibitions.
Sure, it's not a murder, but it gives incentives to murder.
If I give someone a gun, and I give another person a knife, and make them as angry as possible, which one is more likely to kill?

17 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-08-30 14:18 ID:JmzD3xiq [Del]

>>14 That is so jingo American paranoia most people round the would come to know,

real fact is the removal of guns dose make things better which is true every time.

As there are loads of countries round the would that it is illegal to own a gun, bar a very few exceptions like a double barreled shotgun with a brake so you can load it, and even then you have to have a gun driving licence with at lest 2 more people to be referees to say yes this person is responsible to own a gun,

btw if at some point they got enough votes they can change the second amendment, because a amendment means minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc

18 Name: Edaneres : 2016-08-31 11:58 ID:StPF8AzH [Del]

They took guns away in Australia and crime skyrocketed. they have never had more violent crimes and home invasions. history is dribbled with crimes and horrible acts of violence once again guns don't tempt people to kill because they are there I know lots of people who have them and pray that they will not ever have to use it.

19 Name: Kaisuke : 2016-09-01 11:29 ID:JmzD3xiq [Del]

>>18 when the US bill of rights and the amendments was written it was a time where you had to defend your self against Native American Indians and the wild life like bears and large cats, and to help defend the new country if conscripted to make a new mulisha.

you can even look at Japan they get along fine with out guns, and their crime rate is one of the lowest in the world.

20 Name: Snips : 2016-09-04 23:14 ID:5j2rRPkl [Del]

As someone who is from texas we really embrace this stuff. we don't really have any gun problems mostly because everyone already carries one and if someone actually has the balls to fire one in public they'll be shot within a matter of seconds because of everyone else who carries a gun. The reason why other places have problems is because people dont arm themselves in the event someone tries to harm others. its simple just let people protect themselves, if shit happens people are prepared and stuff like what has happened in france and any other place where terrorists or any other person who is trying to kill can be stopped right on the spot.

21 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2016-09-05 20:51 ID:H7XWg6hV [Del]

>>18 Bullshit. The crime rate may have gone up slightly after the ban, but it went back to pre-ban levels pretty soon after and has been slowly going down ever since.

If you're trying to make a case against gun control Australia might be one of the worst examples you could go for.

>>20 This just seems ridiculous to me, the world just doesn't work like this. This is action movie logic.

22 Name: Menos !OFmHkJ4tDI : 2016-09-06 12:10 ID:zKsJa6JB [Del]

Its not really the guns that we have to regulate its the ammo. I mean who really needs 4-7 boxes of ammo for 1 week?

23 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-09-06 12:20 ID:KL2M8DPn [Del]

Teigger-happy people.
My real question is why not just use tranquilizer shots or taser guns if you just want to feel safe?
They're more effective than guns, and you can just aim them at the face without killing them.

24 Name: Shiro : 2016-09-08 08:27 ID:lPDo+Vbw [Del]

If what you say is true, that Texas "doesn't really have any gun problems", then how do you explain the fact that in 2015, there where at least 21 separate occasions where mass shootings took place.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2016-09-08 18:38 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

These laws aren't new in the slightest. In fact, university have long since been able to carry guns in and around the school [For more information, google it yourself]. The reason as to why this has blown up to the point it has, is because it's no longer concealed carry, but open carry. And like most, students don't feel comfortable talking about conversational subjects in classrooms.

Some may say because they were okay with it before, they should be okay with it now, but as the times have changed and the more school shootings, people are worried and within reason.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2016-09-08 18:40 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

It's not Texas in general, but America. You may think 21 is a large number, but you must take in account the size and number of people moving into the Lone Star state.
[Sorry for more than one post.]

27 Name: Marx : 2016-09-09 11:53 ID:53G0BMNF [Del]

cocks not glocks lmao

28 Name: DesBlack : 2016-09-16 04:36 ID:8/pVGrSK [Del]

Thats horrible they need to change there laws or it will make so much problems,no one needs deaths

29 Name: A concerned Canadian : 2016-09-16 17:10 ID:8rn4/md7 [Del]

I may be stupid, but how can they not understand that even if they have a gun when a killer comes in, it's not like they'll have a chance to take him down: the shooter came in with his gun loaded and ready to kill while your gun is resting on the side of your desk. Even if you try to play hero, you're only gonna get shot. Please stop this! Start thinking!

30 Name: Reira : 2016-09-19 08:50 ID:07aGs5dI [Del]

That sounds really scary. Honestly this makes me rethink about my sefaty even more ,violence is not the answer to everything, nobody should be facing, we go to school just to learn not to be taught shooting lessons...

31 Name: Remus : 2016-09-19 17:44 ID:to9noO+U [Del]

I don't think any sort of simple solution like "take away guns" or "let people have guns" will do anything. By illegalizing guns in a certain area, you ensure that only criminals will have guns there. By allowing guns everywhere, you ensure that anyone could have easy access to one. I don't have an answer. But before you rant about how one or the other is the "obvious solution," consider that both options have their positives and negatives.

32 Post deleted by user.

33 Name: Zer0Tonashi : 2016-09-21 10:49 ID:4zR52lxX [Del]

I live in Texas and this is false. Anyone who wants to closed or open carry a gun has to get a license to do so, and they are not allowed in schools. They are allowed (if you're 18 or older) to have a small arm in their car in the school parking lot with a lot of permits and extra licenses. Even junior police officers(some of which go to my school) are not allowed to open or close carry in school.

34 Name: Evvss55 : 2016-09-21 11:09 ID:9tqZvVzx [Del]

I think this rule still depends on the school. I live in Texas, and guns are still banned at my school (and any weapons for that matter)

35 Name: Naga saki : 2016-09-21 17:11 ID:zfJE6/+v [Del]

Some of you guys are cool. Don't go ti school tommorow

36 Name: Naga saki : 2016-09-21 17:14 ID:zfJE6/+v [Del]

>>4 I'm fine with people defending themselves with guns, but NEVER in schools. Honestly, though, unlike adults it's harder for school students to get guns and I was a school shooter type before I moved, if it was easier to sneak one in I probobly would have shot up my old school. In public or at your house is one thing, but school is a government building.

37 Name: chiyami : 2016-09-21 20:49 ID:Y6zQFRqU [Del]

what? thats just crazy that shouldt be allowed at all

38 Name: Zer0Tonashi : 2016-09-22 09:25 ID:3Z9oj41C [Del]

I live in Texas and it is not allowed anywhere in Texas except universities participating in the Open Carry Act. Otherwise, this news is false.

39 Name: edaneres : 2016-09-24 14:33 ID:StPF8AzH [Del]

zero if you watched the news article It says talks about the increase in the frequency of on campus shootings. not false. not sage. it would be stupid to hand kids guns.

40 Name: distress Beauty : 2016-09-24 18:03 ID:rgv98c9Z [Del]

this cant be real right?