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No More School in America (18)

1 Name: Kaito : 2015-12-17 10:13 ID:N4Y4oM6d [Del]
there might not be school in America after January because of budget.

2 Name: Sisi : 2015-12-31 13:43 ID:wiyVt2CF [Del]

no more school in America! That just sucks people think budget is more importanat than me every children education that isnt right. How thought of this no more school in America thing? I dont want to lose my education because of budget cuts.

3 Name: Usagi : 2015-12-31 19:26 ID:o/zMyDOv [Del]

It's because theyre withholding federal founding because so many kids are opting out the common core testng.

4 Name: Kagamin : 2015-12-31 22:55 ID:hGaPpmNw [Del]

What a time to be homeschooled in. xD

5 Name: Mari Posa : 2016-01-01 11:28 ID:/ls+T2do [Del]

I feel bad for them there in Philly but I also think my school kinda

6 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-01-01 19:45 ID:Tog6i9Os [Del]

I think with the way the world is progressing, everythings gonna be online. Online school :O, cuz think about it, everything is available right there! interactive this interactive that.

7 Name: Okami Chan : 2016-01-02 06:08 ID:4A8ridb9 [Del]

Cries, I got excited because I saw that it said no more school in America but it's only in Philly, and I love no where near that lol

8 Name: Grams : 2016-01-02 20:03 ID:Ow4r+kcd [Del]

What a ridiculous concept for a state to close schools due to a lack of funding. I don't live in the USA so don't know how funding works there but frankly I can think of little more important then the education system.

9 Name: Neko : 2016-01-03 15:06 ID:Da9gg3of [Del]

Quoting from the anime The Perfect Insider: physically meeting people might become a luxury in the future.
Guess it's spot on.

10 Name: Matsuyoma !NQnBqyrhIU : 2016-01-04 09:12 ID:8OILIxlD [Del]

Perfect reference to a near perfect anime.

*slow clap*

11 Name: Neko : 2016-01-04 10:26 ID:D6z8L1TL [Del]

I Like men

12 Name: Student(ID) : 2016-01-05 01:26 ID:DICOe3z8 [Del]

Neko Is HOMO!?

13 Name: Ness !NESS3knEx6 : 2016-01-05 16:57 ID:XatMunOw [Del]

>>12 It's sopmeone using Neko's name, look at the id's, but still. Not a thing either way.

14 Name: Usagi : 2016-01-05 21:14 ID:o/zMyDOv [Del]

There's only two solutions
1) Change schools into private schools
2) or you can start your own schools

15 Name: Skystrike12 : 2016-01-05 21:30 ID:CcE3fJ+u [Del]

Don't tell me it's going to turn into another Detroit....

16 Name: Shadow3663 : 2016-01-08 20:56 ID:/Km57+0R [Del]

HAHA LOL oh my god... the us is more fuvked then i thought... and i live in it lol.
not to say i havent even heard of this but still if it happens i think phily will become a ghost state.. nobody will bethere... or atleastly nobody that wants an education. maybe an american amsterdam?

17 Name: Kirito : 2016-01-11 08:05 ID:MBIOL0gx [Del]

Actually it only in Philadelphia. try reading the articles before posting

18 Name: Lurker !TPWlrPZQIg : 2016-01-11 10:08 ID:c5nfUeFc [Del]

Yeah, I must've missed the memo where America became the United States of Philadelphia.