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Ireland (18)

1 Name: Kai : 2016-04-06 08:59 ID:+9CF8D4s (Image: 720x1018 jpg, 145 kb) [Del]

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Unnamed woman in Ireland Found taking abortion pills. The housemates found the fetus in the trash, where then they called the police. She's now been sentenced 3 months in jail, but many people are protesting and holding signs about women's rights. Abortions are some what legal in Northern Ireland. If you've been raped, you cannot get an abortion but if you're life is in danger, or there's something medically or physically wrong with you, you can.

2 Name: Kai : 2016-04-06 09:03 ID:+9CF8D4s [Del]

the article

3 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-06 14:28 ID:UjFx5dRg [Del]


On the one hand, I'm completely against abortion except under certain circumstances, like rape or medical emergency/danger to the mother.

The fetus was formed, it was human -- you don't 'throw' a living human into the garbage (that's as horrible as I've seen in a documentary about a woman who induced an abortion somewhat late in her pregnancy term and dumped the baby in the toilet at a hospital).

It's a stupid law in my opinion that a woman can't get an abortion if she was raped, granted.
But my opinion, and this goes everywhere, is that if you got pregnant by your own will ('mistake'), you have to take responsibility. And that's the thing with people today -- they take life easy, any, not just their own, and they don't take responsibility for their actions.

If the unnamed woman in this video wasn't raped and she discarded the fetus into the garbage, shame on her. There should have been better access for her to get an abortion early because I do believe abortion is a woman's right, it's her choice, but you don't throw a fetus into a garbage, that's what gets to me more so than her wanting an abortion.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2016-04-07 01:21 ID:8twFuaCK [Del]

>>3 basically because she had no other choice since she didn't have enough money, but yes she could of tried to go about it in a different way like maybe ask for help.

But over here in the UK there is no controversy about abortion, if a woman wants one she can go a head and do it with out any crazed church or religious group trying to make that person is doing something wrong.

5 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-07 16:35 ID:JtIWp3a6 [Del]

>>4 Yes, I'm sure there were other, better options.

I don't see why you mentioned church or religion in your comment? Is the law in Ireland as it is because of religious ideas? Just trying to understand the last part of your comment.
Because I don't think there's anything wrong with their opinion that abortion is wrong, we're all entitled to our own opinion after all.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2016-04-08 00:33 ID:8twFuaCK [Del]

>>5 abortion are not wrong they are the right thing to do if the woman can not support a child in their life style, an don't say orphanage and adoption because they are horrible, also the world as it is, is already over populated at 7 billion + people and it's only going to get worse.

also sorry I was being a little vague, no that was aimed at US, but Ireland likely has the same problem just less vocal ones.

7 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-08 12:20 ID:JtIWp3a6 [Del]

>>6 I can't completely agree that abortions aren't wrong (unless in certain circumstances like I mentioned earlier), but I get what you mean with orphanages and adoption. That's the sad reality.
What's the solution then? If you cannot support a child in your lifestyle, then avoid getting pregnant. Use contraceptives or abstain -- I don't see other options except these two. But are these even good options? Will it prevent any more abortions? I don't think they will at all.
There really are too many people on this planet, yeah, and there are children dying worst deaths than there are abortions. I don't know how to solve this problem. It'll probably never be solved to be honest. That's the reality.

And I gotcha haha.

