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Sharing opinions (6)

1 Name: Iyedteg69 : 2015-12-16 08:12 ID:AiqfnyV3 [Del]

Hey guys what are your opinions about what's going on here, for example terrorism and refugee stuff?

2 Name: Neko : 2015-12-16 10:04 ID:qhXIuq5R [Del]

Random board might be better for this.
Also since people are soooooo sensitive these days, I doubt there would be lots of honest opinions.

/sad sage

3 Name: Amerest_Dream : 2015-12-17 18:26 ID:m9eEHqLP [Del]

I've never paid much attention. I"m pretty young and only recently have i taken a interest in the news, but i was very surprise to see what happens out of my own little world. I've read about such things in books and heard about them in history but it's much more serious in world today than i ever thought it was. to answer your question; I don't like it. not at all.

4 Name: Odm : 2015-12-18 01:34 ID:FJx365wT [Del]

I hear bits and things on the news and its been like that for a couple of years. I don't like it either. It makes me think that kids growing up are gonna have to face harsh realities too soon. Like prejudice and killings, that kind of stuff. That's just what I think though.

5 Name: Neko : 2015-12-18 04:26 ID:qhXIuq5R [Del]

It's been around forever. The only reason it becomes a problem now is that because everyone rejects the ugly sides of humanities by covering them up and using justifications.
Prejudice always exist regardess of time and place, but the act of denying it exists and the reasons for prejudice itself is what makes it bothersome.

..I sound like an old man. Oh well.

6 Name: Odm : 2015-12-18 17:02 ID:iXwucZGZ [Del]

Oh I just re-read what I wrote. Yeah prejudice and so on have been around forever. I meant to refer how for the last couple years I've seen bits of news happening around the world. Haha my bad.