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If the orlando shooting was white (10)

1 Name: nune : 2016-06-13 16:07 ID:kKyvLLjN (Image: 640x640 jpg, 22 kb) [Del]

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The guardian did a great article on how despite the shooter having mental health issues. It has not been considered at all in any news report. The same could not be said for the various shootings that regularly happen in America.

2 Name: nune : 2016-06-13 16:10 ID:kKyvLLjN [Del]

Just saying as a black person, this is getting really annoying. Its like everyone else is flawed except white people. And only when a white person has a mental health issue or a bad childhood, do they ever commit crimes.

3 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-06-13 17:06 ID:Hr7GGH7Q [Del]

But of course. People will always defend their own group.

4 Name: nune : 2016-06-13 17:38 ID:kKyvLLjN [Del]

But I'm talking about how the news and society as a whole seems to label entries groups as evil, despite their being no links to the culture or teachings. Except for white people. If I as a black person was to commit a crime in instantly becomes a crime committed by all black people, which we all must apologies for. It is a fault in black culture rathe than me as an individual. This is echoed in all minorities, Latinos, Muslims, etc.

5 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-06-13 17:41 ID:Hr7GGH7Q [Del]

Most of the reporters are probably white people.
Of course it's selective truth-telling.
The reverse is true in Eastern countries btw.

6 Name: nune : 2016-06-13 17:49 ID:kKyvLLjN [Del]

I mean forget home grown muslim terrorists. Shouldn't the government being doing something about home grown christian terrorist. The KKK is a terrorist organization that has taken the lives of many African American and other minorities in the name of Christianity for years. But they are still allowed to open offices and recruit. Because apparently minorities lives matter so little that a cult that once hinted that can still exist in modern America. You don't see Isis opening offices so why are white people still allowed to have cults that actively promote racist agenda. Radicalising youth to commit atrocities such as the Charleston shootings.

7 Name: nune : 2016-06-13 17:58 ID:kKyvLLjN [Del]

And before someone gives me a stupid reply. I know the KKK don't represent Christianity. The Charleston shootings happened at a church and I doubt the worshippers would be reading a bible that allows for their deaths solely for being black. Just as I'm sure Isis doesn't represent Islam as they've killed way more Muslims in Syria that other people. And don't tell me the Quran allows the murder of other Muslims because none would believe it if it allowed that. The difference is that the media believes Isis represents Islam but the KKK doesn't represent Christianity. Is that bot double standards?

8 Name: Sena ANGEL : 2016-06-13 18:00 ID:D+s8TY6X [Del]

I think the post is very sad but true. How many times has this happened (the shootings)?

9 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-06-13 18:01 ID:Hr7GGH7Q [Del]

For an argument about Islam, I refer you to the thread below.
And you Americans are famous for your double standards, through and through. It's basically your identity.

10 Name: Ash : 2016-06-13 22:42 ID:bbh63/8Y [Del]

We're all human, and technically apart of the same race, so why is that we must continue to have these types of ideas where if one individual does something horrible everyone else is responsible for it? I mean if we look at the big picture it doesn't matter what race, religion, ethnicity, however you want to phrase it, in which a person is said to belong they should be treated as that one individual. No one else should be involved. I don't know if people will ever begin to think that way, but I hope they will because in all honesty the way things are now is more than a bit wrong.