8 Name: Hikari !0UZD1OR/j. : 2016-04-08 16:38 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

I don't find anything wrong in having abortion, its woman's rights, they themselves should be allowed to pick, its their body, their child. It's just like the way your parent raised you, sure they may have researched up how, but for 18+ years, that was pretty much all they. If I, as a woman, found out I was having a baby and would like to abort it, I could be allowed to do so, for abortion many say that despite the baby still being instead the womb, it is alive, and I can slightly agree with that, but would you rather be aborted or in a world on pain and suffer and end up most likely going down a bad and rocky road (seeing if the mother and/or father can't support the child, they might be poor and might resort to stealing and things like that. Yes, there are orphanages you you send the baby rather than having an abortion but say this female was raped and ended up getting pregnant by the rapist, she didn't want the sex, she didn't want to get pregnant, but because of one persons actions she is forced to suffer, most women don't want to relive the memories of that one night, so they choice to abort the child, to save both her and the child. That's one of the big reasons why I'm Pro-Choice. My old friend was raped by her father (who has long sense been put behind bars) countless times and ended up getting pregnant and ended up aborting the fetus as she was far to young to have the child nor did her mother want her to have to go through the pain of having the child at such a young age. It is things like these where I think that abortion she be legal everywhere.

>>7 I saw your previous reply about the abortion and I agree, you don't just throw away humans, I think that for abortion there needs to be a date, if you are a certain amount of months pregnant you can NOT have an abortion and things like that. I thinks that better than having it outlawed and having people punished for it.

Honestly, I feel like we have much more important things world wide to deal with rather than abortion laws, yes, its important but it isn't as important as maybe finding a way to deal with the raise terrorist attacks.


9 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-08 22:51 ID:JtIWp3a6 [Del]

>>8 This. Yes, I agree with everything you said haha. Let me add to that, though you did read my reply, that a date set is only to be as ethical and moral as possible, since I believe abortion because you don't want to take responsibility is wrong under all circumstances except for those I mentioned :)

We definitely have more important things... haha. WAY more important. People spite politicians for not giving topics like abortion enough attention, but the reality is there are more important things, yep.
(And if the America would have just stayed out of the Middle East and not butted in like the world leader it believes it is, maybe all this widespread/worldwide terrorism wouldn't have happened.)

And don't worry about writing a lot. I do too. You can't have a discussion and make your point without writing a fair bit c:

10 Name: Hikari !0UZD1OR/j. : 2016-04-09 23:55 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

>>9 RORA!! I keep seeing you everywhere and each time our replies just get longer and longer to say the least and yeah, I agree with everything you said, if the US could just realize they don't rule the world, then maybe such attacks wouldn't have spread. I also thing that the terrorist exchange Obama did was unlawful, and may even be why ISIS is a thing now (
It is just a theory I have, but months after the prisoner were released ISIS became a terrorist group, but none of this is on topic XD

But with abortion as we both have agree, there does in fact need to be some sort of due date of when you can abort the child rather than whenever you want within 9 months. But that doesn't truly take anyway the punishment women are getting for abortion/where they're going to get it. Ahhh, how the world has fallen to the point where things like these have to be talked about.

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Kaisuke : 2016-04-10 03:54 ID:omHL9Bf5 [Del]

In England there is a legal date for abortions -

Abortion is legal in the UK up to 24 weeks under the Abortion Act 1967. However, if there is a substantial risk to the woman's life or foetal abnormalities, there is no time limit.

It's likely similar case in the USA and some other places round the world.

13 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-10 16:41 ID:JtIWp3a6 [Del]

Haha yes, hallo, I've been hanging around the News board lately XD

That story, I think I remember it. Yeah, it's tough when you aren't there to know what really happened, why and how he got captured, etc. But to trade him for FIVE highly-ranked Taliban prisoners... Obama gon' dun goofed up, majorly. He sucks as a president anyway, IMO.

On topic: yep, there needs to be a date, but an ethical and moral date. (See my reply below, haha) In an ideal world, there wouldn't be abortion :/ There are some women who abort without care, while there are others who try everything to become pregnant and want children but they cannot. What a world.

24 WEEKS?!!?! Jesus Christ, I'm sorry, but what the Hell man D: That's the 2nd trimester (6 months) already, that's really far in development... wow. I'm just shocked, sorry.

