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Officials shut down schools in Virginia over a homework assignment (9)

1 Name: Neko : 2015-12-18 07:17 ID:qhXIuq5R [Del]

A parent got outraged after her 9th grader son's geography teacher gave him an assignment on religion diversity around the world and a task to copy a calligraphic example of Shahada, the Islamic statement of faith. Her basis was that there's no God but Jesus, and the teacher's indoctrinating children to Islam.
Seriously, it's just calligraphy.

2 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-12-18 09:40 ID:sxA7ZvVe [Del]

>>1 OMW how dumb is she /facedesk

I have had a school trip to a mosk once in London which was for RE "religious education" it was to give us some more religion diversity and what not, and did that make me want to be a muslim no, but I did respect the place I was in and the people who where going about.

3 Name: Neko : 2015-12-18 10:06 ID:qhXIuq5R [Del]

Someone should mention that what she says is practically the Christian version of that "doctrine"
Almost exactly the same.

4 Name: Kagamin : 2015-12-18 15:51 ID:hGaPpmNw [Del]

As a Christian, I can kind of understand the parent... kind of. Honestly, I would just do the freaking assignment without making a big deal of it. Just because I'm writing it doesn't mean I have to believe it.
Like, I have to write two reports in science, one from a Christian perspective and one from an Evolutionist perspective, and do I sue the science teacher and shut down the school for that? No. It's stupid.

5 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2015-12-19 02:32 ID:4BlwgckZ [Del]

As a muslim, Ashahadah says there is no God but God the father, also I had to do things in our Synergy world Cultures class and shit for christianity, and even memorize parts of Hindu main Theology and recopy it meh it's all good

6 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2015-12-20 20:15 ID:Ak2TEtZU [Del]

Ugh I hate how some people get so worked up over religion I had to do a paper on biblical illusions a while back and my mom completely flipped out saying that school was not supposed to teach religious influence and stuff as if I'm not old to have my own opinion about God and such I mean it was completely just for educational purposes and some people just get so personally offended why can't we all just live and let live?

7 Name: Neko : 2015-12-21 11:24 ID:qhXIuq5R [Del]

And here's an update.

Accusations against the teacher are getting worse and somehow really conflicting with the previous articles I read. Really, people.

8 Name: TheBlue : 2015-12-21 13:49 ID:ZctZAN2V [Del]

I agree with ayumi nakada. Just live and let die. And game over. Dude do what you want don't thinking out the heaven

9 Name: Neko : 2015-12-21 14:53 ID:qhXIuq5R [Del]

Simple answer, actually: habit
Humans like things to stay constant, no matter the environment, so if values and religion are ingrained since you're a kid, you automatically become part of the rigid, inflexible system that teaches those values to the next generations which rejects any kind of change.
Particularly true for monotheistic religion, since they only worship one God.
Well, one of the many theories anyway.