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Live event map (11)

1 Name: yaz : 2016-04-08 05:18 ID:sbaUuAuY [Del]

Let's talk about what happens right now.

2 Name: yaz : 2016-04-08 05:24 ID:sbaUuAuY [Del]

175 workers get executed in syria today.
and as allais no media give a fuck

3 Name: Tarquin : 2016-04-15 09:25 ID:BuZf9uI7 [Del]

I check this map a lot on my free time, it helps knowing what's going on in the world that media isn't covering. I recommend some Dollars to using this.

4 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-04-16 19:58 ID:60dgYTYz [Del]

I recommend every Dollars members to check it out since our we are practically all over the world. It's nice to look out for our friends who are in another country

5 Name: Re;daction !m7aQYe39XQ : 2016-04-20 11:44 ID:dYffAEYU [Del]

Didn't know about this, thanks for posting.

6 Name: Kaosuno !WX2u8plZe6 : 2016-04-22 09:19 ID:Q3bR5jzm [Del]

I think the world deserves to know this stuff too, not just the Dollars. There may be a lot of us, but we're pretty limited in the action we can take.

7 Name: Remus : 2016-04-26 15:24 ID:to9noO+U [Del]

Wow, this map is really interesting. Shows a lot about the world.
Yeah, I agree, but the great thing about us is we can tell other people about these conflicts, too.

8 Name: Kano : 2016-04-27 06:59 ID:iyLt3roq [Del]

This map is amazing, some of these things I haven't even heard on the news yet


9 Name: Kanra : 2016-04-27 07:43 ID:77Br07h6 [Del]

it would be really interesting if every town had at least a small group of people who would have helped . at least one other.

10 Name: Kittie x3 : 2016-04-27 13:52 ID:g4RurwSG [Del]

I really want to spread the word of the dollars and get more people in on this, we could show up and help! We could do something!! just.. SOMETHING. We could have people evactuating people from earthquakes and relief coming to hurricane victims, people who feel unsafe at night could be escorted, abuse victims would have a pillar to fall on that would be everywhere. THE DREAM IS BIG!>>9

11 Name: Thor Fjorgerson : 2016-05-02 15:13 ID:reo+HcKl [Del]

The trouble is, the media takes a few hours to get the word out. It'd be better if we could at least hijack an intelligence satellite or something.