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North Korea Nuke Threats (11)

1 Name: Jōhō : 2016-04-05 16:19 ID:o1h7Mzkp (Image: 1100x619 jpg, 192 kb) [Del]

src/1459891185916.jpg: 1100x619, 192 kb

As a reaction to North Korea's threat to nuke Washington D.C, Obama is meeting with many Asian leaders. I heard North Korea also threatened to kill more people than the 9-1-1 attacks. Scary, huh~

2 Name: bad goy : 2016-04-05 18:27 ID:xDDa4Gjp [Del]

nothing will come of this

3 Name: ByZi : 2016-04-06 01:14 ID:bEgWhgxQ [Del]

Can U enlighten me what is the 9-1-1 attack plox :D

4 Name: Rider : 2016-04-06 07:52 ID:o3xrAO0l [Del]

Well damn

5 Name: Mako : 2016-04-06 08:32 ID:+9CF8D4s [Del]

Nah, I doubt it will actually happen. The biggest threat to us all right now is probably ISIS, and North Korea leaders are fools if they try to start something with the U.S., because it will not only weaken them but also use a lot of their resources, making hem susceptible to attacks by terrorists. Of course, this is just my opinion, but I don't think North Korea is dumb enough to do that!

6 Name: Kaisuke : 2016-04-06 11:09 ID:8twFuaCK [Del]

>>1 your more in danger from your fellow Americans then you are from North Korea
link to death toll from the 11th of the 9th 2001
- copy and past link -

now deaths from gun crime in the USA from 2001 - 2013
- copy and past link -

North Korea is highly unlikely to use Nuke/s on the USA or any other country for that matter mainly for the fact it really wouldn't be in their best interest, as it would really screw them self's over and turn the whole world against them, this is just another NK tantrum get use to it.

7 Name: Akiabo !4Snw0YzxhI : 2016-04-08 10:11 ID:vB1cuOMR [Del]

Now don't be scared they have been doing this since kim jon ill was still the leader. AND GUESS WHAT? Nothing has happend, Their all bark and no bite.

8 Name: Hikari !0UZD1OR/j. : 2016-04-08 19:11 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

>>^ I think more of the reason why those numbers have gone us it because many different states are legalize people to carry a gun and the police can't question them. I know this recently happened in Texas, and many other states have had it legalize before Texas, but I don't know all what states.

9 Name: Merrex : 2016-04-08 20:38 ID:kP5FPDnP [Del]

Seriously, did all the people in North Korea eat lead paint chips as a kid?

10 Name: Kvothe : 2016-04-09 01:19 ID:MqyTi7+f [Del]

I would assume, similar to the current situation in the US, that the leaders (or potential leaders) of a country are not necessarily representative of the common folk. While Nuke threats are no laughing matter, try to avoid building up a negative mental picture of the country as a whole.

11 Name: Rowanoke : 2016-04-12 13:20 ID:NxmCf8BO [Del]

It's not the first time that North Korea has threatened something like this. They are doing this to try and scare people without really being able to back it up. It's like a bluff. There is no reason to worry if you live in Washington D.C. as North Korea is all talk and no action right now.