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4 year old boy raped his classmate (21)

1 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-27 08:40 ID:8LPiy8r1 [Del]

Take a peek into the abyss, humans. Yes, it's a 4 year old, and yes, it's exactly as the title says. My image of pure innocent children is kinda crumbling right now.

2 Name: Shibuya_KH : 2016-03-27 10:10 ID:hDq+3W1N [Del]

The problem is not him. Well, i know that this boy had raped other boy but the problem here is that he must have seen porn or somethi g related with the topic, because i don't think a little boy can know perfectly what adults do. Sometimes parents don't know what their children do and learn, but is their responsability to control them and try to teach them positive and good things and in my opinion, this time the fault is from his parents.
Kids do what they see

3 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-27 10:15 ID:8LPiy8r1 [Del]

I stand by my statement. My image of pure innocent children is crumbling.
That aside, do 4 year olds even have sexual desires?

4 Name: Aleister Qrowley : 2016-03-27 10:33 ID:jDiIu2lA [Del]

Depends... If the boy grew up from a bad environment from the start, or no one told him of the good and bad things, what to do or not, how to act.. then there is a big possibility.. he/she will act accordingly to what values instilled in him/her.

5 Name: XIII : 2016-03-27 10:36 ID:hDq+3W1N [Del]

Welcome to the Real World

6 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-27 10:39 ID:8LPiy8r1 [Del]

What about biological urges?

7 Name: Mako !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2016-03-27 12:20 ID:F2E+HUid [Del]

Oh my god. This is... This is something else. Four years old... Poor kid. Though, since the other kid was he same age, it makes me wonder why he did that. Maybe he saw it somewhere, maybe four year olds DO have sexual desires... Either way, something had better be done about this.

8 Name: bad goy : 2016-03-27 16:33 ID:xDDa4Gjp (Image: 450x304 jpg, 55 kb) [Del]

src/1459114427100.jpg: 450x304, 55 kb
this is what we get for leaving traditional values

9 Name: Zed : 2016-03-27 17:09 ID:kUSdJvmo [Del]

dont peek at the abyss because it'll stare back at you

10 Name: Bard : 2016-03-27 19:48 ID:SHiPTFwQ [Del]

What the hell is wrong with this planet...

11 Name: Aurelion Sol : 2016-03-27 20:06 ID:do0c9wE+ [Del]

no one knows Bard.... no one knows.

12 Name: TallJean : 2016-03-27 20:10 ID:1oIr6L1c [Del]

Everyone here is saying "wtf is with earth" it's not Society's fault. There's clearly a problem in the accused family environment.

13 Name: Mako !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2016-03-27 20:54 ID:F2E+HUid [Del]

>>12 Well, we don't know that for sure. It's definitely possible and even likely, but not necessarily true. The kid could have picked it up somewhere else.

14 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-27 21:34 ID:8LPiy8r1 [Del]

I think what they're thinking when they say wtf earth is about how the frequency of these incidences are increasing, not limited to just 1 family.
And how useless government support is (but that's normal).

15 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-03-27 22:50 ID:o0RkwE2C [Del]

Its missing family values of the other child. He must've seen it from his brother's or father's, worse they actually let the child watch.

whats enraging in this news is that, “The school tried to brush it under the carpet.” the fuck?

these kind of things needs more attention.

16 Name: 2 : 2016-03-28 23:29 ID:O1ljJ36a [Del]


17 Name: 2 : 2016-03-28 23:30 ID:O1ljJ36a [Del]


18 Name: ari : 2016-03-29 00:30 ID:r3E18zC8 [Del]

this belongs in news.. /saged

19 Post deleted by user.

20 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-29 00:55 ID:PPj/GIRb [Del]

>>18 This is in news...

21 Name: Pancakes : 2016-03-29 07:00 ID:O1ljJ36a [Del]

>>18 lol