14 Name: Hikari !0UZD1OR/j. : 2016-04-10 19:24 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

>>10 I believe in an ideal world, that women should be allowed to pick what they want to do with their own body and their own child. I rather would have been aborted than having my mother live a life fulled with suffering, it may be because since the abort would be before my I was fully aware and with memories, but thats just my way of thinking

Off topic: I'm usually on the News board tbh, but I left for awhile thanks to testing in my area

15 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-10 19:52 ID:JtIWp3a6 [Del]

>>14 Question is: why would a mother live a life filled with suffering from not aborting (i.e., keeping the child)? Let me hear your opinion on that, before I say anything more.

Also, I'm assuming here, you probably don't work in a field of science so you don't have a good grasp of how research is done, but I guarantee you nothing is certain in science. Science is the least certain profession out there. It's all theories and nothing certain. It's only "correct" so long as it hasn't been disproved.
Having said this, how can we know with certainty that a fetus at 24 weeks, for example, cannot feel pain or have memories formed or etc.?

Off topic: I come and go. Depends how busy my life gets XD

16 Name: Hikari !0UZD1OR/j. : 2016-04-11 16:03 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

>>15 First, I'm not old enough to have a career in any sort of field but as a person who takes many advance courses in science (not in this field we're talking about but still advance)I know and fully understand that nothing is truly certain in science and things change on the daily as we discover more. But what I meant, as you are now, do you honestly have any memories from 24 weeks old? But after doing some minor research they shouldn't be aborted at 24 weeks but much earlier, going off this website (

And to answer your question, yes, giving birth should be the happiest moment of your life, but as I shall always come back to, if I am raped and my rapist impregnates me, I would forever be reminded of that one night, but there is also the thing of having a one night stand with an unknown man, and now you have to live a life of a single mother, with most likely a not so glamour job, I would suffer emotionally and financially, if one wasn't prepared.

OFF TOPIC: I have to check after school and sometimes I get lazy tbh but I have to check our this will disappear into the abyss of the BBS, AHH

17 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-11 21:46 ID:JtIWp3a6 [Del]

>>16 Nah, obviously you can't remember that far back. Hell, I can't remember anything before the age of 5. Memories are a curious thing too, another field in psychology that's really obscure. But yeah, 24 weeks is really late in the term already. I've heard of cases where the child has to be delivered via C-section that early because of complications with the mother or with the baby. And the baby can and does live at that stage, with life support.
If you don't want a child though, most sane women would abort WAY earlier obviously. The 24-week mark, I don't get why it's set, the brain is fully developed after all.

There are quite a few cases where a raped woman keeps the child and the child actually has a very positive psychological effect on her, helps her deal with the trauma she went through. Depends on each woman though. But I wasn't referring to rape. Rape is one thing. Getting pregnant because you decided to have a one night stand is your mistake and because of your mistake a baby has to pay. That's an example of a situation where I don't agree with a woman having an abortion. Rape is one thing, doing that to yourself is another and so the responsibility falls on you. And actually, the man too TBH; it's not just a woman's responsibility - it takes two to make a baby. Men are also to blame just as much as a woman when a woman becomes pregnant.

I think a lot more women who accidentally got pregnant would be more willing to go through delivery if they had proper support. Emotional -- from family or people who can help them; and financial -- from proper government programs and funding.

So one the one hand, governments pay little attention to abortion, but on the other they spend their money on the most useless of things instead of where it matters and where it can make a difference, like towards family-related programs.

Off topic: Yeah, I check every day when I know I'm involved in a longer term discussion (like this one and the other) XD Otherwise, I need a break sometimes haha.

18 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-11 23:31 ID:JtIWp3a6 [Del]

Also, I had a full read through the website you linked. I'll quote one thing that struck me:

"Week 20
The fetus can hear and recognize the mother’s voice."

Memory right there. You might not remember memories from week 20, but auditory memory like this is still memory. Recognition relies on retrieving information stored in long-term memory. You never forget these things, you just can't recall (retrieve) them anymore. But memory is an attribute of any living thing, a conscious and aware one at that. Knowing this, would you still, at this stage of pregnancy anyway, believe the fetus is just a lump of cells with no right in deciding whether it lives or dies? (Rhetorical question here haha)