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Anonymous response to gorilla incident (14)

1 Name: Earbuds : 2016-06-02 20:39 ID:YhQb6LtU [Del]

Seems the Anonymous hacking group has made a response for the latests incident that occured in the Cincinnati zoo.

Sure , Anonymous is an unorganized group , but the family has been doxed and they have already been recieving death threats. Thoughts?

2 Name: Doesthiscountasaname? : 2016-06-02 21:26 ID:gC+aET0e [Del]

I think they should probably investigate the supervision of the child as a more private matter rather than publicly trying to shame them. When something's on the internet, it hardly if ever goes away. It's a really powerful tool to destroy someones life, I think people underestimate that. As for death threats that's just way too far.

3 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-06-03 06:02 ID:0X+1t9dG [Del]

The gooden rule of modern age is to never post anything remotely undesirable on the inernet along with your personal information.
But people just don't learn.

4 Name: V : 2016-06-06 18:00 ID:zBGlxbEK [Del]

I like how there are more people in the world worried about a gorilla being shot in a zoo, than an unarmed black man being shot by the police.
Humans man.....freaking hate them sometimes.

5 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2016-06-07 05:36 ID:D/+L0KUA [Del]

>>4 The solution to both problems would be to start using tranqs instead of live ammo.
If it was me though I would have just let that kid die, the animal did nothing wrong besides minding its own business in its enclosure. Like usually it's the intruder that gets shot if they break into someone's home, not the home owner. :/

6 Name: Bleh : 2016-06-07 10:21 ID:xEc0DXFX [Del]

So if you had a kid and the poor thing fell down into the enclosure you would just let them die? It's just a kid, not like they purposely threw themselves down there.

As for the for gorriler being shot it was the only option left. Lots of people keep saying "why not use tranquilliser?" "It was just caring for the kid" "why not lead it away with treat?" Those were options the Zoo people went through and ever tried the treat thing but the goriller stayed with the child and was investigating them not caring for them. It could have done a lot of damage if just left with the kid, either by accident or on purpose, gorrilers are very strong.

As for tranquilliser, it's not instant, so the goriller could have still killed the child in that time, also it could have shifted and crushed the child and maybe even drown in its sleep in the water.

Finally, if a Zoo puts the gorrilers life over a kids it's gonna cause problems. The Zoo would suffer and so the all the other animals would suffer too.

People aren't saying it was a good thing that the gorrilers got shot but the best option in such a situation that needed a response as quickly as possible

7 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2016-06-07 19:04 ID:D/+L0KUA [Del]

I'm celibate and I value animal life over human life so.... :b
Also animals belong in the wild not in cages, woah! Radical thinking!

8 Name: Tatsu : 2016-06-07 20:23 ID:3ub4ePq4 [Del]

To be honest I kind of blame the family for not being responsible and keeping an eye on the kid, i mean if that were my kid I wouldn't have just stood there and screamed like an idiot, I would have jumped in, i wouldn't even think twice about it :p. But I mostly blame on the fact that how dangerous the place must of been, probably barely secured at all, Ive never been there but if a 3 year old kid can make it in there that easily, then that pretty much just proves how low the safety precautions are.

I don't know if this is true but several sources have said that trying to tranquillize the gorilla would have just made the situation worse, making the gorilla possibly more hostile, since tranquilizers don't work as fast as they do in the movies, it takes a while to work, and using it on the gorilla who was right next to the kid is not the smartest idea. So was shooting it, that was really risky too.

What I'm saying is that the family should take some charges, but that its ridiculous seeing people getting all pissy over a gorilla dying and instead wanting the child to die. I don't think Anonymous should declare war on the family, already have enough hate and guilt to their name.

9 Name: Bleh : 2016-06-08 09:00 ID:quy+0f3B [Del]

I said imagine Nyan, even if you are celibate you should be capable of that, unless your so close minded that something so simple is beyond you. If that's the case then a reasonable argument with you is kinda pointless but I'll try anyway. So what if it was a relative down there? Like a sibling or something and you could choose who died. The goriller or that person you know and love

As for the animal life over human life, would it be ok if I killed you then? What about all your family and friends? People are destroying the planet right? So you should be happy about dying.

And to your final stupid point, it's an endangered species. They keep them safe from hunters and have breeding programs to help increase their numbers so that they can again release them into to the wild one day and save the species. But I guess if they don't belong there we could just let them all out and have them go extinct.

Yeah good points tatsu

10 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2016-06-08 12:40 ID:D/+L0KUA [Del]

>>9 Ehhh, if it was anyone in my family I would just let them die. You're very presumptious on my levels of care/empathy/love, and that is to say they're all at zero.

And a species that is endangered shouldn't be kept in a zoo, they should be put in protected parks and conservation actions should be put in place.

And the names Nyanka, not "Nyan," with that I'm ending the conversation and saying goodbye to the News board. Peace.

11 Name: Sanchez : 2016-06-08 14:25 ID:XxnFdaLL [Del]

I wish they could have used a tranquilizer... if it were fast enough. Everything would have been fine. I blame the mom for not taking care of the kid and the zoo for shooting the animal. This is sad.

12 Name: Bleh : 2016-06-08 16:26 ID:quy+0f3B [Del]

Bye nyan, guess I'll just talk to everyone else then

Wow, how sad, but we shouldn't pity that Nyan if they don't care about us and proably smile to themselves at the thought of us dying. I wonder if they care about themselves even, it'd be fun to kill them to see their reaction.

And I bet they have one of those really whiny voices "oh people should be doing this" "people should be doing that". Ha! Maybe in a perfect world but sadly this isn't, as everyone needs to realise. Stuff like that isn't always possible and needs a lot of money which is why Zoos are needed. It allows animals to protected and bred, whilst people pay money to see them which pays for their conservation.

This Nyan is talking nonsense so I hope people don't take what they're saying seriously

13 Name: Angel_Blue : 2016-06-08 17:37 ID:U2e8NEpf [Del]

The problem is Sanchez that the tranquilizer wouldn't have worked as fast that's why they had to shoot it, sadly. I understand that the parents didn't think their child would wander off and it isn't all their fault but they do have to understand children will explore. It's just so sad that a gorilla like him died.

14 Name: Pippix : 2016-06-08 22:55 ID:nu9jvXXU [Del]

I was watching a news sotry about this and apparently a lot more happened than what was caught on tape. The kid was smashed against a wall and thrown into the air, I dunno, seemed scary. I think the whole this was really unfortunate, and I think for a kid to find himself down there at all is certainly the Zoo's fault.

A tranq wouldn't have worked fast enough, like Angel said. It didn't seem like the mother was a bad person, she was trying to keep her kid calm in the video, and was able to be pretty rational considering the whole thing. I think it was all an accident that ended in the death of an animal, but I'm glad the kid is okay. I wouldn't want my kid to die like that...