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Chess forbidden in Saudi Arabia (12)

1 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-21 09:07 ID:ua6ME0zt [Del]

The grand mufti of Saudi Arabia (can someone tell me what it means?) has declared that chess is henceforth forbidden in Islam as it promotes gambling and is a waste of time. In addition, it causes hatred and enmitty between players (like any other game).

On the other hand, as we all know, it's a good mental stimulus which can release strees and such. What do you all think?

2 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-01-21 19:00 ID:Iywe0jof [Del]

I think it has more to do with where chess comes from. It's history basically. How the Nazi symbol is seen as a form of distress and tyranny you won't see any sensible people using the symbol in any way unless to teach about the horrible history. I don't think the grand mufti explained his reasoning well.

The closest thing I think he's trying to say is there is a line of deception that goes with playing chess. It's not the only form of wasting time and it definitely stimulates your brain. I've only played chess once but it's possible there are people out their who can get negatively influenced at a young age and see many of their life situation as a chess piece, or even see people as chess pieces.They start to think everything is under their control.

Ah and the gambling part. Gambling is a huge, big, fat no-no over there, 100% no no. It's due to the idea that there should not be a reliance on chance for a person's circumstance/favours. Because this 'chance' comes from God and spoiling yourself on this becomes in their opinion, and also mine, immoral. Gambling is addictive as a lot of people know consequently through the belief that you'll "get it next time". And when one doesn't, you keep believing it's the next one again and so on.

hmm the hate part...Possibly because chess is so developed internationally that there is extreme competition, it doesn't become "a game" anymore. Also in life, when the unfortunate ones think that life is like chess and then things don't go their way, they'll start developing some really negative emotions/ attitudes. Trust me it happens to some people >_>..

Well hope that helps you a little Neko ^.^

3 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-21 23:37 ID:ua6ME0zt [Del]

Yep. Thanks.

Although somehow I really doubt the grand mufti even knows the history of chess. And let's face it, anything can be made into gambling so I don't see why they should ban chess, because for gamblers there are always ways to gamble.

4 Name: Lurker !TPWlrPZQIg : 2016-01-22 01:27 ID:c5nfUeFc [Del]

Somebody tell the grand mufti about a village in Kerala, India that decided to stop drinking alcohol altogether and instead play chess. These people were horribly addicted to booze back in the 60's and 70's when they finally felt like enough was enough.

To this day, they don't drink and around 90% of the village population play chess.

5 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-01-22 05:28 ID:Iywe0jof [Del]

>>3 Very true, I'd doubt that the grand mufti would know. But there might have been a table conference or so. Either way I support the *theory* previous nations had of chess. If I'm not wrong, the country which started 'chess' before it was a game was Persia. They used it for war strategy but has now been transformed into a game for the modern ages. I can't say Arabia would be completely oblivious to what chess is, but it was very close to home when it began.

>>4 I kinda wanna know what that means _ but I don't really get it soz...explain a bit more?

6 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-22 05:39 ID:ua6ME0zt [Del]

Oh I'll do that.
Just as gambling is a big nono, booze is just as bad, if not worse, for them. Both drinking and chess is a way to relieve stress, and it doesn't take a genious to know which one's more productive.
So if they ban chess, it's gonna be booze instead? *imagining it*

7 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-01-22 06:27 ID:Iywe0jof [Del]

>>6 pretty good point there lol they'd both be seen 'equally' bad but funnily, alcohol isn't banned. Probably has something to do with tourism.

, That would be hypocrisy I assume..

8 Name: Gadaky : 2016-01-22 07:41 ID:YF4w25xT [Del]

Why chess? .-. Almost all the sportsa nd or games at a certain level became a war of strategies so I Dont really undestand.-.

9 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-22 08:28 ID:ua6ME0zt [Del]

Let's make up some conspiracy theories.
Errr, let's see. Since Islam was an impossibly strict religion with numerous taboos to begin with, it's possible that the leaders deliberately impose strong restrictions on things that may nurture intelligence on political wars and rhetoric (yes, for example, chess).
Furthermore, it also serves as a mean to eliminate recreation, and no recreation = high cognitive load, so the people are too tired to consider anything unnecessary, like, for example, doubting the leaders' words. And now they have a slew of devout followers that follow their every word to the letter.

Was that a good theory?

10 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-01-22 19:34 ID:Iywe0jof [Del]

>>9 Ah..Maybe your theory needs a little more work ^.^'...

11 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-22 22:04 ID:ua6ME0zt [Del]

Why, that's what conspiracy theories are about, my dear.
Your turn.

12 Name: Gadaky : 2016-01-23 04:11 ID:YF4w25xT [Del]

it actually works pretty nicely <.<