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Pokemon Go News (20)

1 Name: Mimico : 2016-07-17 17:07 ID:OUyNWlbW (Image: 229x395 jpg, 19 kb) [Del]

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All your lates news in pokemon go.... Todays news:

Pokemon Go players robbed at knifepoint in a park.
hree students have been robbed at knifepoint of their mobile phones while playing Pokemon Go.

The individuals were targeted in Hulme, Manchester, on Friday night just hours after Greater Manchester Police (GMP) warned of the dangers of using the phone app.

The force had said it was concerned that the app could provide another online avenue for criminals to exploit.hree students have been robbed at knifepoint of their mobile phones while playing Pokemon Go.

The individuals were targeted in Hulme, Manchester, on Friday night just hours after Greater Manchester Police (GMP) warned of the dangers of using the phone app.

The force had said it was concerned that the app could provide another online avenue for criminals to exploit.

Its advice to users included paying attention to your surroundings, especially in built-up areas.


Your view points?

2 Name: Mimico : 2016-07-17 17:09 ID:OUyNWlbW [Del]

Last time i checked they tell you to watch your surroundings before you get robbed and the police have to repeat it to you.

3 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-07-18 13:45 ID:AlbC02/G [Del]

when posting news in this thread , it is required to have a link to whichever article this is related to,
i.e pics or it didnt happen.

4 Name: Leena !aaFUCKyePQ : 2016-07-19 17:32 ID:a1qxjg6F [Del]

>>3 There is a link, and it contains most of the information listed here.

5 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-07-19 23:39 ID:g1gU78za [Del]

6 Name: LollipopGhost : 2016-07-27 06:09 ID:PsrUc3BN [Del]

im scared to play now because i feel like i might be tracked 0.0

7 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-27 07:57 ID:bimXePJY [Del]

8 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-01 00:58 ID:w8ceVqaU [Del]

I stopped using Pokémon go because I honestly don't like Pokémon online games I prefer pranking my friends with fakemons its too fun I can't do that on a phone.

9 Name: Sayo : 2016-08-01 01:00 ID:sjTJUPc2 [Del]

I say. Natural selection

10 Name: Takadoshika : 2016-08-01 11:35 ID:XiT5JuYx [Del]

I never played Pokemon go because it does seem kind of dangerous. People should watch their surroundings more and pay attention to the time so they don't stay out after dark.

11 Name: Oliver フカミ ヒサシ : 2016-08-02 16:50 ID:MZLSKyh8 [Del]

OMG this is so stupid. Just because the people happened to be playing pokemon go when they were robbed doesn't mean they were robbed because they were playing pokemon go. I for one play it all the time. As long as you don't do stupid stuff like go out late at night or walk in the middle of the street staring at your phon like an idiot you'll be fine.

12 Name: Oliver フカミ ヒサシ : 2016-08-02 16:52 ID:MZLSKyh8 [Del]

Sorry for my little rant there but it rlly irritates me because there's literaly nothing wrong with the app. People are robbed and murdered all the time, just because some of them happened to be playing pokemon go doesn't mean anything.

13 Name: Tunes : 2016-08-09 09:19 ID:4j7CoXUY [Del]

Well, I must be living under a rock, because I didn't even hear about the game until I saw an article about this in my newspaper, despite being quite a Pokemon fan. I tried to download the game, but my device doesn't support it. So Io haven't gotten to play.

But in my experience, even though I do believe that they are specifically using the game to target people, they could do the same with just about any common IRL meeting place, and it's really people's stupidity that makes it dangerous. I've seen people playing it while driving, not watching the road, not looking up to check for cars before crossing the street. I mean, not wandering out to isolated places at obscure hours of the night is usually a given, but people do it for the sake of finding Pokemon. And I mean, maybe the game could do something here or there to make it safer, but it's not the fault of the game that people are getting hurt while playing it, whether in an attack or by accident. It just seems that common sense isn't so common.

14 Name: DC55555 : 2016-08-10 09:26 ID:blujeRtl [Del]

What has the human race become

15 Name: Lyss !eoBgC/NQRg : 2016-08-11 16:18 ID:ikD8+qez [Del]

Was almost kidnapped while playing this game. Some dude was hidden in the woods and ran straight at me when he saw I was distracted. Luckily, I was with family members and when he heard them yell at me to hurry up, he turned straight around and went back to the woods.

16 Name: Lyss !eoBgC/NQRg : 2016-08-11 16:19 ID:ikD8+qez [Del]

Jerks, trying to ruin something that is meant to help people be more active and have fun.

17 Name: firelily : 2016-08-11 21:24 ID:2TcrAK93 [Del]

PoGo isnt any danger unless its in the hands of an idiot

"omg ppl die from driving and playing PoGo" ppl also die from driving and snapchatting or texting, thats why there are no text and drive laws

"omg ppl get robbed playing PoGo" ppl get robbed by coming home from the bar at 2am too =_=

"omg ppl have been stabbed over PoGo" before the game was out the news board was amped up over subway slashings that were seemingly random sooo....

dont walk in the middle of the street while playing, dont walk in the middle of the street at all
dont trespass while playing, dont trespass at all

honestly all the ppl who were in danger while playing all blamed themselves because they wernt paying attention, you can do anything on a phone and not be paying attention
phones are the enemies, not PoGo

18 Name: 『 』 : 2016-08-12 10:57 ID:Mhj6u1tj [Del]

I dont think its bad but definitely be aware while playing!

19 Name: anymon : 2016-08-14 13:16 ID:JbfGMZ54 [Del]


20 Name: Annyom : 2016-08-16 02:05 ID:16UypJ6z [Del]

I missed a lot what is with the bumps?