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Priests Are No Longer Allowed Alone Time W/ Children (13)

1 Name: Yurei : 2016-06-24 15:07 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

Due to recent sexual abuse allegations against the Catholic Church, Christian Lépine, has official order that ALL pastor workers are no longer allowed any sort of free time with children in order to prevent these types of cases. The policy is to take place some time during years of 2016-2017.

But what are your thoughts on the matter?

2 Name: omfg : 2016-06-24 17:18 ID:G8rROaRD [Del]


3 Name: Yurei : 2016-06-24 18:30 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

>>2 Thank you for that meaningful and insightful response

4 Name: V : 2016-06-24 20:20 ID:zBGlxbEK [Del]

This is.....interesting. Jeez, all I'm picturing is some priest doing the whole "Hey little girl" shpeel.

5 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-06-24 22:12 ID:f7watlHb [Del]

Dafuq is with this rule? It seems completely random and stupid.

6 Name: Yurei : 2016-06-24 23:25 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

>>5 In the article it says that it is to prevent any more allegations against the church on mental or physical abuse.


The numbers of these allegations have become more and more reported in the past years.

7 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-06-25 00:17 ID:KYeJEFHz [Del]

Either priests are officially child-molesters or they're punching bags.
This rule just says that priests are not trusted by the public as role models.

8 Name: Yurei : 2016-06-25 02:49 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

It truly is sad that those who were said to be the closest to God and now being treated this way. As an atheist I truly don't have that much of an opinion of priest, as I've only rarely been in their presence. But it sad to hear that hey are no longer trusted. But you can't help but wonder just how far this dates back to. In the first link I posted, it says that their are even allegations against Pope Francis. As many would say, this is only proof that we are only going downhill.

9 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2016-06-25 21:47 ID:fKC4Rd7x [Del]

I have mixed feelings about this. Part of me is yelling, "Thank God!" and the other part is saying "But what about the non-scummy priests who are actually there to help?"

I don't see why a child would need to go to a priest other than confession, and you don't even have to do a face to face thing for that, it can just be him in another room and you on the other side. I mean, that should be enough imo, but I understand if ppl do have a connection w/ their priest. =/ We'll see how this plays out.

Honestly, though this should have been instated long ago...

10 Name: River S : 2016-06-25 23:22 ID:EfjIRXaX [Del]

"The purpose of the decree, said Lépine, is to “preserve the integrity, security, and good reputation” of churchgoers as well as paid and unpaid workers within the church – including priests."

^Taken from the article.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. I think it should be out in as a temporary measure just so they can see if they'll actually achieve what their aiming for. Won't priests be looked as even more questionable and sketchy if this is the image the church is projecting? Then again it is to help prevent a significant issue...

11 Name: Yurei : 2016-06-26 02:46 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

>>9 I agree that one can't help but feel bad for those pastor workers who 100% believe in God and are only their for worship. The fact that this rule has to be put in place is own a show of how even the holyest of places has been corrupt.

>>10 Yes, it is to preven an issue that sadly has become a major problem. But I do think it would make people lose faith in their priests. I believe that the rule should be temporary (until results say other wise). But afterwards the church would most likely have to do something to regain the trust of those it has lost. But that would be my own opinion.

12 Name: Mhaili : 2016-07-05 16:53 ID:XMgvDGKU [Del]

I cannot say I am biased for or against priests, but it is common knowledge that the cliche "raped by a priest" has origins. I don't really see that much of a problem to have them be restricted from alone-time with children. There is no secret a child can have that they can share with a priest that they cannot share with a priest in their parents' presence as well.. Plus, it depends what they mean by children..

13 Name: Pach !GyIDQLQMWI : 2016-07-06 00:43 ID:BBanibPX [Del]

Yurei, the article had awkward phrasing, but what it meant to say that "church officials, including Pope Francis, [have] called for a more responsive and comprehensive effort to prevent such abuses" Not that they have been accused. I have never heard any accusations of Pope Francis having any sexual misconduct.

In most diocese in the united states this is already pretty common practice. In effect, it basically means that priest and youth ministers either need to be with another adult when with just a minor, multiple minors, or in a room that has lots of visibility.

For example, when I want to go talk with my youth minister, we either go into her office and leave the door open, so all the other office people can see/hear what's going on, or we go meet somewhere public, like at a coffee shop. If I meet a priest for spiritual direction, it's usually in his office, but the door has a giant window in it, so it's not exactly private. As for confession times, confessionals are notorious for not being the most sound proof, and confession rooms usually have a large window so you can see if someone's in it or not.

The fact of the matter is that in the 70's-90's, child abuse was an epidemic. The Church is recovering from that and doing whatever it takes to make sure a child never has to go through something like that again. It has an obligation to do no less. Public schools and other institutions who have also had their share in abuse crisis should follow.

This is the program that my arch-dioceses uses. I helped out with middle school youth programs at my church, and when I turned 18, they wouldn't let me do it until I had gone through the program. It basically just teaches you appropriate conduct and how to identify if a pedophile is trying to groom a child or if a child is being abused. It protects the adults from accusations and more importantly, it protects the kids. It also lets them know what are appropriate things for adults to do and not appropriate. (For example, if no one from church ever tries to get them in a room alone, then they'll be more weary if someone else tries it too who's a lot less legit than a priest/youth minister.)

Here's the link:

Sorry I wrote so much. The program really makes you care about this kind of stuff a lot, and really, everyone should. I definitely recommend that you go to a meeting and get trained. It takes about 2 hours, but it's definitely worth it.