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Stanford Sex Offender. (15)

1 Name: Lapis : 2016-06-11 01:20 ID:/XBAc6+K [Del]

(First off, I apologise for any grammatical errors as english is not my first language)

Hello everyone, have you heard of the 2015 January 17th rape incident? Yes, I know this may seam like old news, but there are still some unresolved matters.

Well, basically this is what happened. 19 year old Brock Turner, a Stanford student raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster. When two Stanford University graduate students spotted him thrusting his body into an unconscious women. Recently, this case was taken to court. With the help of his father Dan Turner, his punishment was greatly reduced to six months in county jail with a three-year probation.

Now thats absolute bull if you ask me. Apparently the judge (Aaron Persky) didn't want to be too "harsh" on Brock as he fears that it would ruin his life. Well, what about the victim?! Her life is ruined too! Just! Ugh! No words man. No words.

You should read the articles for yourself. The link to the victim's letter defending herself is down below.

And the letter written by Brock's mentally challenged father is down below~

There is also a petition to remove the judge from his position. (In other words, to be fired)
I already signed it, I really encourage you to do the same~ It would really help to spread the word too! We need more people!

2 Name: Earbuds : 2016-06-11 02:16 ID:IEld6JSE [Del]

He's a rich white kid. We should already know that the justice system is fucked up already. I remember that in the past a similar situation happened but it was because the kid stole a car and ran over someone. He got a pretty light sentence too.

3 Name: Lapis : 2016-06-11 05:48 ID:/XBAc6+K [Del]

Thats horrible man! wtf is wrong with this world D:

4 Name: Virgil : 2016-06-11 13:22 ID:z0CXC208 [Del]

I was actually going to post about this, forgot, remembered and thankfully found this haha.
For another link,
It is a video that I think did justice well. In the description there is 5 links to news as well.

Personally I think Rapist, Brock Turner is a scumbag but his father is even worse. Enjoy the video and spread the word, that is at the end of the video.

5 Name: firelily : 2016-06-11 13:27 ID:9si99zfR [Del]

i,saw that on tumblr the other day....

steak as a snack =_=

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Nina : 2016-06-13 03:18 ID:oUAtDk/p [Del]

Thank you for sharing and showing what is wrong with the world and humanity.

8 Name: Ash : 2016-06-13 11:53 ID:bbh63/8Y [Del]

Gosh, it doesn't even surprise me anymore how truly messed up this world is, and is becoming. To think that people can be so easily swayed into letting others, who clearly did something really horrible to another, go.

9 Name: Lanian : 2016-06-15 07:44 ID:JAjryf98 [Del]

One of the worst parts of this is how the father defended his sons actions. He said that his son was "Only trying to have fun." How can you defend something as seriously bad as what he did?

10 Name: sonneschein : 2016-06-19 20:03 ID:ShjUChrD [Del]

man. this world is really twisted .
the judge didn't care even about the girls life ,

11 Name: Yurei : 2016-06-19 21:19 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

As a male who grew up with both a younger and older sister, hearing news of where women who was assaulted, sexuality or physically, isn't getting the right treatment, but the one who caused the pain is(who is generally male) is, disgusts me. Women should have the same rights and be treated the same as males. The Stanford boy and his father are both, in my own opinion, a disgrace to the male population. His father attempted to justify his son's actions as if they were acceptable and the son for committing the act. Rather than his father properly addressing and fit of the problem and possible getting his son help but rather hide the fact and attempt to carry on as if it never happened . Because of people like this father, his son may only continue these acts in the future and that isn't okay in the slightest. I have to agree with the others (>>8 >>10) that the world is twisted/is becoming twisted since even now, in the year 2016, women are still trying to fight the battle for equal rights, when everyone, male female gay or straight, should have the same rights. It truly is sad that our brains have been changed into a way where someone who doesnt 100% follow the typical norm, is outcasted and mistreated.

12 Name: Lapis : 2016-06-26 16:40 ID:CTxzXj5P [Del]


13 Name: Lapis : 2016-07-03 17:12 ID:CTxzXj5P [Del]


14 Name: XTY : 2016-07-03 18:47 ID:BBanibPX [Del]

Completely agree. He should be in jail for much longer. If only we could do something about that in the american justice system. Appeal for a better punishment or something.

I do wanna say one thing though. Rape isn't the end of someone's story. It's a horrible, tragic thing that no one should ever have to go through, but when it does happen, victims have the ability to recover. It may take them years, but that night shouldn't "ruin" the rest of their lives. Yes, it'll affect them greatly, but there's still life after rape.

15 Name: Azusa : 2016-07-03 19:24 ID:aOkHCf1S [Del]

6months?? It should have been at least 6 years. That is just unacceptable.. How could judge even think that for someone who already ruined someones life? god.